Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy 45th To One Life To Live!!

OLTL was always the show I watched before  GH came on.  It grew on me over the years. I do remember being in crush with Brad--and I so wanted to BE Jenny!! Of course, Judith Light was always a revelation. Some of my fave memories below:

Karen on the witness stand. I mean..epic--and if you were fortunate to see it LIVE when it aired? Hell.
Nothing to compare. Nothing. 

Tina interrupts Cord's wedding to Kate. Ooooooooooooooo.  I SO Remember this like it was yesterday!! I had NO clue it was going to happen and BOOM!! Heart Stopping. 

Marty's rape scenes. SO SO Powerful. Totally from the pages of Jody Foster's movie "The Accused" and very timely with frats going wild. I can't tell you how powerful her acting was. The camera didn't shy away from some of the worst parts either. Roger H was masterful-- and chilling.

1988...OLTL revists the Old West. I loved it. Everyone in the cast got into it..and it was grand. Never saw anything like it on soaps before (Or since, really--other than OLTLs fun time travels!!)
This love story.  It was PITCH PERFECT in it's build and execution.  Slow..steady, a bit Kate Hepburn/Spencer Tracy -ish and just a joy to watch. Their love of eating was also refreshing!!

Vicki, Niki... When it first happened, it hadn't been done to death, so it was very new and really cool to watch. Of Course ES was magnificent in the role.

Nash as a corpse. AHHHHHHHHHHHH scared the hell out of me!! Awesome!! It was really done well.

Kish wedding...epic in so many ways and joyful. I really loved this story and the fact that they got hitched

Cried, cried cried cried...and he didn't come  back-- he was gone.

There are more but these are the things that stand out to me. REMEMBER That OLTL will air on OWN today 1pm/est!!



  1. OK, in the first picture, the guy looked like "Howie" from GH--he was on back in the day. In the third pic, the guy looks like Chad Duell.

  2. Karen, I, too, loved Kish but sorry to tell you they didn't get hitched. Kyle was going to marry Nick as part of the mass (symbolic) gay wedding at which Dorian officiated, but after seeing Oliver publicly admit to being gay right before the ceremony, he stopped the ceremony at the last moment and instead admitted that he loved Oliver. The screencap shows them kissing right after that. They then became a couple but didn't marry.

  3. Here's a little OLTL/GH crossover nostalgia: Gerald Anthony as Marco Dane (Judith Light mentions him in the epic Karen on the stand clip you posted above). This guy was GOLD in every scene, a character you never really were sure what his motivations truly were. Nominated for best supporting actors Emmys for OLTL and GH, he won for his time on GH which I think had him having a romance with Tracey Q and managing Jagger's boxing career.

  4. Actually it airs at 2 against GH on the east coast.

  5. REALLY.
    I thought they married!!? wow. whoops

  6. Yes, Gerald Anthony was great. Loved him on GH. Sadly, he committed suicide.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...