Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gray Tshirt

I SO miss Karen Walker

Jake is in gray..moved to a private room. Liz is his private nurse? 
One WOULD THINK SO!! He tells her he heard 2 voices that night.

I totally forgot Kiki knows that Sonny shot AJ. WOW... that's how long it's been LOL. She and Morgan are like: Michael might know!!

Michael goes to Anna to get help. 

Julian put a photo of Monica and Ned in his paper saying they were "canoodling" at lunch LOL. He and Ned argue and Julian wants to fight him. Alexis walks in--stops them 

Patrick and Sam. Danny was a grumpy kid today! GEESH!! LOL. He does call Paddy "DADDY" though. YEP. it's in there. 

Geesh, Danny is sure getting the way, when is the last time Aiden was on? I can't even remember--at ALL> Is he Bobby on AMC?

Olivia, Sonny and Lante are eating breakfast in Kelly's with baby Rocco. Sonny plays Marlon Brando to get the kid to eat. Kinda fun.
Tracy walks in and says "Jerry Jacks" is framing Luke. 

NEWS interruption about Canada. Scary Sheeze, ugh. 

ON TO THE HALLOWEEN TIMELINE thing: I'm so glad he wrote this. 

. The actor misspoke. The script said be ready tomorrow (for me to break you out) bc the wedding's on Halloween (the day after).


  1. Good morning Port Chuckles!!!! :)

    Jake Doe's hospital room: Good morning Jake Doe! Have some yum yum breakfast! Dr O doesn't like the name Jake!! Hahahaha! Dr O wins the line of the day!

    Dr O: Nothing if he were a mongrel found in an alley.

    ROFL! What also was funny, is that Jake Doe doesn't remember anything, but yet Dr O wants to know if he has insurance! Hahahahahahahaha!

    Michael and Anna: I love you Mikey, but zzzzzzz.

    Anna and Dr O: Now THAT is a better scene! Dr O kills Anna's breakfast, and then admits she killed Victor to save her son! Pretty blue on Dr O!

    Brownstone: Awww poor Starki couldn't sleep last night and stars to whine!!! They are having the same conversation. Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Q home: Ned reading the paper about him and Monica! ROFL! Julian shows up!!! BROMANCE brewing!!! I will call them Jed! :) Oh they actually fight!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! Foreplay! :) Oh Alexis hates the fight! Jed are on the couch fighting! They stop as soon as Alexis tells them to, but now it looks like Jed is cuddling! :) I have to watch more of it later, since there was breaking news about the Canadian shooting.

    Kelly's: Awww Rocco won't eat! :) Sonny got him to eat awww love that! Tracy shows up and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wait a minute! I'm concerned about the space cake at the table at Amsterdam cafe! Tracy didn't throw it out! She just left it at the table! What if a kid comes in and grabs it? The kid could eat it!!! Tracy that was very irresponsible of you! Okay now back to sleeping. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sam's home: Alexis and toddler Cheeto awwww! :) Wow Toddler Cheeto isn't really that excited seeing his mommy. He isn't a happy little boy! Oh Sam and Patrick bring Alexis up to speed about what happened in Amsterdam. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Alexis and Julian: He won't give up on her!!!!! He hates Ted! :)

    Hmmmm where is Nina? Is she still around stroking her hair?

    "Karen says Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron 1m1 minute ago
    .@WubsNet The actor misspoke. The script said be ready tomorrow (for me to break you out) bc the wedding's on Halloween (the day after). #GH"

    WOW! The director or someone should have caught that!

  2. Sonya, Nina's working on some cornrows and is planning on enlisting Josslyn in her League of Loonies.

    Liz: Look, Jake, new non-ICU room, with a window and everything! You don't have to eat that NutriSlop. That's our crazy chief of staff Dr. Obrecht's idea. She wants to torture the patients before she releases them. Hey, don't try to walk! I know of someone who has a wheelchair she doesn't need anymore. Um, hello Frau Frankenstein! Who busted you out of lockup this time?

    Jake Doe: I heard TWO voices at the scene of The Car Accident That Changed My Face. TWO! That Ashford lady and someone else. Who was she? She sounded blonde...and pregnant. Oh, so this is German battleaxe who runs this place. Yeah, not digging the health slop. It looks like something that would be coming up from my stomach, not down into it.

    Obrecht: Ze boss eez back! Oh how I've missed your insolence, Nurse Webber. Remember the last time I fired you? Herr Doe, you must eat the NutriGruel. You want to call yourself Jake? What aah you, a mongrel dog? How about Cesaaah, now ZAT is a fine name. Commissioner Devane, did you miss me you schadenfreude gewurztraminer? I shot Victor to protect my son now why did you shoot my Cesaaah?

    Lulu: Eat your Baby NutriSlop, Rocco. It's yummy! So, Tracy, what's the latest on Dad. Is mobbed up to his eyeballs or was that just an ugly rumor? But where is Jerry keeping him?

    Tracy: Ha! Luke has been innocent all along! Jerry Jacks kidnapped him and has been brainwashing him. If I hand him ELQ on a silver platter, he will give my husband back to me. I just have to bamboozle Michael into giving his shares to me after I conspired with Luke to bring him down. That'll be easy once my son Ned agrees to help me.

    Olivia: Dante, sweetheart, will you go check to make sure Heather Webber is safely locked away at Ferncliff so I don't keep having these psychic visions of her wielding knives? Thanks, honey.

    Sonny: (with his eyes) Dante, don't do it. (with his mouth) Hey, Rocco, Grampa Sonny has an offer you can't refuse.

    Ned: So, resorting to smearing "Ted Ashton" in your rag sheet now, Julian? All because you want your sleazy mobbed-up hands on Alexis? Go ahead. Make my day.

    Julian: Get out of dodge, Ted, or your name will be Mud in The Chuckles. Alexis is mine for the taking and you don't wanna mess with a mobster who owns the fourth estate. Alexis, you will come back to me once I remove Ted from the equation.

    Alexis: So, Sam, you're saying Jerry is holding Luke hostage and he's Julian's boss? This changes everything. No, it doesn't. He's still a lying scoundrel. Ned! Julian! Cool it with the fisticuffs!

    Sam: So, Jerry has Luke and Tracy is eating out of his hand. Patrick, you make a great adventure buddy, but I'm really missing Jason.

    Patrick: That's okay. I sometimes miss Robin too, but then I remember that she would rather be anywhere else but with me and Emma. But, I have a new friend with benefits, so that sorta makes it better.

    Michael: Commish, who killed AJ? Sabrina said it wasn't Carlos. Kiki said it wasn't Ava but I kind of think it was Ava because Dad Sonny promised he wouldn't kill Dad AJ. You gotta help me here.

    Anna: Yeah, good luck with that. I don't have enough to go on beyond "she said she said". Well, if it isn't Leisl Obrecht, the woman I can't keep behind bars. What do you want this time you Teutonic sociopath?

    Morgan: Kiki, tell me you didn't tell Michael that Ava didn't kill AJ but you didn't tell her she did kill AJ either. By the way, your dad injected the Needle of Goodness into your mom again so I think the kid's gonna be okay.

    Kiki: Of course not, I just stalled, then he called the cops. If he finds out Sonny did it, IT WILL DESTROY HIM!!!

  3. "RedSoxFaninVA said...Sonya, Nina's working on some cornrows and is planning on enlisting Josslyn in her League of Loonies."

    OH YAY!!! What fun! ROFL!

    "Sonny: (with his eyes) Dante, don't do it."

    Oh shoot! I forgot to do what I wanted to do with Sonny. Well, I will do it here. Okay Olivia wants Dante to go and make sure Heather is still where she is. Sonny shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

    Sonny's thoughts: Nononononononononononononononono!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Re: the abandoned space cake -- Jerry took it and fed it to Helena ;) You know those baddies, always playing tricks on each other.

  6. "RedSoxFaninVA said...Re: the abandoned space cake -- Jerry took it and fed it to Helena ;) You know those baddies, always playing tricks on each other."

    ROFL! Awww and we don't get to see Helena all high? What a jip! :)Jerry you better run! ROFL! We are having so much fun! Where is everyone on here? Hahaha!

  7. I know, so unfair that we don't get to see Hells as high as a kite! Just wait until she gets her revenge by giving him a combo of Heather's LSD and Sabrina's premature labor pills. He'll be hallucinating that he has a uterus!

  8. "RedSoxFaninVA said...I know, so unfair that we don't get to see Hells as high as a kite! Just wait until she gets her revenge by giving him a combo of Heather's LSD and Sabrina's premature labor pills. He'll be hallucinating that he has a uterus!"

    ROFLMAOPMP! Oh oh!!!!!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...