Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Two Days Off and...

Back at the CarSon grind. Now, I know they are stars of the show but it was SO nice to have other characters interact and take center stage the past 2 days. Loved Liz talking to Jax and Finn and working that room. It's just been eaten by those two lately. Just having the days off made me happy.

OMG THE MOSS MOVED TO THE PATIO LOL.. I think they are messing with us!! Joss gets Carly to drink some green juice. Carly's worried about Joss going to the Will reading.  She and Cam leave for the Q's. 

Kim and Drew meet in the park at the meadow. Kim is sorry and Drew says he won't press charges. He's pissed tho. She says she's getting help and seeing Dr. Massey (that was Chandra Wilson's character when she guested!) later. They go to the reading of the Will. 

OSCAR'S WILL: Q household: Monica, Ned, Alexis and Olivia get things ready for everyone. Jason is executor but because he's "off grid" (hiding from Beecher Billy) they'll do it without him. 
People arrive. There's a box with personal items to distribute. Alexis reads the will. He says it's the only way to let people know how much they mean to him now. 
Monica- a tour guide to Cleveland-- because she gave him a tour of PC
Michael -who 'showed him the darkroom at the Q's"--a photo of he and Wiley that Oscar took
Olivia and Ned-- gave Leo his keyboard
Cameron got his car 
Josslyn -- gave her back the compass she gave him. She runs out and "can't take it" anymore.  Cam finds her in the park. Flashback to her giving it to Oscar. 
He gives Drew the glass they stole for his DNA lol ...cute 
Kim gets his Mr. Bear.. I did tear up a bit.
WOW. He gives his ELQ shares to someone that 'helped him out in his time of need' and who will use the shares to "do good in the world" AND IT'S SHILOH!

Sonny, Brick and Jason. They talk about Dev's new ID and Sonny fills Jason in on the history of DEVVVVVVVVV. Jason doesn't think he should stay at the house. Then Carly and Dev walk in.  They give Dev the envelope. He's happy. Jason thinks Sonny should think of the other people in the house before asking Dev to stay. Sonny tries to sell Dev to Jason. 
Dev comes back and recites his new ID and American accent. 

Michael sees Shiloh trying to talk to Sasha and he THROWS him on the ground! LOL pretty violently too. wow. Michael tells him to beat it. He leaves. Michael has a banal convo with Sasha about going away together. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he goes to the Q's too. Carly ends up talking to Shasha about her mom and finding her way to PC, yada yada. "maybe what you're looking for is right here".. 

Sam is at the PCPD..Robert and Mac are there too. She's going to give them Waitress's statement. I can't remember that waitress name..Carol? Yes, it's Carol. Robert says she has to make her statement at the Beecher's Corners' PCPD and Sam says she can't because it's crawling with DOD people.  Robert schools Sam about hearsay and why he can't take it to a judge. She doesn't get it. Chase erupts. Robert and Mac take a walk to give him a chance to cool off. Chase and Sam try to think of a way to get Willow out and get Shiloh.  She calls Jason. He turns himself in and tomorrow will bring  Harmony in as a witness against Shiloh. 


  1. If Shiloh has those Q shares I'd say he's not long for this world.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seeing all the time just makes it more noticeable (to me anyway) that while they aged Joss they didn't age Jake who was at least 3 years older than her. She is in high school and Jake is way behind. I get they age kids but they tend to forget that we remember this stuff. Also with all this Beechers Corners stuff Danny has disappeared and Jason isn't bonding with either of his sons.

  4. Carson home:


    Turkey boy and Cam: Hehe love the nickname Turkey boy hahaha. Oh look the tribbles are outside now! :) They all like the sun!!


    Joss and Carly: Oh come on! Joss your mother is an adult not a child. Stop treating her like a child. If she wants to drink that green stuff she will. This is so annoying now. Carly should bring one of the tribbles in, and hug it. :)

    Sonny's restaurant's office:

    Sonny, Jason, and Brick: Wait what?!?!?! Sonny you didn't tell your snuggle bunny Jason about Turkey boy?!!?! :0 But you tell him everything!

    Sonny, Jason, Brick, and Turkey boy: Turkey boy is all set for the lie! Welcome to the Corinthos clan! You might regret it. ROFL!

    Sonny and Jason: And where should Turkey boy live Jason? With you? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Michael and King Mufasa: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHAHA! Just throwing King Mufasa to the ground. That was hysterical! I was laughing so hard! I just watched it again, and it cracked me up again! ROFL!

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Carly and Sasha: Yes! Michael is a sweetheart, but don't mess with him!

    The park:

    CarlyKim and Drew: When she was talking about how she could be arrested and if he wants to press charges she will understand, I cried.. No CarlyKim going to jail won't help anything! You have to get therapy! And hey look at that, Drew agreed! Oh she started therapy. Good!!! Keep going to therapy and stay away from Drew for now. Great scene. :)

    Q home/Oscar's will: Why is Joss wearing a sweater? It summer!!! Cam gets Oscar's car!!! ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Oh now CarlyKim! Your son said no crying!!! When Alexis talked about the ELQ shares going to someone, she had a look on her face, that I thought they were going to her! :)

    Alexis: I decided to leave my voting shares who helped me out when I needed it.

    Oh when she said that, I knew who it was going to be!!! I out loud to myself said, Shilo? YUP!!!!!!! OH NO! Well this must have been when Oscar was upset with his parents and moved out!!! He didn't have time change his will when he moved back in with them! CRAP! Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: Well I am releasing you from that promise.


    The park part 2:

    Jam: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Police department: YAY! Mac and Robert working together! :) Poor Chase. :(

    "Karen says, She calls Jason. He turns himself in and tomorrow will bring Harmony in as a witness against Shiloh."

    OH! Is that who he has? I forgot all about her being a witness!

    Sidenote: I had a dream last night about Jax and Jerry. I was on GH and was saying my lines to Jax, but then I screwed up my lines, and I didn't even fix it. And the episode aired. Jax was interested in me in real life, and so was Jerry!!! :)

    1. Oh, Sonya, haha, you are cheating on Julian! . . .

    2. "Oh, Sonya, haha, you are cheating on Julian! . . ."

      Oh no! I am!!! CRAP!!!! *Grabs one of the tribbles and hugs it*

    3. Julian...Jerry...Jax... Any old J will do? Sonya you little ... lol

      And stop fondling that tribble!!!

    4. "Di Julian...Jerry...Jax... Any old J will do? Sonya you little ... lol"

      Hahahaha! Sure! :) Trying to think of other people that their name starts with J. Hmmmmm.

      "And stop fondling that tribble!!!"

      ROFL! NO! :)

    5. OMG, stop!!!!! You 3 are killing me, hahahahahahaha!

      BTW, I love the Tribble name. One of my favorite episodes of the original Star Trek! "The Trouble with Tribbles". :)

    6. "Di says Julian...Jerry...Jax... Any old J will do?"

      I remember another J!! Jeff!!! As in Jeff Webber! :)

      "Julie H says OMG, stop!!!!! You 3 are killing me, hahahahahahaha!"

      ROFL! It's not us!!! It's the Tribbles!!!! :) They are walking around. First they were in the kitchen, then outside! Where are they going to be next? :) This question and more on General hospital - Tribbles! :)

  5. I'm not a legal expert. And I thought it made no legal sense that ELQ shares could be distributed to newfound Qs yrs after Edward's estate was settled... BUT how is it possible that Oscar as a minor actually held/controlled his own shares. They should've been held in trust till he was at least 18. And if he died prior to that the trust would've specified what happened to the shares. This is nonsense to insert Shiloh into more stories... Hopefully to give more people motive to kill him so we have a murder mystery SOON.

    1. I agree, too. And what good is Jason being executor of the will if he didn't need to be there, and didn't know any of this. Because if he did know, he would have put the kibosh on old Shank ages ago!

      Yup, waiting for a murder....

    2. Oscar probably didn't realize he was going to have to go into "hiding", Jason probably didn't either....

  6. Shiloh seems to get smarmier every day. Someone needs to step up and kill him. Maybe it could be someone disposable like Carol or Harmony. Maybe Oscar's lawyer should have advised him against this, or his executor should have been involved. That is what they are there for. Only a family member should have been given the shares. He didn't necessarily have to have a trust for being underage - we have some interests at work where minors had shares.

  7. Carol is the Beechers Corner waitress.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...