Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rosa Blasi to General Hospital!

Rosa Blasi to play on GH in a recurring role! (Strong Medicine)  The diva tweeted earlier today that she's off to General Hospital and gets to wear "Tranni Makeup and Eyelashes". She'll be playing a woman connected to Alkazar's money...


  1. She's beautiful! lemme guess... She's for Sonny..

    ps: anyone else think her left boob looks bigger than the right?

  2. Who is she anyway and do we really care?

  3. I have no idea who this lady is...so I think that like many newbies, she'll be on for 3 episodes and then bite the dust...and ______will be blamed (insert your favorite mobular). She has the same bad girl look as Brookie, so she can't be up to any good! lol.

  4. Could she be a re-cast Lois?

  5. WOW...this thing has been blocking my comments for weeks but finally letting me post again!!!!
    You can imagine how many times during Micheals trial I wanted to post about how stupid it was that Bobbie was not involved int he storyline.

  6. Welcome back Frisco! Like you I was blocked for a couple of months! Had to re do my Google account before I could get back in again...sheesh! And we have such good things to say too! hahahaha! If only Guza would listen!

  7. Wow, there is a lot of effective info in this post!

  8. I read a lot of helpful info in this post!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...