Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hayden Factor

Oh boy, did I forget a lot about what happened when she left 2 years ago! Read her complete history on Soaps In Depth. It was a much needed catch-up for me. I had thought she embezzled money from GH (she didn't do it in the end) and wasn't sure about the baby thing. (they did show her pregnant after she said she lost the baby in a letter). 

Are you glad she's back? While I like Rebecca Buding, Hayden's character is just another character to add to the long-long list on GH.  I'm glad she's Liz's sister and has that connection. I like Finn and Anna so -?? I'm am intrigued about Jax and she.  I've tried to like the NuNina but until and if she ever finds her voice, she's just a snooze. She kept NONE of Michelle's zany qualities, making Nina so one-note it's painful. 

Anyway, it's always interesting when a past character shows up and it's NOT from 'the dead'.  


  1. OMG, thanks for the link!! We get so involved in GH, we might forget how soapy the soaps really are. The synopsis probably would seem really crazy to anyone who is not a soap fan!

  2. And....Shawn is STILL in jail for a crime he didn't commit.

    1. I'm pretty sure the actor isn't available.

    2. That's fine, but the character is in jail. They could have exonerated him off screen. Or recast. It's just unfair they never cleared that up and he's still in jail.

  3. The link was great, I had forgotten half of her story! But no, I'm not too thrilled that Hayden is back. She's one of those actors (like Billy and Stafford) that people love from other shows, but for me on GH, meh. I just don't get it. I'd rather see more of the Scorpio Brothers and Laura and Kevin. I'm probably also in the minority on this but I'm missing Willow and Chase. Lol!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...