Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday Monday...

I was singing the Mama's and The Papa's today!! 

 It's so weird guys, I'm getting into You Tube So much-- watching influencers (Jefferee Star is the latest one) and dumpster dives (OMG so much stuff thrown out!)  and thrift hauls. It's so mindless and it's taking my mind off all the crap in the world. Anyway I love You's my dream of what TV could be when I was a kid. Just pick and choose!! 


Willow goes to talk to Julian. She's had a change of heart about him and thinks he's a super grandpa. So she's going to change the stipulation in the adoption and let him see Wiley. She says he can go to the birthday party. 

Shiloh over hears Epiphany talking to Bobbie about Wiley's party. He wants to get his ass there. Epiphany is getting his medical history together for him to take. She yells at him a couple of times. lol 


WILEY's ONE: and they are having a giant over the top party at the Metro Court. Guests include: Carly, Bobbie, Sasha Alexis...Willow and Julian  Brucas are there. No kids. Weird party. Willow walks in with Julian and Carly has a fit. BUT they tell her it's their choice to have Jules in Wiley's life and to accept it. They toast Wiley (who's a cutie pie smiley boy) and Shiloh walks out of the elevator. Willow yells at him. Shiloh says that he wants to give Wiley a present-it's his medical records. Michael ends up punching him and throwing him out.  Brad grabs the medical records and hopes that Lucas never sees them. 

Michael and Nelle in Pentonville talking about Jonah. "I know something you don't know"....She's going to tell him and of COURSE Carly sends a text. Nelle gets mad "Does she want you home and not here"??He opens it and it's a photo of Sasha with Wiley. Nelle gets mad 'Is that your girlfriend"?? SHE'S ALL JELLY IN JAIL LOL ... She decides to tell Michael she had a dream about Jonah surrounded by angels and happy and at peace.  Michael tells her he's over it and never wants to see her again. When he leaves she says she's "not done yet".  Later, she talks to Harmony in the jail. Tells her that Michael doesn't deserve her or their son. Makes 

Franco and Drew are EATING (my favorite thing to watch RoHo do) and talking about the psychic.  "Don't take that drive"... Drew tells him to be happy. An package gets delivered to Drew from the Navy. Oscar wanted Drew to have his military medals so he filled out the paper work and had Drew's admin have him sign the papers secretly. Drew is happy because they are from "his son".  They open it and they are from 2005 and his actions in Afghanistan for saving lives. He has 5, one is the Silver Star.  Franco looks at them and talks about the lives Drew saved. Drew says one is for saving Shiloh and he wants to send that one back lol. Franco asks if he'd want his memories back yet. Drew says no, that would jeopardize his memories of Oscar. "My memories are in this room and here they will stay". (close up on the place where the flashdrive is). 

Ava and Psychic Chelsea walking in the park together talking about contacting Kiki. Chelsea asks Ava how her face got so much better after the fire. She brings up Morgan and the medication tampering and how she shot Connie. Ava's like "I just want to contact Kiki not go over all my sins".  So, Chelsea looks into the void and says WOW, you're the Cochella of Dead People LOL!! AHHAAA. She sees Connie and AJ... and Helena has a message "You knew Nikolas killed me and didn't tell anyone"... and then she asks about a dead baby and a woman. Ava's like What are you talking about?  I didn't have anything to do with Nelle and her baby. THEN Chelsea mentions the baby blanket! REMEMBER THAT?? Ava hid it!! I totally forgot about that!!  She gave it to Julian!! He hid it in a trunk at the Q's right? 
So, later on...the psychic says that Kiki is angry that Ava fell in love with a serial killer and has his heart. Ava jumps up and says she's gotta go. 
She goes and visits RYAN!! 

Shiloh meets with this public defender. She goes over the charges (she looks like Sasha I think) and says that they are airtight and he could either go to court and go away forever or plead guilty and end up with 20 years. He says he's not going to jail. He goes walking in the park, finds a lucky dollar and calls someone with a "job". 

I THINK the only way Shiloh gets out of this is that Harmony is killed. That's my prediction. Maybe Ryan will do it? 

PS I totally enjoyed the show today especially Drew/Franco and Ava/Chelsea 


  1. I'm thinking Shiloh is sending someone to take care of Drew . And I'm thinking that Franco is going to take that drive and use it to convict Shiloh. He won't be himself because he will then be Drew.

    1. "And I'm thinking that Franco is going to take that drive and use it to convict Shiloh. He won't be himself because he will then be Drew."

      Whoa!!! Great theory! :)

  2. this is so good - 'don't take that drive' doesn't mean a CAR - means the FLASH DRIVE - so I think Shiloh tries to kill Franco ---- I don't think they will kill of Drew......
    maybe Nelle complains about Harmony to Ryan and he kills her FOR Nelle too - if she realizes Wiley is really Jonah? That makes sense - or maybe she kills Harmony but they think Shiloh had it done....
    ONE YEAR people - ONE YEAR of this storyline - it's time to move on!!!!!! let Lucas be caught and Julian --- let Michael fight Nelle for custody or something.......but this is ridiculous..
    one more thought --- I think one of the those medals isn't for saving Hank Archer -------thoughts?

    1. "mufasa this is so good - 'don't take that drive' doesn't mean a CAR - means the FLASH DRIVE -"

      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You could be right!!!! But she could have just told him she didn't mean a car.

  3. Funny there was no dead Nik or Morgan metion from Chelsea.....hmmmmm
    Enjoyed Drew and Franco as always 💙
    Loved little "Wiley", I knew...we all knew Nellie wouldn't tell.
    Wonder why the close up on the place where the flash drive is?
    Also who is Shiloh calling? Something to do with Drew maybe?

  4. Talking about real soap drama, everyone should watch all of Orange is the new Black. Truth about women, non white people, and the state of our country. As heartbreaking as any GH

  5. The REAL park:

    Ava and Psychic lady: Psychic lady wins the line of the day!

    Psychic lady: My goodness! You're the Coachella of dead people. It's a crowded field.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh how I wish we were able to see everyone in that field! :) So Helena Cassadine IS dead!


    Michael and Nelle: Miss you Nelle!!! :) Of course she isn't going to tell Michael the truth! One look of Michael's "girlfriend" and Nelle is jelly! :)

    Lorraine Mcfly and Nelle: Nelle is probably up to something. You can practically see the wheel in her head moving. :)

    Ava and Ryan: Oh boy!

    Drew's office:

    Drew and BobTodd: FOOD! And of course BobTodd is eating!!! Drew isn't though.. WHOA! A package of Drew's past. Oh oh huh? Oh it's medals!!! You deserve them Drew!!! Great scene all around with them!! Damn I want Drew to remember!!!!

    Charlie's restaurant and pub:

    Willow and Julian: Awwww! Thank you Willow!!! Even though he isn't your baybay.

    Central Perk:

    King Mufasa and lawyer: Hmmmm she looks like Sarah Silverman.

    Metrocourt restaurant: Little Jonah looks so tired. Like he just woke up from a nap. Sasha shouldn't be there. She don't belong there!!!! Oh King Mufasa HELLO! Now the party is going to start! :) Brad peeing his pants.

    Michael and King Mufasa: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Michael grabs him and pushes him to the ground and then throws him in the elevator! I laughed so hard I had tears!!!! The look on Carly's face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Jonah was all smiles.. He approves! Hahahahaha!

    Outside: Hmmm King Mufasa is walking around thinking.. Oh dear! Is he going to steal the memories file, and then have Drew kidnapped? And then force the memories on him?!!?!?!

    1. Sonya, don't understand your last question, Skank does NOT want Drew to have his memories!! And Sasha, she is Michael's girlfriend, why shouldn't she be there?

    2. It's a bit of a catch-22, AntJoan because he wants him to remember where his money is. I'm wondering if there's a clue in that little bugle he sent the baby. It was shown once a million years ago.

    3. "Di It's a bit of a catch-22, AntJoan because he wants him to remember where his money is."

      YES! Exactly! i was just going to say that.. Yes he wants his money!!!

      "AntJoan says Sasha, she is Michael's girlfriend, why shouldn't she be there?"

      UGH! His girlfriend.. They are so boring! The truth needs to come out about her, and Michael needs to dump her!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...