Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Saline Secrets

This week moved at the pace of a jackal (get it?) Brilliant in words and delivery--editing and even pace. Loved it! 
Things got bloody, people puked-- cried...screamed. You name it. That was just the first half of the week! 
We need our heavy duty scrubs on for this surgery! I'm going to grab a nice bagel and settle in. Off we go!

Things started off with AJ pleading for his life. Sonny was waving his giant gun..spitting all over  while  AJ was on the floor. Enter Michael  and Dante.  Michael basically saved that man's life. His speech to Sonny was good-- and Sonny backed down. Again.  BTW, when you are going to kill someone you don't stand around and talk about it for 45 minutes. That's an old Batman trick.

Ah..Ellie and Spinelli..what a great, great scene. Knot in the stomach and anticipation-- just grand! Bradford played it perfectly as well. Shock, excitement, happiness, sorrow--all of it was in there. even his hair is reflecting his inner termoil! 
Oh, did I forget Danny was being saved?  Yah, probably. Not interested right now. Alexis and Julian were cute and all but.. not the most exciting thing happening on the show. 

The end..or the beginning?? Did you like the Luke/Tracy scenes? Are you happy Scotty and Laura are done?  Well-- Genie was glorious I thought. Tony and Jane were divine. This does leave the door open for a L&L adventure to find--Robin! (and Luke's cure)

POOR Paddy! Britt finally comes clean and he just can't ..even... Think about it. First she says she's PG and he doesn't believe it...then he believes it, and Sabby doesn't and does a "secret DNA" Test and he HAS to believe it..NOW it's like:
DOH! WHAT BITCH!!??? It's not mine!!?????? Psyche! 

THEN THERE WAS ... THIS!!! :giggle: 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:   Hard to choose, but I am taking the Spin-Max confrontation scene. Bradford was so good-- and Kirsten had me tearing up. This, added to the fact that neither of them want to hurt Dante/Lulu is great angst.

PROP OF THE WEEK: You knew it when you saw it--AJ's trash can!! That poor, poor trash can/puke receptacle. Property of the PCPD. I hope they washed it. 

RUNNER UP:  Flu Shot Poster!! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Olivia had the ugly cry face workin!! Kudos to her for real tears. Poor Olivia, stuck in her own ability to see the future but she can't stop it.

GH is not on Monday due to Labor Day Shennanigans. What's coming? Check out The SPOILERS  
You know Sonny's going to go all dark again. yippee. (not). If Christina (Kevin/Lucy's daughter) ever  finally DOES show up, I'll die. LOL. Maybe it was all fake info put out there. They wanted to see how far we took it. I can start making up a false storyline for her in a hot minute.

Happy BIRTHDAY to Gedstern!! May it be merry and bright! 


  1. I'm with you on the Danny donor thing. With everything else going on, this storyline is just falling flat. I just want it done with so Mr. Smooth, aka DerekJulian can hook up with Alexis.

    Jason Thompson was so awesome in his scenes! His range of emotions showed in his facial expressions...they were spot on! He clearly did NOT go to the Steve Burton/Kelly Monaco school of "acting". Lol!

    Bradford blew me away with his acting. Kirsten too! So well done! Great Spinelli/Maxie scenes.

    Scotty, Laura, Luke, Tracy...okay, I'm interested again.

    Oh yeah. And Connie's dead. Oh well. Lol. Although, missed opportunity with Kelly Sullivan and William deVry. The short scenes they shared had sizzle written all over them. Would have played out great with Sonny and Olivia. Lisa's scenes and ugly cry were fantastic!!

    Morgan and Ava hookup must happen. MUST! Carly will go bananas!! Everyone would go bananas if it happened. Just picturing Sonny's face...priceless!

    Loving the pace of the show lately as it's actually moving forward! Yay!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Spin-Ellie scene wd have been great, had Spin raged at- MAXI! At Ellie, it made no sense, and now Spin will NOT tell the others.

    This is a classic example of good acting in a totally BAD scene. It's a 550 foot long....FOUL BALL, not home run.

    Just a strikeout. Too bad.

    I agree on Ava-Morgan. Maybe some good old juicy soapy stuff and not relentless, dark psychopathy all the time.

  4. Oh, Karen, I knew we both saw THE UGLY CRY!! Though I have to disagree w/you a little, as I thought that the scene of the week was Spin/Ellie.

    Slithery Ava plus Moron? Disgusting, yet somehow fascinating. . . .

  5. I missed a few episodes this summer and wonder if somebody could answer two questions for me?
    1) Did Felix send his pointless sister home?
    2) Is Kristina still doing community service at the prison?

    Has anyone else noticed that all Sonny's guards are missing? I know Milo went to work at the non-existent spa but where are Max and Shaun?

  6. Agree with Matchbox Ginny. Wasted opportunity with Kelly Sullivan and William deVry.

    They could have had Connie do a "heel turn", have a hot affair with Julian, while plotting with him to take over Sonny's "coffee business".

    Connie would have motive to payback Sonny for not protecting her from Joe as well as getting shot at their wedding, her subsequent breakdown, and hooking up with her cousin. Corinthos would never see it coming because of his own hubris. And spittle.

  7. Guards are missing. I noticed.
    YES Karen I agree, the show MOVED this week. Love it.

    All scenes this week have to go to Spinelli. I could feel his pain, when an actor does that for you, they are doing there job.

    Morgan & Ava?? REALLY??

    Disapointed with how the baby story with Sam and Danny playing out. I expected better.

    Last question that someone asked here yesterday, I must have missed the answer. Why I Kiki & The Captain still living at the Q's??

  8. Dar.
    NO, Taylor is still around. She'll visit Britt and her baby soon but they backed off a giant Jr.Mint story this summer (thank you)

    Kristina, no one has mentioned her in eons (she's off the show,not sure if they'll recast)

    I notice Sonny has NO guards, it's embarrassing LOL

  9. I saw on Loose Lips/Soaptown USA that Taylor has been recast. It did not say why. I didn't think she was that bad. Maybe they are going in a new direction with her, or the actress got another offer for somewhere?

  10. I saw on Loose Lips/Soaptown USA that Taylor has been recast already. It did not say why. I am not sure if they are going in a new direction with her, or if the actress became unavailable. We'll see...

  11. Amy thanks....I liked this Taylor!

  12. great week this past week. I'm also wondering why Kiki and the Capt'n are still at the Qs. Where is Monica?!!?

    More Nicholas please.

    AJ was outstanding this week. Hope he's not leaving anytime soon.

    I had totally forgotten about the spa!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...