Friday, July 12, 2019

GH Character Transformations Part One

Note: I find myself needing another day off 
so here's a post that David and I wrote to use for just such occasion.  

Which characters have come and gone from GH --and made HUGE transformations? Pretty much all the villains. (Helena is about the only one that remained totally evil over time). Here is the beginning of our series! Enjoy! 


Lynn Herring

We Love Lucy. It's that simple. Lynn Herring is a treasure to the show. If you go anywhere  online to look up the character, you will always find the same thing written about her; that she  came onto the show as a "mousy librarian". Not the most flattering term, but I guess it is correct. She didnt stay that way for long and soon she came into her character as a vixen to be reckonned with. 

In the early years, Lucy was vindictive, shrewish and a schemer. She was the "bad girl" when  she came on the show and was very manipulative. She usually wound up with a Doctor, or at very least someone with substantial income so she can climb the ladder, if you will. And that was usually her goal. Money and social standing. As time went on, however, there was a  change in Lucy. She went from being selfish and greedy to having a conscience and a  soul and went from bad girl to loveable yet quirky heroine.

If you really want to know the legacy of Lucy's character transformation, it was evident during the  anniversary show this year during the reading of Gail's will. Lucy was in a room with Monica and found an old handkerchief that belonged to Alan. The former selfish self-centered Lucy would have given Monica a long-winded speech about how Alan would have wanted her to have it, and how she didnt have any momentos from her time with Alan and how Monica got  the house and Lucy got nothing but a tattered old red wedding dress. Monica would have said  "Oh, just take it if it means that much to you". Instead, we had the very selfless Lucy who immediately  handed it to Monica and said "this belongs to you. You were always his queen”. THAT is the transformation of Lucy. From selfish to selfless. And that is why we love Lucy.

PS. Fun Fact: Did you know that Lynn Herring was 4th runner up in the 1977 Miss USA Pageant? Look it up on youtube.


Paul Hornsby came to Port Charles looking like Christopher Reeve’s younger brother and then left the show looking like that guy from Desperate Housewives. He was no saint. Not by any stretch of the means. But in his first foray into PC, all his crimes were basically white collar, mainly dealing with financial takeover of ELQ. He was trapped into a marriage with Tracy, even though he loved Jenny. He eventually married Jenny and they had a child. (Ned was called to GH when he was told that his wife was in the ER, thinking it was Lois he was surprised to see Jenny in labor. It was a really good scene, but I cant find it on youtube) With his all-American boyish good looks, it is easy to remember him leaving the show as a “good guy” with his wife Jenny.

Then 2015 happened. Paul returned to the show and although he was still a criminal, he was an extremely deranged criminal. Actually, a serial killer. The first incarnation of Paul would do a lot of damage, and may have hurt people if needed, but there was no way he was a killer. Not like this. Both portrayals were memorable in their own way, but it is clear the characters were vastly different and the Burgi portrayal was a shock to all of us.

MORE TO COME!! Anyone you'd like featured??



  1. Paul Hornsby (the original)it turned out committed his crimes because he was being blackmailed. I think it was by Taub and he was being threatened that they would kill his daughter. The new Hornsby didn't look or act anything like the original. They RUINED his character.

    I didn't like Lucy at first for the longest time. When she got involved with Scotty and with her "Doc" that is when I really started liking her. She is great.

  2. As far back as I can remember Heather was a bad girl though.

  3. LUCY!!!! YES!!!! :) I remember her back then! She was such a lying manipulator!!! Actually, she more than that!!
    "(Ned was called to GH when he was told that his wife was in the ER, thinking it was Lois he was surprised to see Jenny in labor. It was a really good scene, but I cant find it on youtube)"

    I can relate... Cus I can't find on youtube Lucy who was pregnant, throwing herself down the stairs, so that she could lose the baby, so that Bobbie and Jake can't adopt the baby.

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Turkey boy and Sonny: No Turkey boy! You will be going to school!!!! Education is important!!! Sonny agrees!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    RayFinn and Chase: RayRay finds out Finchy has a brother.. RayRay wins the line of the day.

    RayRay: What? Since when?

    ROFL! Since always? :) Oh time to be questioned at the police station to talk about Dr. O and her being pushed. :)

    RayRay, Chase, Laura, and Lulu: RayRay is shocked to hear that Laura is Mayor. Huh?! RayRay just got done telling Finchy that she keeps track of Port Chuckles!!! So why did she not know Laura is Mayor? How odd.

    V.C., Laura, and Lulu: V.C. wants Charlie for the summer. That sounds like fun for her!!! Laura there is no reason to threaten.

    The hospital:

    Jurtis: Oh Jordan is better!!!! YAY! But she should really find a new job.

    Lucas and King Mufasa: Oh stop talking King Mufasa and just open the envelope already!!

    Michael, Lucas, and Sam: Oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucas just HAD to rip up the envelope!!! Michael shut up!!! GAH!

    Police station:

    RayRay and Chase: Having fun Chase? :) Oh Jax shows up to get her out of there.. Chase already knew that RayRay was innocent hahhahahaha!

    Willow's jail cell:

    Willow and Michael: Oh boy!!! Willow just had to bring up Nelle!!!!!

    Chillow: YAY! Willow is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) Oh oh King Mufasa shows up! Just ignore him Willow.


    RayRay and Candy Boy: I just had to say Candy boy! ROFL! Ohhhhhhhhh so they are NOT a couple!!!! RayRay is playing games with Finchy!!! Well glad they are not a couple.

    RayRay, Jax, and ValeNina: WHOA! RayRay is Crimson's CFO?!!?!?! WOW!!!!

    WSB Ithaca

    Hiney and Maxie: They talk to a guy to get them to see Dante. He has a gun in his holster.

    Maxie: Don't you think that's a little excessive?

    Maxie you are too stupid to live!!

    The guy shows up again and says that Dante says he doesn't care! ROFL! Maxie won't except it.. She opens the door and barges in!!!!

    Maxie: DANTE NO!


    WHAT IN THE HELL?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!!!?!!!?!!

  4. Your series needs a Scotty entry! He has gone back and forth from heel to hero a couple of times over the course of GH and Port Charles. KIN SHRINER is the secret MVP of GH!
    Did Dante just shoot himself or someone else? Thanks Maxie for pushing him over the edge! :/

  5. So it looks like Maxie caused Dante to shoot himself? So, Lulu caused Nathan's death, and now Maxie caused Dante's? And we'll get months of them fighting, and then eventually making up . . . It looked like in the promos they are taking Dante to GH? Which, of course, can't happen, as I haven't heard anywhere that the actor is making an appearance. . .

    And WHY didn't Lucas at least look at the DNA test? Wasn't he the least bit curious? Of course, it's ironic that Michael is the one to talk him into disposing of it. I guess it will be FOREVER before the truth comes out . . .

    1. I know right! I'm practically screaming at the TV look at the results! Then the idiot tears them up! Ugh!!!! What a day!
      Sooooo Ray Ray and Jax AREN'T dating!
      Glad Willow is out of jail. Glad Shiloh is in jail. 😁
      Maxie is a stupid idiot!
      Of course I got off at 3 but still couldn't watch live cause of errands so Hulu to the rescue and they don't have previews, what did I miss?

    2. They are going to take dante to Gh so that he can have surgery on his gun shot face and become new Dante of course.

    3. Oh, I didn't think of that, are they recasting the part? The promos just showed Maxie screaming to take Dante to the hospital.

  6. Jonas will be 5 when Michael finds out

  7. And No ONE even looked at the results. Beyond stupid!

  8. Jonah will be 5, SORA'd to 12!

  9. Exactly Di. Why wouldn't anyone look at the results? Shiloh is a sleaze, why wouldn't they think he is NOT the father? Too stupid.

    I wonder if deep down Michael still has feelings for Willow he is not aware of?

    BTW, don't care for NuNina.

    Why is Jax making Hayden CFO? Is he just trying to get under Valentin skin? I don't understand.

  10. Also, forgot to mention, WHY would they allow Dante to have a gun??????

    And, I thought it was funny that Maxie didn't have a purse and just pulled out her ID and Peter didn't have a wallet. How many people keep their ID loose in the pocket like that? LOL

    1. "lindie says How many people keep their ID loose in the pocket like that? LOL"

      ROFL! I do!!!!

    2. Let's suspend belief& say both Maxie&Peter had to check her purse& his wallet for security reasons.

  11. I do. Well in my phone case. Go ahead bitch at me. LOL ����

  12. Lindie, I know, I'm AlWAYS complaining that the women don't carry purses. And, right, WHY would Dante have a gun?

    I think that whatshername is FINE as NuNina, Nina was an original, and a REALLY hard act to follow.

    1. Yeh I for one have a hard time liking new people taking over a role but I actually like nuNina, then again I was never a fan of Michelle Stafford.
      I agree about the gun, but what if he grabbed it from who ever was in the room? Hate the storyline and Maxie being annoying, go pay attention to your kid Maxie.

    2. That's what I was thinking too Michelle. They made a point of showing the guard was armed so I'm thinking he grabbed his gun.

  13. Maxie is at her all time annoyance threshold.
    So...Jax hires Hayden as CFO. The daughter of a ponzie schemer who herself was arrested several times on fraud charges. So totally ridiculous.

    1. jax hiring hayden is a repeat of jax and sam another con



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...