Friday, August 23, 2024

Letchworth DAY


I'm going to Letchworth today so ... sorry I won't be here. I guess I'm going to miss a BIG DAY with Molly vs Krissy and LUCKY!! I'm also busy all weekend because it's the Music Fest here. I hope I find time to squeeze Sunday Surgery in!! I've been really liking the show (sans the stupid filler stuff)-- and am sad to miss today. 

PS: Fun Fact-- this location was used on both OLTL and GH.  Tina going over the falls there and then Luke and Laura's return in 1993. 


  1. ---I just can't figure out where they are going with Lois, Deception, etc......don't care, but not sure WHERE this is going. LOTSA screen time on Deception this week - now I DO realize they are NOW trying to sell that merchandise? Maybe that is why????? Even wondered if an old guy/boyfriend sees her on TV????? Rena Sofer is too good of an actress to be just practicing how she talks.....
    ------When Kristina screamed she wasn't going to give up the baby, I did NOT have that on my BINGO card------------------great great scenes between Molly and Kristina......even TJ checking on her was sweet
    -------now I am done with Kristina -
    -------I thought Jordan's reaction to Ric's being a loser seemed odd andd out of she was looking for a reason to be against Molly's family??? Liz can certainly tell Jordan ALL about Ric Lansing!!!
    ----by the way I know it's me but Ric moving Molly's hair outta the way and praising her was creepy.
    ----still wish they would show Lulu's new face - so 3 years in a coma, and Maxie says she has been to NYC once a week visiting her was a bit much....
    ------so we ALL know Lucky is gonna escape and come back to save Lulu, but I REALLY hope it's a great storyline as to why he has been captive...
    --------wonder where Olivia has been? So Holly comes back - maybe Ethan too? all relate to Lucky/Lulu or Lucky is captive cause of Holly???
    ------ROBERT ON MONDAY WOOHOO - and talking WSB stuff !!!

  2. Wow Karen, that place is spectacular! Enjoy.
    Aside from a few issues this was a good week. It's been a long time since I've felt that.
    Molly was on today. Those scenes were great. Kristina's actions and attitude are unforgiveable. At least for now. Plus TJ is back. I agree about Ric being a bit creepy with Molly.
    Lucky's situation is used often on GH when someone's been mysteriously gone for a long time. Last time we saw this cell was when Drew was in it.
    Liz never, ever mentioned Finn since she walked out on him and his problem.

  3. The burial: This was beautiful! Great scene! Molly telling off Krissy about the paperwork so she could steal her baby. Alexis defending Krissy. Molly telling off her mother! GO MOLLY GO MOLLY! :D Krissy admitting she was going to take the baby! Krissy sobbing on the ground while Molly has flashbacks of them talking about the surrogate from beginning to end. Then Tolly leave. TempSam and Ric gave each other a look! Not sure what that meant. Oh and by the way, forgot to mention yesterday, that it's good seeing Lindsay Hartley again! :)

    Home and hearth:

    Haven, caller, and Lois: Damn that caller is so damn rude and offensive. I am so glad Haven stuck up for Lois! :)

    Haven: Did you have a bad experience with someone in that lovely burrow brooklyn? Or are you just having a bad day?

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but Tracy wins it.

    Haven, Tracy, Lois, and Brooky:

    Tracy: We don't need to inflate Lois's ego any further than it already is.

    ROFL! And then Lois tried to get rid of her accent, then said forget it. Yeah Lois.. Forget it! You don't need to get rid of your accent! What is with her insecurities all of a sudden? Oh and I forgot to mention Debbie Matenopoulos! She was great! I always loved her. She was always great on the view!

    Dante and Maxie:

    Purtis home:

    Tolly: Awwww she apologizes to TJ on how she acted at the funeral. He says there is nothing to forgive! Awwwwwwwww! Great scene!

    TJ and Jordan: TJ tells his mama about Krissy and wanting to take the baby from them! I'm glad he told her!!!

    Mr. Hat man and Stella: They going together to get the food. He wants to help. They should kiss. :)

    Jordan and Purtis: Portia wants to know about Ric! ROFL! She felt the tension. Jordan does the best she can about Ric! Hahahaha.

    Jordan and Curtis: Jordan tells Curtis about what TJ told her. About Krissy taking that baby! Yes Jordan. The fight of their life if they thought to take that baby away from you! YES!

    Ric and Purtis: OH! Purtis meets Ric. Finding Ric attractive Portia? :)

    Ric and Molly: Awww great scene! Molly knows what Alexis is going to do. Get her to forgive her sister. Yeah I don't see how when Krissy was going to take that baby away from Tolly!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy:

    Krissy: My baby is dead and my sister is blaming me.

    Stop it Krissy! Stop it! You wanted to take that baby away from her!

    Alexis: You're sister is in pain too.

    ALEXIS YOU STOP IT TOO! Krissy was going to take that baby away from Molly!!!!!

    Krissy: None of that excuses Molly's behavior.

    None of it excuses YOUR behavior Krissy!!! Oh great! Now Alexis is talking about her sister! UGH! I feel like I am being manipulated.

    Police station:

    Dante and Chase: Dante is having a lot of feelings over Lulu and her coma. Chase is being there for him. :) What happened to Chase's hand?

    The hospital:

    Liz and Lulu: OH! Lulu's fingernails are looking so good after being in a coma for years.

    Lulu and Laura: Hmmmm. Talking about Lucky!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Maxie and Lulu: Maxie putting nail polish on Lulu's nails. Oh is that why her nails are looking good? :)

    Prison room: FEET!!!!!!!!! :) Lucky is that you? YES IT IS!!! YAY! Johnathan Jackson lookin good. :)


    Flashback Friday: *Jumped into my time machine to go to March 31st, 2003* Ned and Sonny fight!

  4. I commented right after the show but my comments disappeared. Can''t rewrite them all now but I think maybe someone is holding Lucky like they did jason and conditioned him by threatening Lulu. I think maybe she's being kept in the comma and they want Lucky to do something for them before they free her.

    1. Di it has happened to me, but I got it back in my email. Have you checked your email?

    2. I don't have them e-mailed to me.

  5. Totally loved the graveside confrontation between Molly and Kristina. IMO, the best stuff on "GH" in months.

  6. Maybe Valentin should be helping Lucky or something. JJ is looking a bit scraggly


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...