Thursday, July 11, 2019


I'm in need of a break today-- not sure about tomorrow but we shall see. Please use this space for chit-chat and show summaries. 

I do have a question about Fan Events. Have you ever attended one? If so..where? Did you like it? I'm going to do a blog about my experiences later this summer.  Have a great day! 


  1. What a beautiful-looking cast!

    I have attended a few fan events. The first one was with my Goddaughter (also a GH fan), in a comedy club in NJ. My best friend, who was vice president at a studio in Hollywood, called Maurice's wife, Paula, and got us front row tickets and was told that we could go backstage and meet the cast, if she would agree to meet with Maurice (has was trying to get a career in the movies) for lunch. So we went, and got the star treatment, I even was featured with Maurice in SOD. It was one of the highlights of my life, LOL.

    I also got on set, courtesy of my same friend, and met the cast, I have pictures of myself with many of them, and also on some of the sets. They all were lovely and friendly.

    I also went to 2 shows in Bellmore, NY, with my late friend's daughter, her brother, and my Goddaughter, again at a comedy club. You eat and drink there, and everyone is very friendly, I always enjoy the shows and get SO excited to see the stars.

    I also went to an dinner with NLG in NYC with my late friend's daughter, both rabid GH fans, as I have written about before. I told Nancy about how she was my late friend's favorite character on GH (my friend was also a lawyer), and told her it was her daughter's birthday. Nancy made a little speech about Karen (my friend), and celebrated with her daughter when the cake came.

    So, I have had only positive experiences at all of these events.

    1. OH WOW.. this is awesome!! I saw NLG in NYC as well. I have to look up the date but it was at a Marriott in lower Manhattan ...

    2. I saw her May 19 of last year in a restaurant on the Upper West Side.

    3. Wow...wonderful experiences and memories.

  2. I've been to several also, including a set visit. Loved them all! Everyone has always been very nice and extremely grateful for their fans. I've attended events in Md, NY, Va. and NJ.

    1. HOW DID you get a set visit!!

    2. I bid for it at a fan event in MD. The tour was with Rick Hearst and all the money went to a favorite charity of his so well worth it all around.

  3. I am not someone who is starstruck. Not sure that is the right word for a fan, so apologize ahead of time I mean no offense. I look at the actors as just regular people like all of us. I lived in LA for a year (2007) and someone gave me good advice: if you run into someone famous, just politely say hello like you would someone in line at the supermarket. If they start a conversation, then go ahead and talk to them. And, so I did. I met Halle Berry, VIctor Garber and Carol Kane (she gave me a flower). Also Scott Clifton (Dillon) at a Trader Joes. they all got a hello and i got a hello back.

    Plus, I just cant see paying 75-100. for a fan event. Again, that is ME and my thoughts. But from what I read, the stars are very giving and generous for the most part. Especially daytime actors.

    What I WAS starstruck with in LA was sets and props. I remember driving down the highway and I almost ran off the road when i saw the UCLA Medical Building! I said out loud "OMG Thats General Hospital". And I once was on a production lot and there was a plaque on a door that said "In 1953 television history was made here. I love lucy...." and I balled. Just lost it. I stepped into the soundstage and it was empty of course but i got chills unlike i ever got before. Then there was some kind of event and in a glass case was the curtain dress from Carol Burnett's went with the wind sketch. i must have stood there and stared for an hour

    for me, i would rather see the ice princess, lucy's red wedding dress, lucy's rainbow nurses ball dress, etc.

    Again... that's just me

    1. You must have been to Paramount!! I was there too. She started the first daycare on a Hollywood lot. I'd love to see all the props too. They auctioned a bunch off a couple of years ago and it would have been fun to get in there. I feel weird about seeing people too, that's why I try to do charity events. I DO go for the 'blog' though and fancy myself as 'reporting" LOL!

    2. on my first stint in vegas, mid 90s for 3 years, debbis reynolds had her casino here and she had a lot of the costumes from her collection on display. that was awesome. its a shame hollywood never helped her preserve everything.

    3. should read Todd Fisher's book, My Girls. He talks a lot about this.

  4. Yeah, I got to interview Rick Hearst in NY for an old soap blog. I did have to make another charitable contribution.

  5. the GH Fantasy Event is THE best - the VIP is worth every penny you pay---2 hours of meet and greet and pics and autographs - it's so well-organized by Uncle Vinnie and Linda.........amazing...
    okay - Alexis was Oscar's lawyer so she KNEW he put Shiloh in the will and didn't stop it???????????

    1. Alexis seemed surprised when she saw Shiloh's name . . .

    2. Alexis didn't know because she said today, that it was her assistant who was working with Oscar.

    3. Yeh I saw that too! Man today was good! I can't wait til asshat opens the test results and sees he's not the father!! Bahaha!!

    4. All of a sudden, Alexis has an assistant . . .

  6. Never could afford any of these events and I don't deal with crowds well. I did live in Palm Beach FL for many years. Had the delightful experience of meeting both Susan Lucci and one of my favorites Robin Strasser. I was walking my dog one night and saw a woman across the street walking her small dog. The dogs wanted to sniff so I crossed the street. I said she looked so familiar(this was in the 90's)and she giggled. I realized who it was and we sat down on the sidewalk and chatted for an hour. Talked about the hunks on soaps. Still miss Dorian and OLTL.

    1. So the person you saw across the street walking her small dog was Robin Strasser?!!?! :0 Cool!!! :)

  7. Went to a meet and greet with Roger and Michael Easton last November in Long Island. Had a great time. Was a little expensive, but was worth it. They are both really funny and down to earth people. We were able to take pictures at the end. It was a very cool experience.

    1. I would love to meet those two! Just so expensive.
      When I lived in California for a bit back in 2000-01 I was in the car with my sister and I look over and no sh*t there is John J York (Mac)!! Only star I ever saw.

    2. I've been to quite a few of the GH Fantasy Events - went to the very first one in Montclair, NJ by myself to see Maura. I got to go backstage and drink with them. It was pretty cool. This was when Bryan Craig and Kelly Thiebaud were still on the show and dating. Anyway, then went to more Maura events to see her in NY and Philly and meet up with other online Maura friends/fans.

      I just recently went to go meet Rebecca Budig as I'm completely enamored with her now as well. I'll be honest, the men don't do much for me as far as acting. I'm far more impressed with the women. Oh, and I went to go see Finola here in Atlanta since it's where I live. Not cheap at all, these tickets and trips. But totally worth it.

  8. OK, haven't finished watching yet, don't know if anyone else saw the show today. Dr. O has the line of the day: "You're welcome." Trust me, it's hilarious.

    Jason et al. at the PCPD. First he was pretending to be a lawyer when he met with eHarmony, now they all seem to think he is one--he is questioning her at the PCPD! And, in front of everyone! Wouldn't she have some privacy? And wouldn't the police be questioning her? It wasn't enough that St. Jaysus changed eHarmony's mind after years of dedication to DOD with just a few well-chosen words--now he is a lawyer and a cop?

    1. Yes! I saw that and thought the same thing, line of the day

    2. "OK, haven't finished watching yet, don't know if anyone else saw the show today. Dr. O has the line of the day: "You're welcome." Trust me, it's hilarious."

      YES! She sure did win! SO Hilarious!!!!! :)

      "First he was pretending to be a lawyer when he met with eHarmony,"

      eHarmony! ROFL! I think deep down St. Jaysus wants to be a lawyer!!

    3. I laughed out loud at that "You're welcome." lol It was perfect Dr. O.

    4. Jason would make a good lawyer.

    5. "You're welcome" got me to laugh very loud as well. I always love everything Dr. O. She is awesome. Thinking that SHE would make a good match for Scotty. He is good at sneaky, conniving, and greedy, and they both have the Franco connection. They would be fun to watch.

  9. Even Sam said that Jason is acting like a lawyer . . .

  10. The hospital:

    Dr. O's room:

    BobTodd, Finchy and Dr. O: Dr. O is ALIVE! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) She wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Finn was kind enough to give you mouth to mouth.

    Dr. O: You're welcome.

    BAHAHAHAHAHHA! Was it a nice kiss Finchy? Eh? ROFL!

    Chase and Dr. O: She was pushed Chase!!!!!!! Sure RayRay could have pushed her.. Or BobTodd? :)

    Nurses station:

    Liz and RayRay: Oh come on RayRay! Just admit you showed up with doughnuts just so you can see Finchy!!!! You still love him! ADMIT IT!

    RayRay and Finchy: Yes Finchy I agree. You two DO need to talk!

    Lucas and Liz: So when is this dinner going to happen? Or did they have that dinner yet?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    RayRay and Finchy: Yes Finchy you are right. She IS keeping something from you! Come on! Tell him about Finchy Jr! I don't get why she isn't spilling it!!!

    Police station: Wow Jason is magical!!! He got to spill everything!!! So's real name is Lorraine! Do you by any chance have a son named Marty Mcfly? And do you have a husband named George Mcfly? Mac and Robert working together! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS HAHAHAHA! I love it! :)

    Willow's jail cell:

    Chillow: GAH! I want Willow out of jail!!!!!!! She is just lucky it's the summer and school is out!

    Willow and aka Lorraine Mcfly: Awwww. :( Great scene. She wants to be a good mother to her now.

    Q home/Will reading: King Mufasa! Stop manipulating CarlyKim! You better be careful! The Tribbles can kill you in your sleep! Watch out! Come on Michael! Grab him and throw him down like you did before! :) Drew pushed King Mufasa down. Meh Michael did a better job with it. :)

    The hospital part 2:

    King Mufasa and Lucas: Sorry!!! Jonah is NOT your son!!!! That DNA test will prove it!

    1. Let's see, how many people have attacked Shiloh so far? I think I lost count . . .

    2. "AntJoan says, Let's see, how many people have attacked Shiloh so far? I think I lost count . . ."

      I don't know, but Michael wins it! When Michael was at the metrocourt, and grabbed him and slammed him down the ground! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Gold just gold! :)

  11. Good show today-maybe some resolutions to issues in the works. Liked the Harmony turn around and of course Dr. O was hilarious.

    1. Dr O was hilarious! I wonder just how dang long Ray Ray is gonna wait to tell Finn about the baby???

  12. Probably be a year before Haden mentions the baby

    1. At the rate Gh moves the kid will be interning at GH before he finds out.

    2. "indie says Probably be a year before Haden mentions the baby"

      Well, how old is this kid? 1 or 2 years old?

      "Di says, At the rate Gh moves the kid will be interning at GH before he finds out."

      ROFL! Which will be in a year or two. :)

    3. "Michelle P 1....maybe 2?"

      *Nod nod nod* *Thumbs up*


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...