Thursday, October 2, 2014


Michael has gotten about 66 pieces of candy while at GH

And HOW can NuSaintJaseFace have a private room?? And why isn't he at Mercy if he has no insurance and no money?

Sam made his pulse race. 

ZZZZZZZZZZZ Carly and Sonny yabbering at Michael. Michael goes to the Island. 

Kiki and Morgan..yabber yabber...Let's not tell Mikey! 

Sabrina and Patrick yabba yabba --who run us off the road? 

Maxie: Should I go out with you Nathan?  Yes/ NO? Move in? Yes No? blah blah

Most BORING DAY EVERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. well, almost ever.


  1. I am going to be so disappointed if Sabrina isn't hauled off to the loony bin (prefably in Puerto Rico) never to be seen again. She's just awful

  2. oh my sounds like today is ff day. although i cannot wait till Michael finds out that almost EVERYONE in his life has lied to him, but then I hope he doesn't go off the deep end. Oh I know lets make him old Jason and Nu Jason becomes a Quartermiane. You know I can see the powers that be doing that.

  3. The best part of today was watching that little boy who plays Danny. He's adorable. I think he ad libbed a few lines there too.

    Can Michael take Kiki to the island and leave her there?

    And I think you meant Danny when you were talking about all that sugar.

  4. Michael's home: Hmmm Michael, Sonny, and Carly all wearing black! Are they going to Mr. Stiff's funeral? Awww how nice of them. Michael wins the line of the day!

    Michael: You have the national guard of the underworld outside my door.

    ROFL! Awwww and poor 12 year old Michael has to leave his wittle job and go far away to be safe! Oh and he can bring his girlfriend with him! How sweet.

    Brownstone: Okay why did Morgan think it was important to tell Starki about Maxie's personal stuff? That is none of Starki's business! Oh now they are getting into the good stuff about Michael! :)Awww Starki feeling guilty about keeping many new secrets from Mikey? Too bad! Get over it! He is gonna dump you anyway once he learns the truth!

    Lante home: I love Lulu's sweater! I WANT IT!!!! Now this is a switch. Dante is acting like Luke wanting to go on an adventure, and Lulu is acting like Laura wanting to stay home with their son awwww! :) And Lulu is sticking up for her father! YAY! Other than that, the scene was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Jason's room: Soooo Cheeto is drawn to Jason, and so is Liz! But not Sam!! Little Cheeto is so adorable! He keeps saying no! Hahahaha! Oh look Jason's vitals are going up!!! :)

    Patrick and Sabrina: Oh look Sabrina looks happy and lively! I guess she isn't thinking about Ava and the pills. Oh Sabrina don't start poo pooing the idea that Luke is the one who ran you all off the road, or Patrick will be suspicious!!! Oh oh too late! Dummy Sabrina! She is annoying me!!!

    Nathan and Maxie: Nathan! Stop pressuring Maxie! She isn't ready to date!!! BAH! I hated this scene!

    Oh forgot to mention yesterday, about Sonny firing Alexis. Awwww! :(

  5. Why hasn't Robin followed-up on Jason? She was just talking to her mother the other day. She wouldn't mention Jason is back in town?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Mrs. Goose said...Why hasn't Robin followed-up on Jason? She was just talking to her mother the other day. She wouldn't mention Jason is back in town?"

    No she can't say anything about Jason. Helena is with her remember? :) And Helena threatened her.

  8. Ok, I forgot to post this last week. It drove me absolutely crazy that when Nathan was at the clinic,
    Nina DID NOT KNOW!??! She was just traipsing around with Rosalie and BobTodd. He is supposedly her brother/cousin and NOTHING. That's sloppy writing. It would have been a good time for BobTodd to offer her a friendly shoulder and Silas to just continue to stiff-arm her.

  9. Sonya, I must have forgot about that. Helena told Robin that Jason escaped though. They don't know he was in an accident.

  10. when that happens couldn't the hospital check "John Doe's" fingerprints??

  11. "Mrs. Goose said...Sonya, I must have forgot about that. Helena told Robin that Jason escaped though. They don't know he was in an accident."

    Hmmm maybe Helena found out from her boy toys, and kept it from Robin. :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...