Monday, July 8, 2019

Celebration of Friz!

I have a follow up with the plastic surgeon today so I don't think I'll be able to post. My nose is better but one side is a bit smashed still. BOO. So, I got some photos from Twitter to share of the party. Like I said, ABC made the mistake of posting them early so--enjoy! 

WELL HOLY SHIT BALLS!! I WATCHED the end of the show and.......WOWZA.
Dr. O got pushed overboard --by someone..?? SHank? Julian? Brad?
AND KIM stabbed Drew with a needle and she's going to rape him for his ..well, um...SEED?
geesh Louise! 

Hayden's FEET! 

SO FINALLY!! A fun party for the summer--- we need it. I love that Bobbie and Scotty are going out again, it's great.  Do you think Aiden made the cake?? Also: Felix is there..and GH popped for some extras! 


  1. ABC Boston only showed the first little bit of the episode here because they had BREAKING news...testimony from witnesses in the Kevin Spacey case. Boy, you guys must be more than a little obsessed with stars and their personal lives to break into programming with that.

    I'm lucky I had another channel to watch it on. The episode was great!!

  2. still no jeff or sarah. disney is supposed to be about "family" and they cant even give Liz one. so sad. so very very sad.

  3. The song Cameron sang with his brother was awesome!

  4. Liz did have her family there,although they were her very immediate family.
    As far as Kim& Drew, if she does rape him for his "seed",it is a direct takeoff from a story from OLTL.Does anyone remember the crazy lady raping fake Todd in the cabin& then she had Sam? Fake Todd,brother of the real Todd& Blair were raising him.

    1. Yes I forget her name...was it Margaret? Wasn't she cray cray? Then again you gotta be to do that and Kimmy is headed down that road. I guess she's gonna do the dead right there haha!

    2. Yes; the character 's name was Margaret on OLTL(she raped the fake Todd).

    3. Yup! I remember that!!! It was on Valentines day! There was romantic music playing! That made me so mad how they made the rape so romantic! UGH!

  5. OMG I loved today!! Teared up when Cam and the boys sang/played their instrument for their parents. When Cam called Franco dad awwwww. Teary eye. So now....Did Liesl tell Franco ALL? Does he know Wiley is Jonah Michael's baby or just that Its not Btad and Lucas baby? Also after the lights went out and Drew and Kim went to find a fuse box did Kim stab him with with a needle? Was she seriously gonna drug him to impregnate her?1 Or am I totally imagining that? Yay and Hayden!!!! Finn"s face was like with! Oh AND the "seer" whatever they are called, the woman with Ava, she walked by so many people talking about things like Val and his tweezers and Ava with Connie, I wanted her to see Brad and mention the many not being his that it was Micheals! LOL!!!!

    1. I really wanted that seer to say something to Brad too. And I don't think she'd get too many Kiki vibes from that bedroom now lol

  6. in an alternate universe....

    lucky would have shown up to catch the bouquet like scotty did at luke and laura's wedding. only everything was amicable between them. would have been kinda cool.

    1. That would've been funny! Terry only caught it cause she's so darn tall. LOL!

  7. Felix! So nice to see him. More please.
    Love Veronica Cartwright in this role. Seems like it will be fun and too short.
    Yes...about Margaret and Todd on OLTL. They also had a mystical person who was on from time to time. She was great but can't recall her name, character or otherwise.
    Hope they let Liz and Franco be happy for just a little while. And still on screen.

    1. Madame Delphina!!!! Ahhh, how I miss OLTL.

    2. "CareyN says Madame Delphina!!!!"

      I love her!!!!

      "Ahhh, how I miss OLTL."

      Yeah.. So many great memories!!!

  8. Yeh I like this role for Veronica Cartwright, died laughing when she brought up Connie, didn't expect it and neither did Ava bahaha!!
    I hope the Webber family can be happy for awhile. I loved them today. Are you talking about Delphina? Loved her! You know she played Big Boo on Orange is the New Black.

  9. So far, I think the line of the day is Kevin's "Nice scooter Scotty!"

  10. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Psychic lady and Ava: I love this psychic lady!!! She is so spot on!!!! :)

    Psychic lady, Ava, and Valenina: Oh my! Nina! You think she is a fake huh? V.C. don't think so. :) I love Nina's hair and dress!

    Carson's kitchen:

    Joss, Michael and Sasha: Oh come on! What is this? Manipulating Joss to go to the reception? Oh I get it. Michael just wants to be alone with Sasha..

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The haunted star:

    Psychic lady, Ava and people: Okay can we keep the psychic lady? :) She is fun! Finchy will have more women than he can handle? Hahahaha!
    Friz: A little bit of lovin before the party starts.. :) Me likey!!! :)

    Felix and Dr. O: Oh boy Dr. O is so drunk!!!! :) Aww poor Felix! He and his boyfriend broke up. :( That's too bad.

    Dr. O and BobTodd: Dr. O is so lonely. :( I want to see her in a happy relationship!!! Oh my Dr. O is so drunk she could spill all the beans!!! YES YES YES! DO DO DO! :)

    Dr. O: OH NO!!!! Someone pushed her in the water. :(

    Curtis and Stella: Love Stella's dress. Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: I'm in the dog house at Franco and Elizabeth's reception.


    Laura and Doc: Wait a second!! Laura is invited to the party!?!?!?! But she didn't apologize to BobTodd yet!! And that is exactly what I said to Frank Valentini on twitter. ROFL! He brought up the party. :)

    Brad and Julian: Oh oh. The walls are closing in on ya Brad? Hmmmmm?

    RayRay: OH MY!!! WELCOME BACK! :) Wait are you looking for someone? Looking for Finchy perhaps? Where is Finchy Jr?

    CarlyKim and "Charlie" Oh that dress looks pretty on her. :)


  11. Great episode yesterday, I just loved it! Very surprised to see Dr. O take a header into the water, I sure didn't see that coming. This whole Kim thing is out of control. Yuck! Drew better call the cops and Kevin for her!

    Cam and his brother's musical number was the highlight for me. Cam has such talent.

    Officially tired of Joss and her attitude towards Dev. Not a pretty side to her. She's morphing into Snarly Junior.

    1. Well, I guess she should be Snarly Jr., she comes by it honestly. As for Turkey Boy, he is soooo annoying, I don't blame Joss. . .

      PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE DR.O!!!!! All hands on deck!!!!

    2. Lol AntJoan! You and I can go save Dr. O!

    3. "Julie H Lol AntJoan! You and I can go save Dr. O!"

      I want to save her too!!! *Jumps into the water*

  12. Really well done yesterday, and I am not a fan of Friz. Becky looked stunning but once again Laura looked frumpy. And I guess Michelle took Nina's wardrobe with her because NuNina has a really mundane wardrobe. I'm still getting used to her but she just doesn't have the presence or glamour of MS unfortunately. Loved seeing the 3 boys and Cam's song was wonderful. Loved having Dr. O back and VC as the psychic is great casting. Could care less about Hayden's return. Kim needs a shrink more than Alexis.

    1. Now that you and others have pointed it out, they DO dress Laura frumpy. What's up with that?? And I forgot to mention how much I liked the psychic, too. She was great! And yup, I'm another non-Hayden fan. Don't like the character, don't like the actress.

  13. Does anybody remember what the Psychic said to Franco?

  14. Did anyone hear Obrecht say she knew a secret about Nathan?

    1. I think Obrecht was saying that she had to KEEP a secret about Nathan for years . . . (who is mother really was).


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...