Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday: Sonny's Dimples are SHININ' BRIGHT!

He can't wait to tell Johnny his "life story" ahahahaa.. Oh Sonny...he's just GIDDY!! I have to say that reveal to Johnny is as excited I've been in awhile. Sonny was all upset Johnny pulled a gun on him. Ummm, you just told him his mother was Claudia and Gino. Did the think he'd hug him? What.

Robin's confronted by Pat. yeah that Robin tried a new Protocol!! I'm so happy! Jason Thompson is such a great crier.

Maggie and  Steven are so stupid. THEY ARE ORANGE AND STUPID. There, I said it. AND they went up to the roof in JANUARY. Oh I wish Olivia would have pushed them off!!

JaSam. Moping in Kelly's office. Good Gravy. Mope, Mope. I hope SONNY'S THE FATHER! ahahahahaa. NO! I hope MITCH LAWRENCE  IS THE FATHER!! yes!! ahahaaha.  Oh that would be awesome. 
LIASON was on today!!!!!! LIASON!!! I think twitter exploded! And Liz tells Jason about Robin next! God, she told you that stuff in confidence!!

The wedding was fun. Luke was "VENUS"?? Oh, Venus!! ahaaha. This is Tracy's ninth wedding. LOL. She's also Johnny's step-mama!! Heh!  LOVED the wedding!! Great photos! She drank shots. Heh. FUN FUN FUN!!

Kate has the NERVE to tell Jax Sonny was "upset" about Brenda-- so it's like, OK-- he tried to kill you.  I really wish that Kate was on the phone with McBain, she's going to be an informant on Sonny. AJ's bankrolling it!!! OH I wish I was a WRITER!

Carolyn Hennesy tweeted this:
Being on the set of GH is like coming matter how many changes have been made. That's the sign of a great crew and great cast!

CHECK THE SPOILERS! There's going to be a big BOOM on the set of GH... who lives, who dies!!? I say they are still figuring that all out. It will be a big shift in the canvas though.


  1. The last few days I haven't watched GH live. I ended up watching it during the weekend. Sorry about that. Nothing that exciting has happened, UNTIL TODAY! :)

    Sonny and Johnny: Sonny showed Johnny's birth certificate!

    Father: Gino Solito

    Mother: CLAUDIA ZACHARA!!!!

    I FREAKIN KNEW THAT SHE WAS HIS MOTHER! I KNEW IT!!! I told people from the ABC GH message board back then that she was Johnny's mother! And people got mad at me for saying it!! They didn't want me saying it!! Oh I can't wait to see what they say now!! :)

    Johnny: Poor Johnny. :(

    Venus and Papa Z wedding: Hahahahahaha! Are they even married? I mean she didn't say I do ROFL! Great scene!! Love that Luke was there. All the picture she isn't smiling hahahaha!

    Robin and Patrick: Great scene!!!!!!!! Made me cry. :(

    Liz and Jason: Oh I like there was a scene with them today. :)

    Steve and Maggie: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Kate and Jax: Oh Sonny won't shoot you. He has come a long way. UGH! I loved seeing Jax though!

    Kate: Who the hell is she meeting? The person changed their mind! A married lover? Hmmm? Kate what is your secret?

  2. If Kate is an informant it better be for Anna or Robert, not some import from another soap.

    As much as I hope for Sonny's downfall I can't imagine Kate as an informant. when they were in Bensenhurst just a few weeks back she seemed to genuinely care about Sonny. I fear her secret mtgs might be a total disappointment...maybe reno'ing Sonnys old house in B'Hurst.

    Sonny and Luke have to be the most dispictable characters on any soap ever.

  3. Karen Alfred here wouldn't it of been better after OLTL endend on the 13 to have John Blair Todd Star show up on Gh the following Monday since you seen them leave town They could of drove away and get to the entrance of Port Charles with the sign saying now entering or something like that????

  4. I missed you Sonya!!!

    GREAT show today!! (Minus Dr Steve & bouncy idiot on roof top in January)

    Sonny, Johnny, Robin, Patrick, Tracey, Papa, Jax, Kate- ALL BRILLIANT!

    I LOVE days like today!

    Ahhh ... of all people to 'overhear' Jason & the Dr talking! Liz!
    Something for her to know.

    Spoilers all over the place. If I wasn't so sure GH was staying, I could swear Ron is writing the exit story of this show now.

  5. Deb K said...I missed you Sonya!!!
    Awww you have? :) *BEARHUGS* :) For the past few days I haven't been watching GH live. I got caught up during the weekend tho. :) Nothing exciting has been happening until TODAY! :)

    GREAT show today!! (Minus Dr Steve & bouncy idiot on roof top in January)
    Bouncy idiot! ROFL! I'm glad Olivia showed up! :)

  6. Wow! People have some positive things to say!! Guess I may have to check GH out tonight on my Tivo instead of letting it delete itself!!

    What's this feeling I'm feeling? Is it...optimism?

  7. I knew it, too Sonya!! Seriously!!! This comes as no surprise to me.

  8. Love4dogs said...I knew it, too Sonya!! Seriously!!! This comes as no surprise to me.
    Yeah it was SO obvious!!! :)

  9. Is Diego still alive? Could he be the stalker/murderer of these girls?

  10. Poor Tracy. She's gone from being Johnny's step-mom to being his step-grandma. *lol*

  11. Sonya..I was going to fb email you to see if all was well, but I didn't want to be pesty. I am glad you are good and are back on here!!! You were missed!!

    YES everyone Sonya is right. However, I thought this years back with Trevor as his father. I was close. Today GH was AWESOME!!

    What about those wedding photos they took and showed us?? Could you have died??? Now, who wrote todays epsiode?? That person gets a B for today. Had they left jumpy Maggie out of a scene they would have received a A!!!!!

  12. I mainly watched GH today to see if anyone would be eating bullets!

    Johnny/Sonny...No bullets fired. Oh darn! Sonny's been shot once this month, I guess that's his quota. With Claudia being Johnny's mother, I still wonder just how young she was when daddy started pimping her out to the five families? She must have been a youngin! I did feel badly for Johnny. He needs some hugs now! Daddy Z will have some 'splaining to do!

    Venus, Cookie, Luke, AZ...was good for laughs. Liked the pic. montage. Not a smile from the bride! I bet the nuptuals are phony...unless the thug who married them got a license to officiate marriages.

    Robin and Patrick...pulled at my heartstrings. At least he knows the truth!

    Jax and does this mean Ingo is gone again? And I'd like to know just who Kate is jabbering with. I can only hope her aim is to set Sonny up!

    Jasam...whatever. She had the test now. I like how they occasionally throw Liason fans a bone by having them in a scene occasionally. Have to keep those fan bases wondering what's going to happen. I keep hoping they pair Sam with John McBain. I could go for a redo of Livvie and Caleb from Port Charles, if the magic works again. It doesn't always. It didn't really work with Jason Cook and Kirsten Storms (the old Belle and Shawn from Days) but that's because the writers stalled them for so long.) Can't see chemistry when the couple isn't really a couple!

    Steve and Maggie...what the heck was that all about? Were they drunk? Indeed, I would have shouted "Look out below!" and pushed them off the roof, if I were Olivia!

    I am curious about all the explosiveness we're in for on GH...hope the new staff isn't just blowing smoke out of you know where!

  13. Apparently , Sonny is hosting a fundraiser, think AIDS benefit for Robin and a lot of the cast will be there but something happens at this event.
    I didn't watch today but will catch some of it online as I heard Liz and jason have scenes together.

  14. Robin/Patrick - watched their scenes on the Youtubes. Both actors brought their A game today - good stuff that felt REAL.
    My tolerance for the Scrubs saga has been up and down but you could really see today the actors chemistry and how, in the end, pairing these two was a good idea. KM will be missed!

  15. Dierna said...Poor Tracy. She's gone from being Johnny's step-mom to being his step-grandma. *lol*Deb K said...
    ROFL ROFL! Yes! Tracy is Johnny's step-grandma!!! Hahahaha!

    Deb K said... Sonya..I was going to fb email you to see if all was well, but I didn't want to be pesty. I am glad you are good and are back on here!!! You were missed!!
    Awww no you wouldn't of been a pest! That would have been sweet. :)

    What about those wedding photos they took and showed us?? Could you have died???
    YES!!! :) It was hysterical! Luke gave Tracy rabbit ears! ROFL!

  16. I'm happy that Patrick confronted Robin. He said everything that should have been said. He is her husband and she should have told him.
    I'm glad Liz and Jason talked about Robin. Robin confided in both of them but such a thing is very difficult not to talk about especially when you know that the right thing is for Robin to tell Patrick. Loved when Liz teased Jason about being the worst patient. I really miss liason. However, I know who Frons' favorite is and they are still front and center as drab as they are. I am sick of the jasam story, they tell no one, and mope around expecting people not to pick up on their depressed state. I'm hoping the new writers would have the guts to break them up but I doubt it.

  17. Tracy's wedding photos were hilarious!!! I wish Johnny had killed Sonny. I'm sick of seeing smug sonny on all the time. Jax, please don't leave!

  18. I just wanted to hug Johnny today! I feel so bad for him.I just hope he is not one of the people who dies.I would rather see Sonny,Jason,Carly & Dante all leave the show because they are what destroyed it.

  19. Sonya...Debi K is My2Cents Not sure what happened, very confused with Blogger, MSN, LIVE. Not sure who I am anymore! Using a new mail system!
    Anon 10:05-the writers ruined the show. Not the characters. I happen to think and always thought GH had a talent for picking out great actors.
    Today I watched real closely. Maybe because it was good. And each person with the exception of Maggie brings something to the show.
    Notice how the 'writing' team is still writing Liz. A busybody. A 'meddler'.
    However, she plays the part perfect. Again, can't blame her, its the writing.

    Jason it IS YOUR BABY!!
    Do you really think Ron would come to this show and write anything else? Your going to be a daddy! (again) Do I smell a happily ever after here?? :)

    Johnny was at his PEAK today. Great scenes with Sonny.

    Ohh I love when I love GH!

  20. Deb K said...Sonya...Debi K is My2Cents Not sure what happened, very confused with Blogger, MSN, LIVE. Not sure who I am anymore! Using a new mail system!
    CENTS! :) You have multiple personality disorder! ROFL! Wow I wonder what the heck happened that you can't log on as My2Cents! I should have known that Deb K is you. :)

  21. Jasam happy ending is dull as dirt and predictable Frons/Guza BS. If Carlivati writes that crap then I hold no hope out for an enjoyable end to GH.

  22. I think Dillon Q has been following Maxie around.

  23. lisa said...I think Dillon Q has been following Maxie around.
    Hmmm but, why would Dillon follow Maxie around? :)

  24. Some think JaSam is as 'dull as dirt' ending is so Frons/Guza.

    Thankfully, they are in the minority. They sit like puppies, waiting for bones to be thrown hoping for that one scene a month between Jason & Liz, which is IMO 'dull as dirt'. Liz has moved on, why can't the viewers?
    Move On! I say!!

    Different strokes for different folks.
    Sonya-CENTS! :) You have multiple personality disorder! ROFL! Wow I wonder what the heck happened that you can't log on as My2Cents! I should have known that Deb K is you. :)

    Girl, think how confused I am! I am not doing this on purpose either. I have a google account and MSN, LIVE and somehow you have to pick one or the other and it all is so confusing.....
    So, my name is Deb K and I thought shyt I might as well go with that name. Then I realized when I picked that name, I lost My2Cents.
    Make sense?? Not to me either!!

  25. No, Jasam is simply dull as dirt, and I don't hold the minority opinion.

  26. Deb K, you will still always have your "2Cents" worth, LOL. I was also wondering where you and Sonya had disappeared to - glad you are back. I also thought GH was unusually good yesterday. I just wish Claudia was still around - loved their relationship. Felt bad for Johnny, who is really a good guy, and hated the gloating Sonny, who is not. Scrubs were excellent, too, but I found the fact that this was the last we would see of Jax even more heartbreaking. The wedding was hilarious and Luke was a great addition there. Hoping the marriage isn't legal. The photos were a riot. Nice to see Dr. Lee (is that her name?) again. Maggie so needs to fall off the roof. I wish Olivia would kick her ass. She is just as bad as Lisa. At least Steve isn't married, but he is still acting inappropriately with Maggie hanging all over him.

  27. Good Morning LindaV...YES I am computer illiterate. I will be the first to admit. I don't understand all these connections to blogs from mail services! I thought I better post something, HATE to be accused of 'falsifying' who I am.
    Did I spell that right? Funny because Sonya and I are friends on fb, and I am not even sure how that happened!! lol

    GH was soooooooo good yesterday. I rewatched ALL Patrick & Robin scenes. I am up & down with Robin, however yesterdays scenes were mezmrizing. I rewatched Sonny & Johnny scenes. I agree, Johnny is a good guy. I felt very bad for him. Great scenes from both actors.
    Very sadden to see Jax leave. He is such an asset to the show. I need to find out an address to write to the show about that!! I want him to stay. Kate, is doing a GREAT job, and I, without a doubt believe what Karen does, that Kate is taking Sonny down.
    That wedding was the wedding of the year!!!! The photos! OMG! To laugh outloud to even rewatch scenes on GH is so great.

    Today will be a letdown probably.
    We will see Maggie, LIW, Ethan, Ewan, Delores, Lulu & Dante.
    Yawn!! I am already getting sleepy!

  28. Scrubs had good scenes.
    Johnny was good as always but the reveal, meh?
    jason/sam were a snooze,same drawn out paternity story, with them repeating "let's keep it to ourselves" while they suffer and mope instead of gaining support from loved ones.
    Kate is idiotic defending sonny. Perhaps another gunshot wound can put her out of her misery and off the show.
    Liz and jason comparing notes on robin was good. Hope we also see more liz,ewan, matt,and jason scenes.

  29. Kate is an absolute idiot.

    Does she really not get that she's a rebound?

    Brenda needs to come back and kick her butt and then kick Sonny's butt.

    I hope they get Vanessa back. Sonny has been ruined by this story and Kate needs to die.

  30. I really hope Ronnie is one who dies. can't stand the character. he's another parrot. just record his speech and push the button when he walks in the room.

    I'd also like to ssee maggie go, and Kate. I'd say Steve too but I can't see that happening.

    I wonder if luke and tracy are not really divorced and that's why Luke is being so blase about the wedding. He was at his wicked best in that scene though, and I chuckled outloud at the photos! Marital bliss indeed. lol

  31. I am thinking that Tracey & Luke are still married. (or at least hoping)

    I thought Kate was an idiot too. I know longer do. She has something up her sleeve with Sonny, and the actor who is portraying Kate is doing a wonderful job!

  32. I don't want to see the LOON In White (CasSUCKra) today! The actress is HORRIBLE. She has the cadence of William

    And that smug attitude that seeps out between giggles. GMAFB!!!!!!!!

  33. I heard that there is a promo showing Anthony saying that Sonny hurt his kid and now he is going to hurt one of Sonny's kids.

    This had me thinking that Sonny is worried that Kristina is now in danger. He tries unsuccessfully to get Kristina to listen so he asks Ethan to help because Kristina trusts him.

    In the meantime, LIW leaves PC and just when Ethan is about to try and go find her he gets the call from Sonny.

    Ethan has no idea where LIW went so he accepts Sonny's offer and goes to New Haven to get Kristina to come back to PC.

    Before going to tell Kristina he is there, Ethan sees her walking hand-in-hand with what appears to be a grad student. Kristina and her new friend seem very friendly and Ethan is confused that he feels a jealous twinge towards this man who he has never even met.

    This is a storyline that RC could write in his SLEEP!!!!

  34. I have to admit really enjoyed Friday and Monday's GH! All the reveals with Robin and Johnny and that Wedding! Ha!!! Loved it! Loved Liz too. Maggie eh, Lulu and Dante bore me to tears.

  35. Deb K says, Girl, think how confused I am! I am not doing this on purpose either. I have a google account and MSN, LIVE and somehow you have to pick one or the other and it all is so confusing.....So, my name is Deb K and I thought shyt I might as well go with that name. Then I realized when I picked that name, I lost My2Cents.
    Make sense?? Not to me either!!
    ROFL! Yeah so confusing. Well, you will just have to get My2Cents back! :)

  36. Sonya..I will try to..but this is so funny-there is another one that I am connected to. Disque! Ever hear of that??

    OK watch I will change my name back, and I will be accused of something.

    Todays GH is going to be a BUMMER!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...