Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Gram's Advice


Alexis looks up Dr. Neal's daughter's death, she died in 2014. Runs into Krissy. She kinda wants to know what Krissy told Shiloh but Kristina doesn't want to tell her. 
Alexis goes in for her appt with Dr. and lets it slip she knows he had a daughter that died. He gets pissed--whoa. Tells her he won't treat her anymore and to leave. 

Cam gets the day off for the wedding reception.  Laura is in there talking about fireworks and Friz are talking about the party.  Cam doesn't want to bring anyone to the reception and says he won't have fun.
Laura is taking him out to lunch (as his gram I think?) and she wants to know why he's so snotty to his parents. He says he doesn't like Franco and he probably won't stick around anyway. Laura says he's had a lot of father figures come and she understands. After her pep-talk Cam is going to take a date to the rehearsal party.

Sonny's meeting his cousin in Bridgeport --I guess to get the ID for Dev? So his cousin shows up and says "um..we never even MET and why do you want to see me" Sonny asks her about her son that died in Iraq. OH HELL NO is he going to ask for his identity? No..he's not.
Oh man, this is very bizarre to explain. The son that died in Iraq had no kids. Sonny  says "He does now"..and pushes money to the cousin. He wants her to explain to the officials that her son married a woman in Iraq that died in childbirth and that kid is Dev. The hell? She says the envelope isn't big enough. He gives her more money. She'll get that amount every month. And he threatens her if she tells. "you've done your research, you know what happens to people when they double cross me".  At least he SOUNDS like a real mobbie guy. 
She takes the money. 

Dev and Joss are having a boring convo in the kitchen. Good God, can teens BE anymore yawn-inducing??  He mentions America and choices.. yada yada. They are cutting up carrots. SUCH A TEEN STORY. 

Scotty's still proposing to Bobbie. She asks if he's insane and that she's not dying and doesn't want a "pity proposal".  They talk about things but NO flashbacks... Bobbie "You never said you love me" . Scotty realizes it was dumb. Scoots away. Later he talks to Franco who advises he ask her out instead. They are going to the Friz party together.

Kristina goes into the jail to see Willow.  They talk about why Willow's in jail and secrets. Then, she goes back to the Dr's and wants to talk to him with Alexis about the secret. But! Alexis got kicked out! 

FRIDAY: Sam's "Undercover" as a waitress in Beecher's Diner-- Jason talks to Harmony and Krissy and ALexis see Dr. Neal. 


  1. Man oh man, the scenes where Scotty proposed to Bobbi made me laugh. I clearly remember a time when she fought tooth and nail just to have him talk to her. She was so nuts about him, and she and Laura were rivals for his affection. Laura won. And now, Bobbi has what she would have given her eye teeth for all those years ago. Only she doesn't want it any more. I guess time really changes everything, huh.

    1. BUT WHY oh WHY no flashbacks!!!

    2. I wish there was flashbacks!!! BUT, Kin put up flashbacks himself on twitter. :)

  2. Nice scenes with Laura and Cam. But what on earth is she wearing?
    Everyone have a safe and fun holiday!

  3. Therapy session:

    Neil and Alexis: Okay now their scene is getting boring. Alexis doesn't know how to quit! Stop being nosy!!!!! I don't know how many times he has to repeat himself to her until she stops. Can Alexis and Julian get back together please?

    Krissy and Alexis: Hmmmmmm. Krissy is not being all snotty. Krissy is 25, so how old is Michael? 29? :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Laura and Cam: GREAT SCENE! Laura is so right about Cam and the father figures in his life abandoning him. Laura you are giving Cam great advice. Now take your own advice and apologize to BobTodd! Cam wants to bring a date to the party? I was wondering who he is going to choose. Trina or Joss?

    Carson kitchen:

    Dev and Joss: Still mad at him Joss? Boy you can keep a grudge just like your mother.

    Cam and Joss: AH HA!!! Joss is going to be his date! Glad he picked her. :) Love my Jam.

    The hospital:

    Bobbie and Scotty: Bobbie wins the lines of the day. Scott are you insane? Scott do you want a referral to go to shadybrook? Cus clearly you have lost your mind.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Great scene. :)

    Scotty: Like an old,

    Now I was thinking he was going to say shoe.

    Scotty: Well warn shoe.

    ROFL! Scotty!!!!! You are screwing this up badly!

    BobTodd and Scotty: Scotty don't blame your son for you proposing to Bobbie and screwing this whole thing up! ROFL!

    Bobbie and Carly: YES CARLY YES! Bobbie does deserve to love and to be loved! Carly is right though. You gotta go out there and find someone! :)

    Bobbie and Scotty part 2: Ah yes. Go on a date.. MUCH better Scotty. :)


    Sonny and cousin:

    Sonny: You've done your research, you know what happens to people when they double cross me

    YIKES! He scared me!!!

    "Karen says, At least he SOUNDS like a real mobbie guy."

    Yeah he sure does!!!!!

    4TH ON JULY."

    Yeah when you said that before, I looked what episode it's going to be.. Disappointed. It's not one from years and years ago. :( I thought they were going to do that from now on. :(

    1. I'm going to assume Laura apologized to Franco off-camera ;-)

    2. "Paul773 says I'm going to assume Laura apologized to Franco off-camera ;-)"

      ROFL! Not good enough!!! :)

  4. Michael is supposed to be 5 years older than Krissy.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...