Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Goodbye to Drew

Yeah, I remember the good times baby now, and the bad times too
These last few weeks of holdin' on, The days are dull, the nights are long
Guess it's better to say
Goodbye to Drew
Goodbye to Drew
Goodbye to Drew
Goodbye to Drew

(With apologies to Scandal and Patty Smyth)

We will be saying goodbye to Billy Miller in August. But the bigger question remains... what will become of Drew Cain? Being that this is a soap, the possibilities are endless. In addition to your daily comment about today's show (this is the Wednesday blog by the way, if you haven't figured that out) I welcome you to speculate how you think Drew will be written off the canvas. Here are some suggestions to get you started, along with MY prediction at the end. 

Kill him off. Preferably in a standoff with Shiloh that will take Shiloh off canvas as well

Open ended leave. He is just never talked about or mentioned again.
Some people call the this "Anne Logan Syndrome"

Have him walk into the elevators at Crimson,
the doors shut and we never hear from him again. 
Some people call this the "Ric Lansing Syndrome" 

Have him walk into the elevators at Crimson, but the elevator is broke
and he falls down the empty shaft (where have I heard this before)

Recast the character -- and feel free to give some ideas of who you'd like! 

Recast the character with Jason Thompson (oh wait...)

Have him rekindle with Kim and they both leave the canvas 
to go and have little Oscars together.


Drew decides to get his memories back after all. (I dont understand how a flash drive is uploaded to someone's brain, but then again, you can create a weather machine using a diamond, so go figure.) He gets his memory back and says "I remember" and then leaves the set and runs through various Port Charles sets and enters the Abbott house on Young and the Restless and it turns out that all the memories that Drew had in the flash drive were memories of him as the real Billy Abbott.

Karen is off today, hope you enjoyed this blog-- and please participate. It's always great when a convo is started about the show. Even if it's a sad one when a popular actor leaves. 


  1. I'd honestly like to see him killed off, I think it would be the final slap in the face to Billy Miller to see another actor get the storylines that were never given to him a 3x Emmy Winner

    1. I can go either way. They wont be holding the spot open for Billy, so whether he lives or dies, I dont think its going to make a huge deal on the canvas. I dont think they will recast him. I think he will drift off into the sunset. ALthough the character was pivotal and had a strong family base, they really didnt expand on his backstory the way they could/should have

  2. Hope he's not killed the actor and character. Maybe he and Kim can reconcile and leave together. Sure she's with "Charlie" but with Drew leaving and Oscar gone what is she to do?

    1. I think this is a sure bet. Kim never caught on either. I know she used to be Carly, and argubly, she is a good actress, but the character of Kim really had no grounding or structure. She was just.... there.

  3. hope he takes scout with him. sam has zero interest in her kids

    1. Apparently since she had Danny yesterday and no mention of Scout and she was no where to be found...and she obviously wasn't with Drew cause he was at work.

    2. I know, right? We are just starting to FINALLY see Liz be a parent, and I think that is because they SORAS her kids a little. Parents on GH just are not really parents IRL.

  4. Good job Dave! I hope they don't kill him off because everyone comes back, LOL. He is too good an actor to be recast. I do hope he takes Kim with him.

  5. I agree with Dave! Don't kill him off, but please send Kim along with him.

    1. i think the WORST thing that can happen is that Drew leaves the canvas WITHOUT getting his memories back. Unless they are holding that storyline open for

      1) recast
      2) new writer

      Which is very plausible.

  6. Someone earlier, maybe Karen, had mentioned that maybe Drew could get back his former face, and then SB could play both parts!

    1. That was me! I was just about to suggest that again. Since they love SB so much this is totally possible!

    2. Do we think SB needs to be in even more into SLs? And I feel like that might be another slap in BMs face. Jmo

    3. please no more SB. he already hogs the screen

    4. yes. that is exactly what we all need. MORE SB.

  7. On a different topic, do we REALLY need Cassandra Pierce back? Lordy.........

    1. Who? Oh yeah... the lady in the limo with the guy wearing the Cassadine Ring. How can I forget. It is not like they dropped the ball on that one. My thoughts on Cassie (my name for her...) will be below.

    2. "My thoughts on Cassie (my name for her...) will be below."

      Hahahaha. I have always called her Cassie. :)

  8. Why do they bring back characters that no one liked or cared about? And get rid of actors who are liked...ex: Billy Miller, Rebecca Budig, Genie Francis among others.
    I don't like where GH is going especially after today's show. Shank has no money or contacts so here is Dr. Cabot all ready to play the memory game...again. It was boring the first time around and was the start of the end for Billy Miller.
    Best scene of today's show was Diane and Alexis! Love them both.

    1. Ok. I need to be PC here so I will. A lot of times in life, we dont always get what we want. (oh, even I cant pull that off...)

      the bottom line is that there are things that happen behind the scenes that we dont know about. sure, we blame the writers. and producers. and craft services. But a lot of times, the writers dont make the decisions we think they do. They come up with a fantastic storyline and TPTB shoots them down. Ultimately, we blame the writers because we feel that they are in charge since they write the show, but that is not true.

      Lets take Cassie. I dont even remember what she looks like. I know she is a cassadine. so she is related to helena. i can care less if she comes back. apparently, so could you. and you. and you. and maybe the writers DONT want her back either. But someone wearing a suit sitting on the top floor of the ABC building has a relative who is friends with a cousin of the actress playing Cassie. Therefore, she is written into the show. Again.

      this is how it works people. No one ever said life was fair.

    2. Soo good Zazu! And so believable! I wonder what will happen in that elevator after Alexis had that conversation! When they got in the elevator and started chatting I was she thinking of pulling the stop button?! Lol!

    3. "Delcodave says sure, we blame the writers. and producers. and craft services."

      The craft services? ROFL! Damn those pound cakes!!! :)

    4. DelcoDave says, Lets take Cassie. I know she is a cassadine. so she is related to helena.

      Wait! She is?!!??!??!!!?!!! :0

    5. shows how much I pay attention to this character :)

  9. I'm going to do something different and respond to everyoine's post. First, i am bored out of my mind at work. I have an hour left and am caught up and dont feel like diving into a new project. Second? No second. I just never did this. So, wish me luck

    1. "Delcodave says Second? No second. I just never did this. So, wish me luck"


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dave, I LOVE your prediction!
    I will truly miss Billy Miller and wish him much success in the future. He was not used properly and it is a shame. With a better story line he would have been fabulous.
    I detest Shiloh; I love the actor.

    1. I used to watch him on Y&R when Genie and Tristan were married on that show. Yes, there you go. A little nugget for today. Laura and Robert were husband and wife on Y&R. Billy rocked everything. They gave him so much to work with and he deserved his emmys. I was so excited when he came here, knowing what he brought to the table. Sadly...

  12. I wonder if he'll disappear and we will wonder if Shiloh did anything to him?? Anyway, thanks for the post DAVE!! I heard yesterday's show was a good one.. not sure about today's. I hope I can catch up soon. Feels like a Friday to me, not a Wed. That's for sure.

    1. im sure you will catch up with a spectacular sunday surgery on.... sunday

  13. What is my prediction on how Drew leaves?

    King Mufasa has Drew kidnapped, and forces the memories in his mind, and then Drew's mind can't handle it, and he dies.

    Drew's office:

    Drew, Jasam, and Curtis: Glad they are all figuring things out that King Mufasa had the memory file taken!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane and Alexis: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: My name is Deborah and I'm an alien from Saturn.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! :) Come on Diane stop being distracted over Dr. Neil!!! I think Diane hasn't gotten any. Where is Max? I love how Diane asked how long has it been since Alexis had sex.. :) The last time was with Finchy!! Oh wait then there was that dream that she had with Julian.. Alexis says that counts! HAHAHAHA. Diane when was the last time YOU had sex? I mean you are drooling all over Dr. Neil! When Sonny showed up to sit at Dr. Neil's table, the look of confusion on Diane's face! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Sonny and Dr. Neil: Okay I'm confused. What was the point of Sonny talking to Dr. Neil about his daughter? HUH?!


    Dr. Neil and Alexis: I knew when he kept pressing the buttons that the elevator would get stuck. Glad Hiney wasn't there.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Dr. Cabot and King Mufasa: DR. CABOT!!!! :0 I was thinking okay so King Mufasa wants the doctor to kidnap Drew and put the memories in Drew! But then I'm thinking no no he wants the doctor to put the memories in him! I mean King Mufasa really wants that memory that Drew has. BUT NO!!!! He wants the doctor to put the memories in Jason!!!!! Wait why? It's better if King Mufasa has it or Drew.

    RayRay and Jax: Hmmm. What the heck are they trying to find at Wyndemere?

    Puerto Rico: I'm thinking who the heck is in Puerto Rico? Oh no! Michael and Sasha! UGH!

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sasha and Cassandra: WELCOME BACK JESSICA TUCK! :) Oh come on! Don't hide your face while talking to Sasha! I know it's you Cassie! I can recognize your voice. So dumb.

    Michael, Sasha, and Cassandra: Cassie has the gun at the ready!!!!! So Cassie who kidnapped you?

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Hiney: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Maxie is so funny on the phone. She is so angry and then she is all friendly. Hahaha.


    Valenina and Finchy: Well glad Finchy warned them about Cassie. Man the way RayRay is looking at Finchy, she still loves him!!!

    Valenina, RayRay, and Finchy: Oops Finchy stuck. Well you can join dinner!!!! V.C. pours truth serum in the drinks!! I really really hope that Nina is the one who accidentally drinks the truth serum! That would be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :) RayRay goes to find the secret thing that she and Jax want to find. Oh oh who did she run into? Is it Dr. O? :)

    1. WHY would they want to put the memories into Jason? And WHERE is Skank getting the resources to fund the research, he said he would provide whatever the dr. needs.

  14. If Shiloh puts the memories in Jason maybe we'll get more scenes from him where he is social and interactive with others. No more Stone Cold. ...or hit man. I stioll think it will be Franco though because he can be more easily manipulated. (And since they want him front and centre and not any oldd GH actors, this will give him an interesting storyline and a chance to do more than roll his eyes and eat. No clown in Drew!

    I skipped over drunk Lulu scenes. Don't watch drunk storylines. Nothing funny there in my world.

  15. I agree Di with your comments. I don't get thrills from watching Franco eat, too. Really ready for Shiloh to go, too, but the actor has been so good. Lulu in any scene is hard to watch.

  16. I don't get thrills watching him eat, either, but I'm glad that SOMEONE is eating the food on the set, it always bothers me when folks order and then have their conversation and leave, and NOTHING gets eaten!

  17. Yeah, at least we get real food, too! Their fruit salads always look good, but of course CA has great produce. And they are actually putting a beverage in their drinks.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...