Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Surgery: SPLASH

This week started off with a rip-roaring SPLASH, didn't it?? So much happened on that boat, I was glued to it like a fly.  Two days of "the other cast" also got to interact and take center stage. What a difference it made. 

So, in the wedding brunch tradition, it's going to be poached eggs and strawberries. 

Ah, the party. It was fun, had a lot of people at it (even EXTRAS!!) Had FOOD! Decorations and LASTED TWO DAYS!! Plus, gossip, intrigue and someone went overboard. What more could you ask for?? A psychic?? DONE! Yep, there was someone trying to channel a dead Kiki from the stateroom where she died. We also had a drugging and near rape-- the darker part of this whole thing. The point is-- that those two days were hella SOAPY which is why I watch. 

Doctha. Finns... you look so Sea Zick!! Is it me or is it your old flame.. Haydenz?? 

OMG, wasn't it fun drinking Arnold Palmers and helping an old lady out of the water??!! And you wanted to go to that pop-up club under the old subway...

Drink up, soon you'll be shirtless! 

So, the boat ride.  So much happened, it's hard to remember it all.  Someone pushed Dr. O in the water and it looks like Brad or Valentin did it. She was remembering about Michael/Nelle and almost spilled it to  Franco.  The lights went out and Ava thought it was Kiki coming back to tell her something but it was Kim that messed with the fuse box. Why? Oh, so she could stab Drew with a needle full of a roofie drug, rape him and eventually have his baby. 

Family First!! All the kids were there and photos were took. It was also nice to see Scotty and Bobbie around so much and featured in little scenes. Bobbie even got to partake of one of her old vices: Gossip she overheard! 

HOPEFUL: I couldn't  help thinking of "Star Wars" When I saw Sonny teaching young Jedi Dev about the ways of a mobular boss. "Stay in School".. "work a menial job"... you know, the hallmarks of virtue.  Jason seems a bit jelly of the kid and wary too. He's right about one thing: Sonny never asked his family if it was ok if Dev lived with them. But, that's Sonny for ya. 

SOULFUL:   Ava, ever hopeful that Kiki will come back and tell her she's absolved of her sins.  I enjoyed these scenes mostly because of Maura and Veronica's acting and the power of their emotions.  "Sibley" correctly said that Ava and Kiki were supposed to meet for dinner before her death. Now, she's going to channel her. I hope it's done well and not too campy. Although it IS summer so.. ?? 

REMORSEFUL:  Harmony finally flipped on Shiloh. Not because he raped her daughter but because he killed her ex-husband. The only thing I didn't appreciate in this whole thing was St. Jaysus acting like a lawyer. Not only did he act like one, the PCPD treated him like one too. :eyeroll: Couldn't Alexis have been the one to get her to change her mind? You know, mother-to-mother? 

 SHAMEFUL:  Ol' SHank finally got his! Mac Daddy came around the corner at GH and put the cuffs on him!!  SMUG and smarmy to the end, Shiloh was indignant when he was led away.  I can't imagine how he'd get out of this but it IS GH and we've seen others come back from more. 

DOUBTFUL:  Oh, Michael. He makes Lucas throw out the DNA test results Shiloh got about Wiley. Ironical too because it would show that he's not the father which may lead to the Michael secret. In the garbage it goes!!  Here's hoping someone saw it while sneaking around and grabbed it! 

JOYFUL: Scorpio Brothers working together to bring down DOD. Sure, JaSam honed in on their parade but I'm still happy as a clam.  I'm hoping Jordan is pregnant and can't come back to work. NOT because she's PG-- but since she only has one kidney and is still healing, she needs more time off. 

Olivia, Ned, Kim and Drew sit in the Q living room listening to Alexis read Oscar's will.

WILLFULL:  Yes, it was a Will-Full of stuff!! Cam got his car, Joss got his compass, Leo got his keyboard, Drew got his glass back and Kim got his Teddy Bear. Monica got a map of Cleveland (Will she visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?!) 

SHAMEFUL:  Oh, MAXXXXIE. So, the upstart of all this is she and Peter went to "Ithaca" to talk to Dante. Apparently she knows what's good for his mental health :eyeroll: They go into a room with a guard guy who has a gun. (Camera PANS to the gun) He goes in to tell Dante they are there to see him. Dante refuses to talk to anyone. (this is because Dom Z isn't back for a cameo)--next up Maxie demands to see Dante, rushes in and we hear a gunshot. SO.. my supposition is that Dante went after her and the guard shot him. If he's dead...or wounded it's 100% mouthy-Maxie's fault. Period. I hate this story for her and she hasn't been "cute" or "Witty' when it comes to this. She's been annoying and dumb. There. I said it. 
That's a photo of Ithaca right there because I couldn't find any of the boring paneled room they were in... 

Someone pushed Dr. O overboard suspects remain Valentin and Brad
Friz had a lovely reception with many surprises 
Hayden showed up and kissed Jax hard
Kim drugged Drew in order to get his sperm but Julian stopped it
Oscar's Will was read --biggest shock? DOD/Shiloh was left shares
Dev got his false papers and an American accent
Shiloh was arrested because of testimony from Carol and Harmony
The DNA Results were thrown out
Someone gets shot in Ithaca 

COMEBACK of THE WEEK: IT's Hayden!!  Well, Finn was certainly flustered, wasn't he? She was cleared of pushing Obrect in, btw. 

NEW GUY OF THE WEEK: We knew him as Brody on OLTL -- here's he's Lulu's internet date and HS teacher. Will the kids be needing one come fall??  Hmmmm.. oh,he's also an Uber driver so he could pick up random Port Charles citizens and have a little cab-therapy with them! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Lulu realizes that Dustin is her Uber Driver!! 

WUBS SHOCK OF THE WEEK: I almost chose the needle that Kim plunged into Drew but when I thought about it, this scene surprised the hell out of me! Hayden and...Jax? Do we even know if they are an 'item' or just "friends with benefits' or are they putting on show?? 

WHY OF THE WEEK: Why are Genie's arms ALWAYS covered??  I've been keeping tabs and she's had on that atrocious green sweater, this get up and that Dad shirt on Friday. WTF.  She's not a size 2 but she's gorgeous and looks like 90% of us out there. LET HER ARMS OUT!! 

All in all a decent week for the show. More of the Monday/Tuesday type of scenes and the summer ratings may go up. I know you can't have a party every day but you sure can have character movement and more variety.  
One more thing, unless NuNina gets some zing, I'm over her. The character was Michelle's and now I'm feeling like Nina can go and just let Hayden take her job at Crimson. Yep, that's where I'm at. That would probably mean Valentin going as well and he's the last of the Cassadines on screen. But-- he's not doing a hell of a lot either. 

Spoilers for you from SoapJenn: Daytime Diagnosis 


PHOTOS THX to @SoapTweetsGH  @SoapJenn @redbil  @LMH224


  1. I work with a guy and he wears long sleeves. He has psoriasis. Hope I spelled it right. Can't see very well these days with my cataracts. Having surgery on the left eye which is the worse one the 22nd. Very expensive! Wouldn't do it but can't go on lime this. Getting worse. 🙄

    1. Anyway I forgot maybe Genie has the same thing??

    2. Michelle, best of luck with your surgery! My Mother had it done, years ago, and more recently I've known others who had it done, and the operation is now much improved!

    3. My dad had it done and he only needs glasses to read now. I just want to see, period. Everything is a blur and lacks color.

    4. Michelle I just had both done , one in March and the other in May. I was so scared and it went so easy. Good luck

    5. my mom had it done and got new 'lenses' and she doesn't need glasses or contacts anymore!! WOO HOO!! I'm amazed. Good luck

  2. GH should center around the Weber/Baldwin family. so over the mob family(fake sopranos). carson and jasam backburn them. Dev is so annoying.

    1. He's not only annoying, he's a little criminal who looks like he has no intentions of reforming. He's the last person Cam needs to be hanging out with.Jason better tell Sonny he was thieving in Carly's place of business so we can see Sonny lose his shit and set this kid right.

    2. Turkey boy is definitely annoying, don't know what it is, but he annoys the s--t out of me.

  3. I was just going to comment on the long sleeve situation. I too have a skin condition which occasionally flares up and I wear long sleeves during those times.
    Also, who in the world would not open the envelope with the DNA results??!!??!!

    1. No one in their right mind. And certainly not Shiloh. He wouldn't have dropped that and walked away.

    2. ok, but Genie has been seen in shorter sleeves outside of GH-- in the pictures she posts? I think they just cover her up because she's not a size 4 and has real arms lol They do the same with KS now too--

  4. Thanks for another great SS, kd. My Sunday morning coffee wouldn't be the same without it.

    I still think that gunshot is a way to have a bandaged Dante at GH and work in a new character. (And he'd better be a dark haired, dark eyed actor.)

  5. Excellent SS! Michelle, good luck with your surgery-should make a big difference. Cannot stand Dev! I was hoping the Wiley parenthood situation would be resolved already. I really hate storylines where rightful parents are deprived of a big chunk of their offsprings infancy, and sometimes longer. Genie had another crappy outfit on Friday. Sleeves can be ok as long as the outfit is stylish and flattering.

    1. Thanks my dad says it will. He's had it done. I'm so ready. Vision worse everydsy.

  6. what's with the will? i thought edward left percentages to the grandchildren and that if any new grandchildren surfaces, the percentages would changes to relet an additional grandchild. wouldnt that also work for the subtraction of a grandchild? i can hear john ingle's voice now "i dont want some hoodlum running elq". this was just stupid

    1. It also made no sense because he's also a minor !!

  7. They seem to want to push Dev and Joss together and it's not working for me .Miss is gold with Cam. I'm not on board with nunina, what's missing is the sparkle MS had.

    1. they seem to like pushing blonde women with bad boys on this show

    2. Bad boys seem to be the rage with this writers. They're the only ones who get good story lines.

  8. Another great SS! Thank you.
    Looks like Jax is in PC to do what he does best. Takeover Aurora. With a con woman by his side. I feel the same way about nuNina. Bland. MS was so animated and colorful.
    The party was fun. Lots of folks and drama too. One thing that stood out to me was Leisel looked so beautiful at the party, but in the hospital she really looked like she had a rough time. No makeup etc. Realistic.
    Recast of Dante? We shall see. Maxie's life is in phases. She can be funny and smart and clever or who she is now. Hope not for much longer. Where is her child?
    Here's an extreme SORAS....Dev is Hayden and Finchy's. LOL

    1. regarding jax, he came back before with another con (sam) and the dead mans hand. repeat story. would love if dev belonged to hayden and finn. don't feel like sitting through another baby story.

  9. why does maxie HAVE to be paired with anyone? let her be single for awhile. be independant. learn more about herself. be a spencer. and then when they cast the right guy (or girl) then let it happen.

    1. I agree. Not every female on the show has to be instantly paired up with someone. Even poor Joss has been put on the conveyer belt now.

  10. I've said it before-- Maxie and Lulu should live together, like Kate and Ali. Be there financially and emotionally. It would be a great, different story. I know Soaps are driven by 'love' and all that jazz but aren't we past all that??

  11. But, of course, almost everyone on soaps seems to have unlimited resources, no matter what their circumstances. I think that, until recently, the only one who ever mentioned any financial problems was Liz. And, yes, she is a single mother, but she has 3 children by 3 different fathers, and should be getting child support. Now there is the issue of Jordan's medical bills, but, other than that, everyone seems to live as they please regardless of their income . . .

    1. I'm in the same boat as Jordan. Even though I have ins my eye surgery is very costly, around 5,000 dollars. Ins isn't covers most of it because they consider it "elective", which is such bs!

    2. And everyone seems to just pick up a good paying job with the snap of their fingers, and a place to live. No first and last in PC lol

    3. Michelle, I am sooo surprised that cataract surgery is considered "elective." These insurance companies are totally out of control!

    4. I couldn't agree more AntJoan!! Meeting the surgeon today. See how that goes.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...