Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Face For Modeling

Finn and Hayden ...she's looking for Liz, Liz has already gone home. Lucy comes by. Hayden wants to know if the house she was looking at before she left is still for sale. Lucy's like: The one you were buying with FINN??? Lucy gives her her card. Hayden leaves. 


Michael and Sasha at Kelly's...he cancels their trip to Puerto Rico. Because? Wiley's FIRST BIRTHDAY. Lucy is staring at them at Kelly's.. she says that Sasha could have been the face of "Deception".  Meaning the cosmetic company.  She thinks Sasha should model and gives her a card.  Sasha tells Michael that she did try modeling once. 

CarSon are on the patio. Sonny tells her about Dante and the divorce papers. They talk about Dev.. and his living there. Same ol' same ol. 

Lulu--Paxie comes to visit. she shuts the door in their faces. I would too. Not Maxie--but Peter.  Anyway, Maxie keeps knocking and Lulu shows her the divorce papers. Cries. Doesn't know how she'll tell Rocco. Maxie insults her sweat pant outfit. Tells her she wants to take her drinking.  Rocco's home..Maxie offers up Peter to babysit. 

Peter reads a book to Rocco, it's spooky. He changes the ending to a happy one and Rocco FREAKS THE HELL OUT! LOL, it was bizarre. I can take it! I'm not afraid!! Um, WEIRD. Peter finds him hiding in the kitchen. Rocco says he wanted to hear that story to prove he was brave. He wonders if his Dad left like the guy in the book because he didn't know how to be a Dad. Peter talks about not having a mom. Bonding time. 

Lulu and Maxie go out. Lulu runs into the guy from OLTL..what's his name on this show?? He was her 'date' and uber driver guy. DUSTIN! that's it.. Maxie invites them to join for margaritas. She asks about his job.. Lulu blurts out she's gotten divorce papers. "your husband is crazy' says Dustin. he leaves. Lulu cries. 

Dev tells Joss she's spoiled and shouldn't expect Max to drive her around. He can steal a car and drive her . :eyeroll:  Trina and Cam walk up as they argue.  Yada yada. Joss and Cam talk. She appreciates him. Trina wants to get to know Dev better. BTW, the KIDS are getting COFFEE and it's dark, meaning it's 9pm.. and also, Cam's community center guy comes along and tells him they have to 'finish' working. AT NINE AT NIGHT?? mmmmmm'kay 

Cam has to go with the guy who's cleaning the bridge, taking off graffiti and Cameron has to cut the locks off the railing. Where Joss and Oscar's lock is.  Joss goes there and sees the lock is gone. Gets upset.  Cries. Dev comes along. They hug (tight). 

Curtis gives Valentin and update on Jax and wants to know why he has a file on both Val and Cassandra. 
Hayden comes in after Val leaves. She apologizes for being such a bad friend and not going to the wedding. He asks where she was. Hayden doesn't say much. 

At GH, Valentin sees Finn and tells him to tell Anna that he has to talk to her about Cassandra Pierce. 

WOW ... this is summer? I mean...no excitement at all. eesh. 


  1. why is Dev being shoved down our throats? first I had to sit through joss and oscar. the one with the chemistry and talent is Cam.repeat story of emily, juan, zander and nik.

  2. Dev seems so intentionally annoying. Success.
    It was funny seeing Maxie lay into Lulu about her outfit, which I thought looked comfy and stylish, when Maxie has been dressed lately like she is an older woman. Lots older.
    Not much going on without, or even with, the baby story.

    1. "Not much going on without, or even with, the baby story."

      I can't believe Jonah is a year old!!!!! Michael missed a whole freakin year of being a father!!! GAH!

    2. Michelle P says Sounds about right....

      *nod nod nod nod*

  3. Lulu's home:

    Maxie, Hiney, and Lulu: No!!! Lulu doesn't need to go out drinking Maxie! What Lulu needs to do is to file the divorce papers. Hiney babysitting! ROFL! Hiney is skeered!!!! Lulu wins the line of the day.

    Lulu: Wow! That's a ringing endorsement right there.



    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Lucy staring hahahha. Michael why are you introducing Sasha to Lucy as your girlfriend? *GAG*

    Lucy and Sasha: Hmmm face of deception! Yeah! I can see it!!! Sasha DOES have the face!!!

    Joss and Dev: Oh WOW! All the bickering! They REALLY REALLY have feelings for each other. :)

    Trina and Dev: They are so adorable!!!!! :)

    Joss and Cam: Awwww! She appreciates him!!!! :) She has feelings for him too! Just look in her eyes. :) Who will she choose? Hopefully it's Cam.

    Karen says, BTW, the KIDS are getting COFFEE and it's dark, meaning it's 9pm.. and also, Cam's community center guy comes along and tells him they have to 'finish' working. AT NINE AT NIGHT?? mmmmmm'kay "

    ROFL! How do you know it's 9 at night?!?! :)

    The bridge: Oh no!!!! Cam has to cut the locks on the bridge!!! Poor Joss!!!! :(

    Joss and Dev: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Joss is broken hearted. :( I just hope Cam saw the JossCar lock and kept it, so he could give it to Joss!!!! Wait it looks like Dev is trying not to laugh!!! Uh the director should have redone that scene. It doesn't look very good.

    Carson: Hmmm. Where are the tribbles? Are they sleeping? I mean it IS 9 pm.. :) Some should be in the living room watching tv. What would they watch anyway?

    The hospital:

    Finchy and RayRay: Where is Finchy Jr RayRay?

    Finchy and V.C.: V.C. in desperate mode?

    RayRay and Lucy: Wait! Why does RayRay want the old house that she was going to live with Finchy? Is it for her and FINCHY JR?!!?!

    The floating rib:

    RayRay and Curtis: Awwww! Friendship. :) Wait Curtis! Why aren't you home yet?!!?! Your wife and auntie are waiting for their dinner!!!!! Yes RayRay, Curtis wants to talk about Finchy Jr.. Let's talk about Finchy Jr!!! Where is he or she? Who is taking care of your baybay? Oh you don't want to talk about it!! TOUGH! If it's 9 pm, then damn this is a late dinner!

    Lulu, Maxie, and Dustin: DUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Maxie doesn't look very happy. Great scene though. Sign the divorce papers Lulu! Then you and Dustin can date! :) I can call you two Lustin? Or Dulu? Or Duslu?

    1. Oops! Forgot one other thing.

      Hiney and Rocco: Awwwww great scene when they had a heart to heart! See Hiney? Nothing to be scared about! :) Now I want you to be a father. :)

    2. Great kid casting....he looks like Dom with Emme's hair color. I think it's his eyes.
      Speaking of eyes!!!! Had my surgery yesterday and man oh man, the colors just pop! I see so well! Went today for post OP and vision was 20/25. Didn't see the eye dr who did the surgery which was a little annoying but oh well. I saw another one. He said all is good that the throbbing and scratchy is normal. I see my regular eye dr next Mon to see if I nee readers or what? The only reason I ever needed glasses was because I failed my vision driving test because of my right eye, it's lazy.🙄 So... probably will still need them. I'm just thrilled I can see!!😁

    3. Ooooh, Lustin, that's good!

    4. Michelle P that is great! YAY! :)

      "AntJoan says Ooooh, Lustin, that's good!"

      Okay! Lustin it is! :)

  4. When does Finola start filming again?

    1. Probably soon. I know Kirsten was on IG saying that they were back from 3 wk break I believe and it's almost Aug, so i imagine soon. When did she leave?

    2. Michelle, congratulations on your surgery going well, hope you are fully recovered soon!

    3. Michelle, so glad your surgery went well!

  5. I have a question for all of my friends here on this site: Does anyone know if any character on GH has more than one child with the same person? I am thinking that no one does . . .

    Also, Cam has the LONGEST community service sentence ever, what has it been, like a year? Usually isn't it a few weeks, or months?

    Turkey Boy was particularly annoying today, his bragging and smirking REALLY got on my nerves . . . There is NOTHING appealing about his character, IMO. . .

    1. Nope, not a yr...or even 6 months? Maybe 6 months? When did they take that trip?

    2. I agree with you about Dev, AntJoan. Saying he could steal a car if they wanted was ridiculous. And when Joss told him he had to keep a low profile (like Jason did) he said it wouldn't be a problem because he wouldn't get caught. When Jason had the talk with him it was yes sir, no sir I understand. The kid is a born liar and definitely a bit sleasy in my books. He shouldn't be anywhere near Joss. And she should tell Sonny or Jason what he said about the car. He needs to be brought down a peg or two.

    3. "AntJoan says I have a question for all of my friends here on this site: Does anyone know if any character on GH has more than one child with the same person? I am thinking that no one does . . ."

      Luke and Laura. Lulu and Lucky. :)

  6. Oh, I remembered that Laura had Lucky and Lulu with Luke . . . Maybe in the past characters had more than one child with the same person, but I don't think anyone does now . . .

  7. I thought that the kid who plays Rocco did a really great acting job when he was hearing the story, I really like him. I also think he really looks like he could be Lulu and Dante's child.

    There was nothing wrong with what Lulu was wearing as she was relaxing in her home, except for the fact that IT IS SUMMER.

    1. LOL If her house is anything like mine I'd be wearing the same plus you know.....she's vegging/depressed.

  8. Watching again and man, I really love Dustin!! Writers need to snatch that actor up.

    1. AGREE!!! We need to keep him!!!! Eventually Lulu and Dustin need to date!!! :)

  9. Sonya said "Carson: Hmmm. Where are the tribbles? Are they sleeping? I mean it IS 9 pm.. :) Some should be in the living room watching tv. What would they watch anyway?" Star Trek reruns, silly! :)

    Congratulations on your eyes Michelle! Very happy for you!

    AntJoan, if Carly gives birth, she and Sonny will have had Morgan and new baby. You're right, I can't think of any others besides Lucky and Lulu! Lol!

    Parking Lot Pete is now a lapdog. More useless than ever. However little Rocco was fantastic.

    I like Lulu's outfit. Maxie needs to pipe down.

    Will GH be preempted today? Mueller is testifying and I heard it will be televised. Sigh.........

    1. "Julie H says Star Trek reruns, silly! :)"

      Oh of course!!! DUH! ROFL!

  10. AntJoan, Robin and Patrick have 2 kids! Not that we see them anymore.

  11. I'm off again today, my last...better not be preempted. 😡 I've enjoyed being able to watch live even the episodes sucked. Haha! Thanks Julie. It's made a world of difference.

    1. I was thinking yesterday that GH probably will be pre-empted today due to the hearings.Although they are supposed to start early(8am EST)&last 5 hours or so,I doubt we will be lucky enough to see GH today. And here in NYC, GH is on late(3pm),but still I think no dice.

  12. That community service thing is hilarious right now. I'm still not over it being at NIGHT..like any town member works AT NIGHT, it would be overtime! Anyway, GH is probably not going to be on today.

    1. I know!!! Hahahhaa. Community service at night.. It would be hysterical if it was midnight! ROFL!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...