Olivia comes into Sonny's house in her ELQ Baseball uni saying that Dante shot Lulu's boss. She's upset and Robert told her that Dante shot Peter. Sonny wants Answers. They storm out.
Dante stated "Desertion" as the reason for the divorce. HIS desertion, not hers. Lulu cries to Laura. She said that Dante basically said goodbye the last time he saw her. Cries. Laura says in NYS you have 20 days to contest the divorce. She's all upset. Sonny and Olivia arrive..ask if it's true. Lulu says "more than you know". Sonny wants to know why Paxie were there. Olivia thinks it's all the PTSD. THey all want to know if Lulu is going to go thru with the divorce. Sonny and Olivia say Dante still loves Lulu. Laura says it's lulu's decision and they have to support her.
Alexis and Dr. Neal. She thinks Krissy is following in her footsteps men wise. He says it's not all about her. He wonders about her social life. She says "what social life". They talk about her continuing therapy yada yada. Same ol, same ol. He says to make sure she's made progress she'll have to go on a date. Alexis is like "there are no good men in Port Charles".
Domestic Bliss Jordan Stuff with Curtis. Stella walks in. She brought healthy food. Curtis goes to buy stuff for a BBQ. Stella tells Jordan not to "overdo" it in the sex dept. Jordan asks about Stellas' life. She says she'll help her find the mystery relative that the DNA match found on that website (remember that? It was awhile ago) Stella says she paid the subscription money to find out but the other person hasn't answered yet.
Will Trina be involved in this? Hmm...
Jax celebrates Crimson's projection numbers for Ava's article with champagne. Maxie wonders how Ava will receive it when it shows "the real her"-- and Jax and Nina are like: WHO CARES?? OMG Jax asks why Nina didn't go into Nina's past more. OH Will he GO THERE?? you know, Nina basically made Ava give birth to steal her baby lol??!
NOPE!! MORE AVa sins!! WOW.. ok, so he asks why she didn't put Nikolas' death in there. Nina says it's because it wasn't murder it was self defense. Jax goes on and on about Ava's crimes. Geesh. WHATEVER JAX!
On the elevator to Crimson, Val and Ava talk about her psychic and Ava says something about past sins "after all you murdered Nikolas" . He said he was defending himself. "and you said so yourself when you signed that court paper" Meow!
Valentin, Maxie and Ava walk in just as Nina is asking Jax about Cassandra Pierce.
OH MY GOD NOT WITH THE CASSANDRA PIERCE AGAIN. JFC. Nina explains Cassandra's synthetic opioid drug connection. Jax and Val both look uncomfortable.
Hank flashes back to the medic unit. Drew said an IED hit his Jeep. HE pulled Hank out but he says it was "his mistake". I guess he got Hank out first because he is a civilian but he didn't get "Tex" out. Shank had said he was a contractor when he was in Afghanistan. He and Tex sold fuel to the enemy and Drew found out. Drew was going to turn SHiloh into the authorities "You're worse than the Taliiban"!! he shouts. Shiloh is all "I'm going to get my money back" (to himself) . In yet another flashback, Hank tries to talk Drew into selling the fuel with him but Drew says no and grabs him by the throat.
Drew walks over...Shiloh says something stupid about Oscar and Drew jumps him. Curtis pulls him off. He's getting the BBQ for home. Talks to Drew about not getting all hot headed around Shiloh. Drew mentions having kids and what it can do to you. Is this a TRINA ANVIL? IS Curtis Trina's Daddy? Hmmmm...
Funny thing: They show Shiloh stealing money a guy left for a tip to buy another beer lol
OK, I hope that BM isn't leaving, but, if he is, I guess they're showing his backstory through Shiloh, rather than having him regain his memories.
ReplyDeleteWell that sucks! :( Why aren't they having Drew regain his memories? Makes no sense.
DeleteI heard a rumor the DNA match is Jordan.... and somehow Stella isn't biogically related to Curtis.
ReplyDelete:0 I haven't heard that rumor!!!
DeletePlease don't let Jordan be Stella's daughter. That has been done so many times (Alexis/Sam...Bobbie/Carly...Katherine/Jill on Y&R...)
ReplyDeleteI agree. They don't need that family more confused than it already is.
DeleteI don't know of any other character that is creepier than Shiloh----even the Helena Cassadine/Stefano DiMera's of the soaps have at least one redeeming quality! when he took Daisy's face and said'it's the darkest before the dawn', i cringed...anyone read articles about how the cast feels about him? Kill him off - he is making me not wanna watch!
ReplyDeleteI have always thought Curtis was Stella's child anyway.....
The problem with Shiloh is that the actor is terrific, so TPTB probably don't want to let him go. Stella's relative also got the notification and chose not to pursue it, so it can't be Curtis or Jordan.
DeleteTotally agree AntJoan about the the actor who plays Shiloh. I just think he's fabulous!
DeleteI could care less about Stella and the DNA situation. Lol!
I agree Julie, not a Stella fan and the DNA thing.. blah.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"AntJoan says The problem with Shiloh is that the actor is terrific,"
DeleteWhat they NEED to do, is kill off King Mufasa, and bring on his twin!!!!! I agree this actor is terrific!!!!
I think the Shiloh character is despicable but the actor is really terrific. Maybe he has a nice twin brother, LOL. NuJordan drags down every scene she is in and Cynthia W's eye makeup is really awful - makes her eyes bulge. And don't get me started on Lulu - unwatchable.
"Cynthia W's eye makeup is really awful"
DeleteI noticed yesterday, that her left eye had a lot of eyeshadow, and the right eye, didn't have much on it.. Whoever is doing her makeup, needs to fix it!!
Jurtis home:
ReplyDeleteStella and Jordan: Stella!!! It's not your business if Jurtis is having sex or not hahahahahaha. And then when Jordan asks, Stella is all, excuse me? HAHAHAHAHA! I guess it's a one way street. :) Oh Stella DID pay to find out the family member! COOL!
"Karen says, Will Trina be involved in this? Hmm.."
I didn't even think about that!!! Are they related? Hmmmm?
Therapy session:
Doctor Neil and Alexis: This is so boring!!! They are talking about the same things! Just stick with the therapy session!! Oh good they are. :) Alexis wins the line of the day.
Alexis: Right because the port Charles pool of desirable available emotionally unstunted men is so deep.
Carson home:
Sonny and Olivia: Hey Olivia has joined the softball team! YAY! Yes you two should go talk to Lulu!
Lante home:
Laura and Lulu: Sign the divorce papers Lulu!
Sonny, Olivia, Laura, and Lulu: Sign the divorce papers Lulu!
The floating rib: King Mufasa's flashbacks are meh. It would mean a lot more if Drew was remembering and not King Mufasa!
King Mufasa and Drew: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Punch him Drew! Punch him!!! :) The look on Drew's face when he grabbed him hahahhahaha. Wild animal look! Love it! :)
Drew and Curtis: Awww so sweet that Drew's bestie helped him calm down and talk to him.. :)
Jax and Nina: Yes good question Jax!!! How do you know Cassie? :)
Jax and V.C.: Oh come on!! Just give each other a hug and a kiss already! :)
Oh and great Valenina picture Karen hahahahhaha. Love it! :)
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