Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Co-Head Writer at GH

I was going to do a different post for today but this is pretty big news so I will drop it before I leave. Shelley Altman is retiring FRIDAY--and Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor (Former breakdown writer) will lead the helm. O'Connor and Van Etten also worked on One Life to Live.  TV Insider has the scoop although Daytime Confidential had the rumor long ago.  Kudos to @JillianBowe for breaking it! 

Not sure how this will play out, Chris has been a head writer for a short time and Dan has never been in the position. Good to have new blood? I think so--I like Chris, so here's hoping ABC gets outta their way and lets them write, write , write!! 

I am off today and tomorrow. Dave will do a post tomorrow for you to jump in on-- this will serve as today's post. 
Have a good one and remember: Live Life to the Funnest! 


  1. I am a little disheartened that you and I were not considered.... (sad face)

    But i agree that new blood could be a good thing for the show. New ideas, creativity, thinking outside the box. Let's hope that things get positive and that we have a lot to talk about in the coming months.

  2. PLEASE let Stella and Ephinany be sisters!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They may both be African-American, but they look nothing alike. Stella is rail thin, and Epiphany is a full-figured woman!

    1. They could be 2nd cousins?! :)

    2. I'd rather see Jordan be one of Claudia and Brian's (Scott's BFF) twin girls. It's about time they start using some GH history.

    3. That doesn't mean anything. My mom is skinny and her two sisters aren't.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Besides, it's a soap...nobody looks alike.

    6. Your right Michelle. BMI is not necessarily hereditary. I know quite a few brother/sister,sister/sister,brother/brothers (you get the picture) who have totally different body types.

    7. Jeeze,what the heck is up with my typing!? Lol!

    8. LOL you're so funny gracegirl!!
      In other news saw my eye dr and all is well and now I'm I'm having surgery on Monday for my right eye. Then no more cataracts. 😊 The right eye isn't as bad as my dominant left eye but I can't see out of it at all, so....since I met my deductible might as well get it done now and I'll be on vacation so I won't miss work, better now than later.

  4. I just don't want it to be Jordan - since Ephinany and Stella are so strong-willed, I think they would be hysterical!
    UNLESS TJ isn't really Jordan's???????? TJ is related to Stella?

  5. Didn't Claudia and Brian have triplets? Am I remembering that correctly?

  6. Does anyone else think Jordan looks PG? Or maybe it's just the blouse . . .

    1. Probably just the blouse. She did look very pretty today. Liking her alot more now.

    2. That thought did cross my mind.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Great picture Karen! :) The lady at the bottom, with Steve Hardy, looks like Nelle. :)


    Valenina, Sasha, and Dr. O: Dr. O had a lot of funny one liners, and she would have, won the line of the day, but that honor goes to someone else. :) Oh please Nina no!!! It's way too soon for Sasha and Michael to say I love you!

    The REAL park:

    Jasam, kiddo Cheeto, and King Mufasa: Damn whenever King Mufasa comes into a scene, he makes the scene so much better! :) No you shouldn't be talking to Cheeto man! Jason will kick your ass!! I rather Michael do it, cus it's funnier. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jurtis and Stella: Stella wins the line of the day!

    Stella: CURTIS HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! NO! No I do not have some secret love child roaming around!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHA! She's yelling!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Stella you are so defensive when you said that! Curtis must have struck a nerve! You do have a child out there don't you? Is Curtis your love child? :) Now Stella doesn't want to check out who that family member is!! She is skeeered?

    Lulu's home:

    Lulu and Hiney: Oh Hiney you make no sense!!!!! Stupid line!!! Dante should be here?!!?! You already proved that he shouldn't! You got shot remember? Or did the bullet go into your head too? Stop acting like Maxie! And stop talking to a drunk Lulu!!!


    Rava: Great scene!!! She is all threatening him and wishing he was dead, and he just loves her passionate threats!!! :) Damn I love them together!! :)

    Drew's office: OH OH! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!!! The flashdrive is gone! Oh wait unless it just up and walked out of there. Got bored of being in the cabinet.

    CarlyKim and Drew: Ohhhh. So they aren't the original medals. That's too bad. Well, you still deserve them Drew!

    Different part of the park again:

    King Mufasa and ??????




    1. Umh... Sonya what was that??????
      Can you tell us instead of sending us to a link? LOL! It was long and something about star trek.....

    2. The video didn't work? Strange. I checked the link and got the video just fine.. It's the sound of red alert. Hmmmmmm. Well, go on youtube and type in red alert sound. It's the first video that says star trek red alert sound. ROFL!

    3. I saw the red alert and the video and it was about Star Trek....what's that about? Blonde here, I don't get it....

    4. I think that was from Lost in Space. The robot would sound off like that when he sensed danger to warn them. I didn't go to the link just recognized it from my viewing experience! Lol! Also,just read your post about your surgery scheduled for Monday and praying it will be as successful as your last! Have a blessed day!

    5. Great recap Sonya, and Stella shrieking in the Metro Court was a hoot! I need Aunt Leisel to wipe that smirk off of Valentine's face. And oohh, Ava and Ryan were awesome. I have missed them. :)

    6. "Julie H says Great recap Sonya"

      Thanks. :)

      "and Stella shrieking in the Metro Court was a hoot!"

      Hahahahaha. She was so loud!!!! :)

      "I need Aunt Leisel to wipe that smirk off of Valentine's face."

      Hahahhaha. I always love their scenes! :) It's so delicious! Oh and yes she should! :)

      "oohh, Ava and Ryan were awesome. I have missed them. :)"

      I've missed them too!!!!

  9. "Michelle P says I saw the red alert and the video and it was about Star Trek....what's that about? Blonde here, I don't get it...."

    It was a joke, which failed miserably!!!! ROFL! King Mufasa has got Drew's memory file!!!! OH OH! Alert alert!!! :)

    1. Lost in Space?! It's actually pretty cute & funny! Good one Sonya!

    2. "gracegirl says Lost in Space?!"

      The video is from lost in space? Oh okay hahaha.

      "It's actually pretty cute & funny! Good one Sonya!"

      Thanks. :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...