Monday, August 12, 2024

Hong Kong


Is it MONDAY already? It is MID-AUGUST ALREADY? Just flying by!! Of course, in PC the only way I know it's summer is that the pool is open lol. 

TJ and Jordan are in the cemetery picking out a gravesite. He's upset because Molly is MIA.  Molly does show up but he's angry with her. Jordan leaves. He says he's grieving alone. They HAVE TO get a gravesite.. a headstone, coffin, service... yada yada and NAME HER. He needs his church service and minister and gravestone. She says she needs to make sure Ava pays to the fullest extent of the law. 

Blaze is in the hospital all mad that she hasn't been able to see Krissy and "She's her partner"!!! Brook tells her there's a big tour that wants her but she has to leave for Hong Kong tonight. Blaze tells Brook to say no. Then Mama LaRue runs in and is SO HAPPY Blaze is going and has the luggage packed yada yada. Blaze went to see Kristina so Brook has to tell her the bad news. 

Willow goes to visit Kristina. Kristina doesn't want to sleep because she dreams of her daughter. They talk (a lot) about losing a baby. A LOT. She leaves. Blaze comes in. Doesn't go well at all. She tries to talk to Krissy and she's not having it. Finally, Kristina tells her she's tired.  Then, Mama LARUE barges in and tells Kristina about the tour and begs her to let Alison go. 

Blaze comes back in and Kristina tells her she knows about the tour and she should go. 

LaRue then finds Brook at the Metro Bar and says not to call the tour people yet. 

Maxie visits Nina and realizes she set up wine for Drew. Maxie's like: Um... what? THEN OMG Nina tells her Willow and Drew kissed. She's going to give Drew a 'distraction" so he stops thinking about Willow and thinks about HER! ahahhaa. Maxie is like: Ok, you're adults! BUT she says that if Willow finds out, she'll be angry. Drew comes and Maxie leaves. Nina and Drew make out on the couch. 

Brennan ordered wine and Carly drops it off. He wants her to have a glass with him. Oh! He ordered dinner for them too. Chem test to the max. Anna knocks on the door and wonders what's happening. She got a text that upset her and ran from the Metro restaurant to his room. Jack has a posting in Port Charles for a WSB Field Office. Anna's pissed. Carly's like: I'm outta here. Anna wants to know what he's up to. He says nothing. This is a demotion for him but he's happy to be in Port Charles. 

Carly tells Felicia about Anna talking to Brennan and that he's staying in Port Charles. 

Willow wants to come back to GH as a nurse. She talks to Liz about it but it's really so she doesn't have to be around Drew a the charity. 

Molly wants revenge on Ava but finally hugs TJ and says that that plot is a nice place for their daughter. 

Anna figures out it was Brennan that erased the Carly RICO tape


  1. (KNOW it's TV but)
    -----When is TJ going to mention and/or even visit Kristina? In fairness to Kristina, they are doing all of this without a mention of Kristina.
    -----Brennan is there for Carly (which is fine) but WHO has the upper hand? Police Commissioner? WSB Brennan??? Does Brennan hate Sonny? Can Brennan arrest JohnJag? Rumors are everywhere that JohnJag arrests Spinelli and Sam....Who has the most power?
    ----Willow IS THE MOST WHINY character --------------she is so annoying. and Liz - you just say 'welcome back' after a few weeks - no interview - Willow hasn't even told Michael.....sigh..
    ------Nina's black top last week was nowhere NEAR so low cut......just sayin...
    ---Nina can't keep a secret------unless like was pointed out - it was NIXON FALLS- at some point Maxie is gonna tell Sasha who already knows.
    ---I was mad the BLAZE was leaving and we are stuck with Natalia - but in the previews, Blaze must be firing her mom so maybe Blaze isn't leaving..............but no way Blaze and Kristina can ever work...just Natalia, go away.
    ---sounds like I didn't like the show, but the hour went fast......for ME Willow was the worst part of the day...

    1. "and Liz - you just say 'welcome back' after a few weeks - no interview"

      Does she need an interview when she already worked there? Hmmmm.

      "Nina's black top last week was nowhere NEAR so low cut......just sayin..."

      Uh huh I know. :) She is trying to seduce him. :)

  2. Willow went to nursing school for at least a week to become a nurse for a few weeks when she decided to become a spokesperson for bone marrow transplants. After a few weeks she decides to be a nurse again. Of course it's about Drew but more about the writers, whoever they may be at any given moment, changing their minds.
    Natalia and Blaze will not be missed one single bit.
    WSB field office in little old Port Charles. Hilarious.
    Next up...Kristina will want to name her baby.

  3. I thought that Willow was a school teacher. How does that experience/education result in a job as a nurse? Just don't get this show!

    1. She's had more occupations at 30 than most people their whole lives and in reord time:
      First a Teacher - no wait I will be a nurse --- no wait I will be a spokesperson cause I wanna be with my family - no wait I wanna go back to being a nurse -----

  4. The hospital:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Oh just jump each others bones already!

    Willow and Krissy: Great scene. Very sad. :(

    Willow and Liz: Oh Willow! You can try to stay away from Drew aka Ryan Lavery, but it won't work!! It's inevitable.

    Brooky and Blaze: A tour now?! Very bad timing! Miguel Morez?! Really? That's a blast from the past! :)

    Brooky and Mami Natalia: Oh Brooky you have a big mouth.

    Mami Natalia and Krissy: Oh so Mami Natalia is able to go visit Krissy, but Blaze had a hard time going to see her? Dumb. Mami Natalia begging Krissy to let Blaze go on tour was also dumb.

    Kraze: Dumb dumb dumb.

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Maxie: Maxie looks great!!! Love her jacket and her hair. Nina's chesticals are heaving for Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: Oh I hope to forget this conversation as soon as I leave here.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Maxie was great today. :) Oh and Nina no matter what you do, Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow will happen.

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Nina's chesticals are really trying to get out of Nina's shirt! Oh they are a kissin! How long will they have zex this time? 2 and a half hours? :)

    Metrocourt resturant:

    Carly and Trish: I thought at first the person who rejected the wine, was Ric hahaha!

    Anna and Felicia: Uh okay. Anna you couldn't just tell Felicia where you were going? So dumb.

    Brennan's hotel room:

    Brennan and Carly: I'm calling them Crennan! :) I like their scene. :) He is so charming! :)

    Anna, Brennan, and Carly: Uh I'm not sure why Anna is so angry. Carly must have been so bored hahahaha!

    The cemetery:

    TJ and Jordan: It looked like a children cemetery. It was so sad. :(

    Tolly: This made me cry! So sad!!! :( He has every right to have what he wants for their child. She is avoiding because it hurts too much.. And geez everyone wants revenge on Ava!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Felicia and Carly: Uh yeah come on writers! Why have Carly tell Felicia about where Anna is. So dumb.

    Brooky and Mama Natalia: Mama Natalia thinks she is getting what she wants. Well, Blaze is NOT a child.

    Preview: Hmmm wonder who Blaze is firing. I'm thinking here Mami, but isn't she already fired?

    1. Sonya said: "It looked like a children cemetery."

      There is a cemetery in Huntsville, Alabama that has an area with a children's playground. It is called Dead Children Playground because it is said to be haunted by the children who died during the 1918 pandemic. People have reported seeing the swings move on there own. Can you tell I like ghost stories ?👻😊

    2. "Gary says, There is a cemetery in Huntsville, Alabama that has an area with a children's playground. It is called Dead Children Playground because it is said to be haunted by the children who died during the 1918 pandemic. People have reported seeing the swings move on there own."

      Oh geez! I haven't heard about that. Yikes. I will stay away then!"

      "Can you tell I like ghost stories ?👻😊

      Hahahahaha! Yes I see. ROFL! Have you been there?

    3. Sonya, no I never made it there. I did get a b/w photo of a soldier standing at attention during a ghost hunt at Sach's Bridge just outside of Gettysburg a few years ago. I'm retired military, so I know what standing at attention looks like.

  5. I love Brennan, the actor is great and has chem with everyone but I will forever think it's a missed opportunity not to have cast him as Jerry Jax... he woulda been perfect.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...