Monday, July 15, 2019

From Ithaca to Port Charles

Finn and Alexis. She's coming out of AA meeting..he missed it. She asks if he wants to talk about Hayden. He says yes. Yeah! Love this friendship.  He says she came back after he'd moved on. She's a reminder of his failure. Alexis says she feels that when she sees Ned...and Sonny..and Ric and.. Julian LOL. Finn's saying he moved on but Anna's MIA. 

Ava and Jules.. he says he's proud of her for moving on. Ava gets a call from Sibley. Kristina overhears and gets a weird look on her face.  When Ava gets off the phone, she asks Krissy what is up. Krissy loves Sibley Gamble who "helped solve a murder in Rochester" (WHOO HOO) ..Julian over hears and is like WTH are you doing Ava?? A psychic??  She says to shut up --HIS kids are alive.  She "felt" Kiki when she was with Sibley. He thinks she's just trying to take her money.  Ava tells him to buzz off. She leaves. 
Alexis comes in.. of course she does. She and Jules banter and they have a "truce".  She tells Kristina and he that Shiloh was arrested and it's "over". (yeah, we know it's not over over) LOL. 

Dev at the Metro. Laura takes a call, walks away from the table. Dev sees her purse and knocks it on the floor. Jason steps in. He asks Carly what she thinks of him. She says he saved Sonny's life an Sonny really wants to mentor him so they should let him. 

Then, Laura and Hayden sit down ..Laura shows her a pic of Spencer and Hayden says how old he looks. They mention Nikolas. They talk about Spencer doing better but Valetin taking the family home. Weird they didn't say because he MURDERED HIS FATHER--but.. ??  SO, Hayden talks about almost taking the money from GH but Laura points out she put it back. She mentions how dark Nikolas was 'at the end' and she thinks he would have redeemed himself. Ava walks by and says "If he'd lived long enough". Ava asks Laura if she ever thinks she can 'talk" to Nikolas. Laura says 'he's always in her heart". 

Lulu and Sonny . She wants Dante home..he's missing everything. She wants Sonny to find him.  She just tells him how much she misses him.. and he had scars all over his back.  Sonny didn't know. She tells him about the torture BUT STILL WANTS HIM BACK so she can be "whole". UGHHHH. LULU. 

So, Maxie goes in and the shot rings out and PETER IS HIT!! YESSSS!! In the shoulder (damn it ) LOL but he's hit!! It's a Through and Through wound so he has to go to a civilian hospital. Maxie says it has to be GH!!  They get there in about 3 seconds. He's in the ER (empty lol) and won't need surgery. Finn sees Maxie looking at her bloody hands.  She tells Finn that Dante shot Peter and it's her fault because she insisted on seeing him. Dante was the one that shot Peter. "What is wrong with me"?? "Why don't I ever learn"?? 
Peter is going to be fine.
Lulu hears about it, runs in... Maxie has to tell her that Dante shot Peter lol. 


  1. Ithaca headquarters:

    Hiney and Maxie: Dante shoots Hiney! BAHAHAHAHA! Maxie wins the line of the day! Actually, line of the WEEK!! Cus I don't think anybody can beat what she said!

    Maxie: Are you alright? Are you in a lot of pain?

    BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! I was laughing so hard I was crying! This was hysterical! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Finchy:

    Maxie: What is wrong with me? Why don't I ever learn?

    Oh Maxie forget the past. Learn from THIS experience!!!

    Alexis and Finchy: Awwwww friendship.. :) Love their friendship! :)

    Maxie and Lulu:

    "Karen says, Maxie has to tell her that Dante shot Peter lol."


    Hiney's room:

    Maxie and Hiney: I can't even look at them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura and RayRay: Oh Spencer talk!!! Back in school? Awwwww. :( He should be going to school in Port Chuckles!!! I love how they talked about how Spencer's voice changed. :)

    Turkey boy and Jason: Oh oh! Turkey boy is tempted to steal!!!! Jason is protecting him. Awwwww. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Alexis and Julian: Love the truce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Love the banter!!!!

    Ava and Julian: Awww I love Sibley!!!

    "Karen says, When Ava gets off the phone, she asks Krissy what is up. Krissy loves Sibley Gamble who "helped solve a murder in Rochester" (WHOO HOO)"

    WOOT WOOT!!! :) Unless Krissy meant Rochester Minnesota. :( I hope not.

    Sonny's office:

    Lulu and Sonny: Oh Lulu!!! Stop whining, and just divorce Dante!!! Nobody can make you feel whole but yourself!!!! Snap out of it.

  2. I bet Lulu slaps Maxie! She should've taken her and not PLP.

    1. Yeah, but then Lulu might have been shot! ROFL!

    2. Maybe then she'd shut up. Haha ok. 😂

  3. That WSB woman, doesn't she look just like Jordan?

  4. I actually liked the scenes where Maxie confides to Finn that her selfish impulses always wind up hurting others. It's about time this character verbally acknowledged this and hopefully starts to grow from it. And I thought KS and ME were really good together.

    Gosh, I forgot how much I missed Hayden. They write her dialogue so well. Loving having RB back. And Jax! Brilliant!

  5. I liked the Maxie Finn scenes as well. If Anna and Finn get married as well as Peter and Maxie that would make Finn and Maxie related by marriage. 😊

  6. I liked Maxie and Finn, too. And Finn with Alexis. It took a while but I really like him. :) PLP sure was hollering after he got shot. I wish he had passed out sooner, or that it had been fatal. I know I sound a little blood thirsty but I'm still waiting for my summer murder mystery. LOL!

    There sure was a lot of Nick/Spencer talk. I sure wish they would both come back, I really miss Nick! I was wondering why Laura was so cold to Ava, they were getting very civilized with each during the "lets catch Ryan" caper.

  7. Maybe a Nik return? Usually when they talk alot about a character *boom* there they are. Guess we'll see. Too much to hope for.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...