Tuesday, July 2, 2019

RT. 66

***NOTE; JULY 4th is a REPEAT EPISODE... July 5th will be a new show *****

Jax calls Carly. He has a SNAZZY new orange office lol. HE has a new '55 Porsche too and wants her to go to lunch. She says no, she's busy. He can tell something is wrong. Sonny comes in and Carly was googling Spina Bifida. He's like, NOPE don't do that. She wonders if they can handle having a child with a severe birth defect. Sonny says that they have the money, resources and Support System. Carly says it's for a life time and she's not sure she's strong enough. They talk about Mike.. and Carly says the baby will be a gift. They hug, say they are scared. 

Ava and Scotty. Ava looks SO GOOD. Maura West is spectacular. Scotty needs a friend. He wants nookie, she thinks he's having a midlife crisis. She tells him to get a Ferrari. She goes to see Jax and tells him the interview is off. Curtis is there (in a suit looking damn fine) and they leave. He's going to plant a bug I think. 

Franco tells Liz to get out of his studio. He's probably doing a present for her.  Scotty comes over later and they have juice boxes. Scotty wants a companion. He describes his perfect woman and it's basically Ava.. He says he felt good when he saved Bobbie the other day. 

Bobby thanks Epiphany. She went online and is becoming pro-active with her diabetes. 

Charlie's.. TJ Stella, Jordan.. Curtis and Finn. Finn was talking to Anna who's seeing Alexis.

He goes over to see Jordan who wishes she was working. They are all having breakfast.  TJ wants to leave med school to help with medical bills. Stella and Jordan yell at him. 

Jax had a file on Cassandra Pierce who Finn also mentioned to Chase. :eyeroll: Please NO. She was the one that wanted Finn to "cure" her to make weird drugs. Valentin was in business with her. :eyeroll: 

Ava wants to see a psychic. 

Scotty asks Bobbie to marry him and go into an RV with him. 


  1. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Scotty: AVA!!! Come on! Scotty wants to be more than a friend with you! He has feelings for you! Can't you see that?! Don't brush him off!!! :( I want my Sava! :(

    Aurora offices:

    Jax and Ava: Hmmm. Ava's shirt is lovely on her. Strange. When she was the Metrocourt, that dress was big on her, but when she was in Aurora's offices, the shirt fit on her. Maybe it was the lighting at the Metrocourt? It's funny that they were arguing over her canceling the interview while Curtis was walking around hahahahahaha!

    Metrocourt restaurant part 2:

    Ava and Jax: SEE! Now the shirt looks big on her! Has to be the lighting. Careful Ava or Jax will sue and then maybe bed you. :) Or forget sue. He could just bed you. Hmmmm Jaxva? :) Are we really going to see Ava try to get in contact with Kiwi? With a psychic?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Stella, TJ, Curtis, and Jordan: GREAT SCENE!!!! :) Family breakfast awwwww! :)

    Jordan: I'm still not used to that new look, so make sure your coworkers know that you're married.

    Hahahaha. Jordan would have won the joke of the day, but then Scotty had to open his mouth later. :) Yes Jordan, Curtis looks HAWT in that suit! YUM! :) No JT! You don't quit medical school just to get a job to pay your mother's hospital bills!!! You are a sweet boy, but this isn't your job to take care of your mother! You listen to your mama and auntie!!! STAY IN SCHOOL!

    Chase and Finchy: Awwww a brotherly bonding moment. :) They haven't had a scene in awhile.

    Carson home:

    Carson: Great scene!!!! Love how they talked it all through. :) Bravo!

    The hospital:

    Liz, Bobbie and Piffy: Awww! Glad Bobbie shared with Liz that she has diabetes. :)

    BobTodd's art room:

    Friz: Hehehehe so cute! He has a surprise for her and won't let her in hahahahaha! Adorbs.

    BobTodd and Scotty: Love the juice boxes. :) And there it is! Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: I'm not having a "cliche" midlife crises, if I was, I would be out dating go go girls.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAA! Scotty you kill me. :) Awww poor Scotty! He wants Ava, but she won't give him the time of day. Stupid Ava! :(


    Scotty and Bobbie: OH MY!!!! My jaw dropped when he proposed to her! Hmmmm Sobbie? :) Scotty I know you want companionship, but you should wait for love!! You deserve it!!!! You can't be with Lucy, since she still has feelings for Doc, and Ava is in her own little world.

    1. Line of the day was perfect! Then we have Franco mouthing the words "go-go girl?" I was dying! Scotty was really showing his age there. Youngsters now would have no clue what a go-go girl is. Hahahah!

      I liked the Carly/Sonny scenes too, but I'm afraid we are going to have those same scenes over and over and over again! It will be like remembering Morgan. I am so not up for that! And thanks to Karen, every time there is a Corinthos kitchen scene all I can see is that stupid moss. :)

      I was disappointed in Curtis snooping thru Jax's files. He should be snooping on sleazy Val.

      Happy 4th everyone!

  2. Maybe I imagined but I swear I remember the exact same scene where Curtis, or someone, shuts the door of that office and searches through the same cabinet. Some time in the not too distant past.
    I too hope they don't bring back Casandra Pierce. That was an unneeded short story. But seems she is.

  3. Oops forgot something.. Genealogy website contacts Stella. Hmmm. Wonder if a family member is going to show up. Then they showed a woman's hand made reservations to fly from Paris to Port Chuckles. Is that person related to Stella, or is it RayRay wanting to see Finchy? Or is RayRay related to Stella! :)

    1. They showed that after the Franco and Liz scene. Probably someone coming to cause trouble.

    2. Hmmm. They also showed that right before Stella and TJ went to the hospital. Curiouser and curiouser. :)

    3. I am wondering if that person is the guest coming.... what was the name? Veronica Cartright? It was supposed to be "secret" as to who she was playing..

    4. Wasn't Veronica the one Sonny was talking to in the previews? I was wondering who she was.

    5. THAT was Veronica Cartwright? She looks different, Didn't recognize her.

  4. I was hoping the dna would lead to the Ward family, and a tie to the Quartermains. I need that family to grow again.
    The Bobbie-Scotty has potential. I just wish it was more about the moment he helped her igniting feelings instead of a mid-life crisis desperation story.
    Bringing Mac, Robert and Laura front and center is awesome. I want them to pull Scotty and Bobbie in to this and hopefully have a role for Lucy as well.
    Instead of "summer of teens" we could have a "summer of veterans"!!!!!

  5. Great idea - Summer of Veterans! I loved everything Scotty yesterday! I hope Bobbie accepts - she has no one either and they have such history. Ava looked stunning yesterday. Had to ffwd. Sonny and Carly - neverending story and I could care less about them. Maybe that was Cassandra flying in from Paris.

    1. When is Carly due??? Seems she's been pregnant forever.

  6. The hand of the person buying a plane ticket looked like that of a young, White woman, so I am betting it is Hayden . . .


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...