Monday, January 16, 2012

A Wubber Must Hear: Daytime Confidential's Interview with OLTL's RC

My friends over at Daytime Confidential have a great podcast that includes Ron Carlivati talking about the end of OLTL and more importantly his plans for the OLTL-GH Meld. It may make you feel much better about the merger. HIT this DCPODCAST link and give a listen. 

Hear from Carlivati himself on his thoughts about how the 43-year-old sudser came to a close. Would he have done things differently had he known OLTL wouldn't be moving online immediately following the ABC finale? Carlivati shares how it felt to be able to bring back such popular veterans as Jessica Tuck (Megan), Roscoe Born (Mitch), Fiona Hutchison (Gabrielle), Susan Batten (Luna), Ty Treadway (Troy), and more during the soap's "Between Heaven and Hell" arc during its final week.


  1. I wrote that Ron is already bringing on another newbie 18 to 24 contract role and nobody noticed lol

  2. the show will be called GH but will be all about one life to live characters. it is good for oltl fans but not for GH fans who would rather have their vets.

  3. GH is getting their Vets.; Anna, Robert, and Holly that is a pretty good start. I also read somewhere that someone thouht to be dead is back for revenge...boy that could be something big.. Fason, Claudia, Alcazar, just to name a few. If GH is going to be cancelled lets have it be as wonderful as the end of OLTL.

  4. Like I said in the previous post after hearing the interview I do feel better about the whole OLTL characters coming on. Also I heard that they were planning on getting rid of about 60% of GH's cast even before RC and the OLTL characters were coming on. So people should get prepared that some favorites might be gone. It'll be sad if some of my favorites get cut but as long as they get good exit stories I'll be happy. I plan on enjoying what might be the final months of GH and just be happy that it's still on for now!


  5. Kat2 said.. I also read somewhere that someone thouht to be dead is back for revenge...boy that could be something big.. Fason, Claudia, Alcazar, just to name a few.
    OH PLEASE LET IT BE FAISON!!!! :) Alcazar too, but FAISON PLEASE! :)

  6. Okay, in actually LISTENING to the interview, I don't get the impression it's going to be all about the OLTL characters. At it's core it will still be GH, and I really did get the impression that he intends on using the ENTIRE cast. I'm cautiously optimistic.

    And as for the newbie- I don't have a problem with newbies on principal. I have a problem with newbies that serve no purpose, are poorly cast, or mimic another character who is already on the canvas. If this newbie they're bringing on serves a purpose, I'm okay with it, I just don't want to see another LIW or Dr. Maggie. Stupid, redundant, poorly cast and misused.

  7. I loved the end of OLTL. The only thing that could've made it better would've been a Carlo Hesser appearance. I'm excited for the OLTL guys to come to GH. I think the cast needs this new, talented blood to liven them up. Anything to help pick up the pace.

  8. Ididn't see it!
    and..I wrote "Taking a pee" instead of PEEK and no one said anything lol

  9. I love that he started watching back in the Scotty/Laura days and he mentioned Holly, Robert & Anna.

  10. I hope its Faith and she whupps Carly's a**


2 Martini Day

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