Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Mind-Melding of OLTL and GH: The WUB View

 I've gotten so many emails and post/twitter comments asking me my feelings on the two shows coming together, I thought I'd write a blog post about it and just point people in this direction if they wish to know.
First of all, I want everyone to realize where I'm coming from. I think you know I'm a HUGE OLTL fan.  I loved the direction, production and most of all writing in the past few years. In the end, it became my "can't miss show" . GH on the other hand, let me down time after time and really doesn't hold my interest much anymore. Hopefully, with Guza, JFP and Frons gone, Cartini will have more reign on the golden calves and sacred story lines that have been a steady choke-hold on GH . GH has a bloated cast and storylines that we've seen for years without much modification. I won't mention them all here but let's admit it ---character growth really hasn't been a priority. Right now, under Wolf, things are such a mess, I'm not even sure anyone knows the 'big picture' anymore. Just a bunch of scenes thrown together, edited all over the place and loose ends that dangle every dang day. 
What I want most for GH is fabulous writing. Period.  Characters come and go--actors come and go but  good writing? That  should be a given. I've learned over the years that actors are also coming and going as well as "golden couples".  Soaps need to be  in some form of flux to keep us watching.
Here's an example of good writing not interfering with how I feel about the show itself: I was really upset that Robin Strasser left before OLTL ended. I thought she should be a part of the finale. The last few months were written so well and then the final weeks were so awesome, Dorian being missing was more of my own annoyance and didn't effect the enjoyment of the show. One reason this works? Out of all the soaps, OLTL does not use one actor over another in stories. In fact, most stories involve all characters, even if it's on the sidelines. I remember reading one stat that had "air hogs" from all the soaps and OLTL didn't even make the list because there wasn't one or two or even three actors that got way more airtime than others. That's a great use of canvas and story-threading imo.
Now we come to the actual characters coming over from OLTL to "invade" our Port Charles space. Again, I'm excited for this to happen. I do understand that if you're only a OLTL Fan or only a GH fan, this can seem daunting. I personally have faith in Ron C to make it work. Remember, they are also bringing back Holly, Robert and Anna!! GH's "look" was going to change anyway. Newbies don't know about that past. Everyone will be playing catch up a bit. 

I totally understand the Actor and Couple loyalty. You don't want to see your faves leave in favor of others coming over from a different show. All I can say about that is GH should have evolved long ago into a way different show than it is now. It's not the actors faults but it is what it is. If new "life" and different stories are going to make it better, I'm all for it.
One thing Ron is great with is integrating the cast--that's what I can't wait to see. How will these characters tie into Port Charles? To me it will be exciting to watch. I need some excitement about now when  it comes to GH.

I'm not really keeping up with the Prospect Park deals or who licenses who or how this effects ongoing efforts to keep the shows on air (in another market). I'm looking solely at the next 6 months. I suppose I'm hoping for ratings to climb into the 3.0 range or beyond so perhaps there's a chance at the show being saved. I do believe that by Sept, GH will be done. I'm not being a downer but that's what I believe based on what I've seen/read and heard. Until then, I want one hell of a ride. I think Cartini will deliver it.


  1. Wonderfully said. GH does need a shake up, and what I've said over the last few years about OLTL is, sit back and don't judge something until it plays out cause the pieces always fall into place.

  2. I'm stoked about things! Can't wait to hear that my TSJ is coming to Port Chuck!

  3. Great article Karen. OLTL moving to GH is the only chance GH has of making it and not being cut. Can it be done? I believe so.

    I wonder the ratings yesterday for OLTL were? That in itself should speak volumes.

    LOVE your confidence with Ron. He pulled off MAGIC this past 6 months, he will do it again.

    Imagine, BOTH Todds on GH? Kassie & Blair enemies?? So much story, and such fine actors, it all falls in the hands of the writers!!

    I can't wait for the change.

    BREAKING NEWS: Hillary B. Smith joins the cast of The Bold and the Beautiful!

  4. I think you would have felt differently if the Corinthos clan or Jason had gone over to OLTL. To me, it is easy to say that as someone who really loved OLTL. But as someone who has watched GH for 35 years and never got into OLTL, it is very depressing news. And it does show as the writer himself said, his first thought was his OLTL characters. Imo, it shows his limit as a writer. GH does need help. There is no doubt... but I would have hoped a writer could have come up with something for the characters of PC instead of relying and focusing on his OLTL characters. It shows where his loyalty lies.

  5. It is extremely refreshing to hear your POV on all of this. We are in total agreement and from the bottom of my heart I am grateful to you for sharing your feelings with all your followers. I truly believe this is an attempt to bring viewers back to GH while keeping these OLTL actors available for when OLTL gets a new home.

  6. GHFan..How much more depressing can GH get?? OLTL moving over there only helps GH stay alive. OLTL is over. Fan of the show or not, you can't help but want them to do whatever to try to fix GH.

    GH is a terrible show right now. I want to see a drastic change so this 50 year old soap stays on thru abc or another network!!

  7. I feel exactly the same way you do Karen. I have watched GH for over 30 yrs. and OLTL from their beginning. I feel Cartini was always going to change GH'S direction because of their writing style. Mob life didn't fuel ALL stories yrs. ago it was in the background. Today it's all mob all the time. I sincerely hope this works and am willing to give it a chance. I will say ABC knew what it was doing It took the emphasis off the last showu and got fans fighting amongst themselves.

  8. I completely agree with Karen. Ghfan, while I understand your apprehension about the new writer bringing in OLTL actors, I would politely say that GH has been so bad for so long that the mess will take time to correct...time that GH might not have if it is to have any chance to survive pastSeptember 2012. So many viewers have become fedup with the go nowhere same old same redo plots / storylines and non-growth of the characters that they have tuned out and are not going to get sucked back in until and unless they see real change...and again that will take time. The introduction of these new characters adds an immediate freshness to the canvas which can be utilized while they unravel and fix the mess that the show has become. I personally feel like the entire show is unwatchable at this point and I know many who feel the same way...
    If this will buy GH sometime to get back to the magic that it was...i'm all for it

  9. sorry for the typos above...I was typing fast lol

  10. I agree with GHfan..I HATE OLTL and do not want what could be the last few months of GH wasted on AWFUL ACTORS and characters from a show i hate.It should be used to fix the GH characters and their s/l, NOT on a bunch of rejects from a canceled soap.It is a insult to REAL GH fans and the actors on GH to even think about having actors from another show come over and take over so they can "fix" GH.If these people are SOOO great then why the hell couldn't they save their own show?

  11. PS The Wub Queen WILL NEVER take you to task for grammar OR spelling errors.
    Cause I have a million lol

  12. GHFan: If OLTL was as bad as GH I would welcome the same changes.

  13. I agree w/ @GHFan, although I am a lover of OLTL. Right now, I look at GH as it's in its last few months. Meaning, I want them to go out THEIR way w/ a bang, like the other two soaps (AMC and OLTL) were allowed... no additions from other shows, solely ending w/ their own cast and history. I feel like it's not fair to GH and its cast to have to share that. Again, I LOVED OLTL, but they had THEIR ending... why must one interfere w/ another show's legacy, final year?

    I'm trying to see what Cartini can do w/ the GH cast I grew up w/, how will he evolve them, who's he going to bring back, who's being killed off, etc... I'm excited about THAT, NOT what he has in mind for the Mannings and Mcbain. They may as well call the show "GH's One Life To Live" lol... IDK *shrugs* call me bitter :\

  14. GH fan and Tabatha, I do get your POV really, I do!

  15. I think saying OLTL has awful actors is BS, I don't watch the show anymore but I used to peek in from time to time. That sounds the same kind of Liz/Sam haters personally wishing things on the actresses themselves. Grow up.

    Now that I have said that I honestly do not want to make room at GH for even OLTL's best. You asked, and I'm being honest and answering. Any small amount of screen time those we love have now will be eaten up by newbies from OLTL. They want to pull those viewers over which I appreciate, but do that by bringing more of GH VETS back. I'm not in to Holly's return, I actually see no point to it with Nathan (Ethan) leaving and all. But Anna & Robert I am thrilled about. Felicia would be great especially if it happened right after Mac & Alexis finally clicked. And give us little jake will ya?

  16. I understand why some people are mad/scared that once the OLTL characters come over GH characters will become a non factor. Let's face it GH is done in about 6 months (I don't want it to be but it is what it is) If they get rid of the newbies which is about 6 characters that will make room. Plus I have a feeling that the OLTL characters are only coming to wrap up the who killed Victor storyline. There's rumors that Victor and Tea has been added so I'm thinking that it will be about a month stint.

    When the time comes for GH to go off the air I want the goodbyes and flashbacks to be about GH and it's vets not a second goodbye to OLTL. So if they try to rebuild beloved GH characters and families while mixing in the OLTL characters I will be fine with that. I just don't want it to be turned into OLTL 2.0 I've been watching for almost 30 years (Lord knows sometimes I walked away or changed the channel) and I will continue to watch until the last day!

    P.S. I'm happy for the actors who were able to get a job no matter for how long it may be!


  17. Exactly, Karen. Good points. Ron can integrate those characters and the show will profit from his writing. GH is such a downer in mood and stories that a touch of the lighter, often witty OLTL feel will be good.

    I honestly think the GH viewers are going to be happy. I don't think there will be drastic changes right away because Frank and Ron aren't the least stupid and they know that would be jarring. But sticking Sonny closer to the back burner for awhile would be good, writing out a few stories that are not working right now (the new blonde LIW, Maggie) could help.

    The newcomers from OLTL are good actors and have established characters, so OLTL fans will be able to get into GH faster. I am really looking forward to seeing the improvements these two talented leaders can bring.

    I wrote a little piece on the GH Media Main site about this. I do hope the GH fans won't fight this crossover too much because that will only hasten GH's downfall. Keep an open mind and it will work. I have long watched both shows and am invested in both, but I see only good coming from OLTL joining up with GH.
    After all, look at how many GL and ATWT actors came over to OLTL and that worked. I mean, Kim Zimmer was terrific! I was dismayed when I heard she was coming on, but pleasantly surprised at good she was and how she was written in so smoothly.
    Ron and Frank can do this.

  18. I get yours as well, Karen :)

    Had this happened years ago, or at least not in the midst of cancellation rumors, I'd totally be down. I just can't get behind it now, when we're only looking at a few months of GH left on screen. I just feel no one values GH's legacy and history (partly Guza, Frons, JFP's fault) on the same level as AMC and OLTL. That's all :)

  19. Sorry that should have said 3 month stint meaning they'll have them leave before GH ends!


  20. Rhonda, ITA, I don't want the OLTL actors in PC, I am STARVING to see the vets, as are all the fans, and can only dream of seeing all of them again, for any amount of time. BRING ON THE VETS, that is what the fans want, and I think that, after sometimes 40, 50 years of loyal viewing, WE DESERVE THIS.

  21. Pink, I think we all know at this point that ratings and good writing were not the benchmark used by those in charge to decide on which soap to keep and which to cancel...if that were the criteria, GH would have been the first to go. Like or dislike OLTL, but they were consitantly on top for the past couple of years with fans raving about the stories for the most part....where GH has consistantly lost viewers during that same time period. Ergo,the writers and actors of OLTL must have been doing something right. I agree that I want to see GH be brought back using GH actors honoring GH history. It is not the new writers fault that so much has been lost or destroyed...they are inheriting a mess and seem to be in the best position to actually turn it around. If you want to blame someone for the situation I would humbly suggest you look to those who until recently were running this sinking ship.

  22. Gotta clear up something. I don't know who posted as GHfan, but GHFan is what I have used as my name online at MediaMaine for many years. I just don't want readers from those postings to mistake me.

    Over here I go by soaplover.

  23. Gotta clear up something. I don't know who posted as GHfan, but GHFan is what I have used as my name online at MediaMaine for many years. I just don't want readers from those postings to mistake me.

    Over here I go by soaplover.

  24. It is all in the writing. Which is on Ron's hands now. That is a good thing no matter who or what you are a fan of.

    OLTL has fantastic storylines.
    GH has fantastic actors.
    I see the coming together as a win-win. Of course they need to drop some of that hideous dead weight at GH. (LIW, Ethan, Dr Ewan, Spinelli, Maggie, Delores, etc..

    Which I believe Ron will with his magic.

  25. I agree completely MY2Cents!
    ...except that I have a soft spot for Ethan and feel that they missed an opportunity with this actor.

  26. AntJoan BUT there are vets coming! Holly, Robert, Anna...they are trying to get GF!!

    AND yes, I agree with whomever said this should have happened awhile ago. This last minute reprieve won't be enough I'm afraid

    CARRIE; TSJ!! eeeeee I so hope he's coming!!!!!

  27. Brianna Brown was on Private Practive. Slutty little thingy. Her and Tyge Dyggs. Or whatever his name is. Lucky girl!

    Anon 3:10 Lots of people have a 'soft spot' for Ethan and Spinelli.

    Please someone tell me Bobbie and TSj will be on GH by March 1st!

  28. RaveBeauty posted another comment on her FB page last night saying how disappointed she is that she "backed the wrong horse" behind the scenes.

    Cryptic and worrisome.

  29. Barbara Darlin said...
    RaveBeauty posted another comment on her FB page last night saying how disappointed she is that she "backed the wrong horse" behind the scenes.

    What do you think that means?

  30. You took the words right out of my mouth!! That is EXACTLY how I feel! My grandmother is a GH 'only' watcher...not that she doesn't like OLTL, she just never watched it. She's a little bit nervous about 'characters with history' coming over b/c she'll have to play 'catch up', but like I told her, you've had cassandra and maggie on there for weeks and STILL don't know their history! lol...

  31. I'm a fan of both soaps so I have no realmproblems with OLTL peeps coming to GH. I also want a decent story told with out starts stops and then dropped. I like some of the characters from OLTL especially TSJ and would at least wantbto see hownthey mix them up if it is a mob s/l that will be the kiss of deathnfor me because I have zero interest in that. If the writers find away to banish Sam from the screen that would make me at least record it.
    I only really worry about BH the others I'm sorta meh about but indonlike the new dr. Ewan. So I'll wait and see what happens.

  32. I've been a huge fan of GH for years. But the last few years OLTL has become my favorite. I can't wait for the OLTL characters to come to GH. Now they just need to get Victor and Tea.

  33. TheGirlWithTheStarTattooJanuary 14, 2012 at 6:07 PM

    To me it depends of who on GH is out because of the OLTL characters joining the show. GH has enough of the favourites (Sonny, Carly, Michael, Jason & Sam) getting all the airtime, I don't want more favourites taking away airtime from other characters who are far more interesting. It's not just the airtime, it's the bias writing in favour of some characters...

  34. GH got so bad (IMO) that I haven't watched in a few years. I come here to see what is going on. I have tuned into OLTL a few times to watch the stories and marvel at the writing. I think Cartini knows what they are doing. I think GH will go off the air and Cartini will bring it to a wonderful close. I don't think the OLTL people with have anything to do with the GH ending. Cartini are too smart for that.

  35. The stories on GH are just terrible. I say that as a 34 year GH watcher. I find myself FF most of the scenes! I want the Quatermaines! I want to see Audrey and Leslie! They have wasted some of the best talent for horrible newbies through the years. Vanessa Marcil-G could have had a tremendous effect on GH if it had been done right. I want families with rich history! I hate the mob stuff. I bet I would like it if it weren't the whole show and so dang dark. I also think it is interesting that they haven't been able to get it right with Sonny. That actor has not had a successful pairing I can think of since Tamara Braun was Carly! I don't count Vanessa in there b/c we knew it was only for a year, especially with the crap story-line they gave her. Continuity would be great too. Even Sesame Street has continuity and uses history within the storylines!

  36. As a fan of both GH an OLTL I am looking forward to the change. It is not as though the entire cast of OLTL is taking over and making it "their" show. Instead it is a few of the best(not all) whose characters would meld and in the case of John(Michael) have a built in intro with Lucky's(Johnathan) departure and the amazing chemistry we know he has with Sam(Kelly). I would much rather share what may be the last few months with wonderful characters and talented actors I know and still have a story to tell vs The Lady in white, dust writer..Dr stare at the ceiling Ewan, chip on her shoulder cop Delores or horribly misunderstood instantly trusted "bodyguard" Shaun.

    I just hope that with new writing and new direction, these characters can be done justice and not left to die on the vine the way so many of GH's great actors are. The only thing that keeps us watching GH is the talented actors, but let's face it those dimples can only go so far!

  37. Anon 4:36 Said:

    "If the writers find away to banish Sam from the screen that would make me at least record it."

    Amen to that. I can't stand KeMo. I didn't like her as Livie on PC and Sam is even worse. If she disappeared from the canvas I'd be more than willing to start watching again.

    I for one am thrilled that a bunch of OLTL characters are coming to GH. I know several OLTL only fans who are starting to watch GH so they'll understand some of the stuff that is going on when they join the show next month. I hope they don't get too disgusted and give up before the new writing starts.

  38. My problem with bringing in OLTL faves are:

    Also, I stopped watching OLTL in the '80s...but I did tune in to the last few so I could get closure ont those I remember moving characters to Port Charles, doesn't that mean undoing the closure? Didn't McBain get his happily ever after? Now he'll be, what, single? I think it's a disservice to the fans who bought into the finale.

  39. Bet yall some money King Sonny is not going to share the limelight with Todd...

  40. GH watchers, think how badly the returns of Anna and Robert have been the last times they came back. And Holly as well. We were almost glad to see them gone again by the time Guza finished with them.

    Just consider how much better their returns will be with a decent writer in charge, someone who understands soaps and what makes them work, someone who has received raves from his OLTL audience. Go on most GH posting sites and fans are complaining, hating the darkness, the mob, the stories that have no consistency. Go on any OLTL site and the fans are saying things like 'brilliant' and 'great show yesterday', 'loved what happened...'

    I think that says this writer coming to GH knows his stuff and can only mean improvement. The only way I can see it could be disappointing is if the bosses at ABC insists of interfering and keeping disgusting mob stuff front and center. I just hope Calavatini has the freedom he needs....

  41. For months and months the comments on this site have been about how terrible GH is and how wonderful OLTL was.Everyone loved OLTL and all I read was how posters FF through this scene and that on GH. Now that OLTL is gone(TPTB realized they made huge mistake) and Gh needs fixing,they have decided to bring over core characters or maybe even merge the two soaps. This has made so many posters angry because it might hurt their beloved GH. What will it take to make you all happy? It seems all you do is complain(which is your right) but you don't like any fixes TPTB try to do.Please explain (without being nasty) to me what should be done to make everyone smile again.

  42. Mike...I did explain in my blog! LOL. ;) I think some people want their GH without OLTL coming on in. Excited by the new writers and then vets coming it's hard to see yet more "new" people if you don't konw who they are.
    You know I LOVE OLTL and I'm happy but I really get WHY they might not be.

  43. Gwen: I agree. With the new people coming over, it means NO chance of Jax coming back. That is disapointing. I wouldn't be surprised to see Kristina back though.

    Soaplover...I couldn't agree more with what you said about the past returns of Anna, Holly, Robert.

    As far as Kemo comments, she by far for me isn't the worse, nor is she the best. Personally I don't see the 'hoopla' in her character as some do. I have another female on the show I would love to be seen gone.
    Either way, its not the characters/actors we hate.
    It is the writers who write for them.

    Article by Ron @gh2 and IMO GH isn't cancelled....yet.

  44. For those of you who believe in Raven, here is a post of hers.

    'Hey Guys, Two more major OLTL stars on their way to GH! More than just an influx now (I'm dancing in the street)! Ok, so I am really dancing around my room instead, but who cares! I can't give you names (told mums the word until the announcement is ready to be made)! As sad as I am over the loss of my favorite show (sad would be an understatement), at least I get to see the people I love the most live on after tomorrow. I'll take what I can get right now. This may not be announced right away, but I'm told it's pretty much a done deal (Huge Faves)! Yay! ♥♥♥ '

    She later goes on to more or less to say it is TSJ. Now this will be interesting if she is right.

  45. Hey Guys,

    Remember the hints I gave you yesterday about the two more on their way to GH from OLTL? Many of you guessed Trevor St John (especially after what I reminded you about today along with the hints from yesterday). I told you again and again that Victor was not dead, Todd did not kill him, and that you would see him again before the show closed (we have come full circle today). Dry those eyes my fellow Trevor St John fans.. You will have reason to smile here very soon! You heard it here first (get ready)!


  46. I too would love sam gone from, GH. that low whisper, mumbling voice of hers gets on my nerves. I feel like i am going deaf trying to hear her.

  47. Now it looks like 6 will be coming from OLTL - have a feeling no. 6 is Ted King. I am also not very optomistic or thrilled about all of this mainly because it seems like the new regime is using the influx to fix the problems and isn't really capable or interested in working with what they have here. If it works the miracle of saving GH fine, but it may backfire. Those great actors and great writers (and great ratings) couldn't save OLTL and I think it is already in the cards as to the outome of all of this.Glad to see Hilary B. coming to B&B but that show is known for obtaining big names and dropping them like hot potatoes (Sarah Brown, Rick Hearst,Leslie Kay, etc..)

  48. With all due respect to the actors & their fans, I personally want none of the OLTL Cast. I would rather see Mac given the airtime he deserves (less of Dante IMO) and for gosh sakes lose the Mulva. I barely get to see who I love now (Liason, Mac, Diane, Alexis, The Davis girls together, Kirsten as Maxie, Jolivia Carjax, Lexi's Kristina, Ethina, & The Q's). I can even stomach Sonny when he's in the prescence of NLG.

  49. I would LOVE for Mac to get more time. Or Jax brought back. Or Alexis a huge storyline. Bring Ric Herbst back.

    Still nothing changes, tptb feels this is what it will take to lure OLTL viewers over. If it means keeping GH on the air, I am all for it.

  50. Great post. GH really does need a shake up and Ron can do it. IMO. He can save GH. He has a few months to prove to the TPTB why we should keep GH since September come around.

    I'm excited myself. I used to watch GH religiously and I just got tired of a certain character(s) taking up the airtime and center around that character.

    Good luck to Ron on taking on this hard task because it is. He has to learn GH's history and make his personal changes. GH can be no. 1 again.

  51. can't we shake GH up with our own loved actors who have been written out/let go..instead of bring OLTL over to GH.. just bring back the core families and stories we loved..

  52. It's true that GH has dropped the ball on character development and the whole Franco storyline ran WAY WAY WAY too long, but I don't like OLTL's acting on the show at all. Many times the dialogue is ridiculous and over acted.

  53. GH fans, just be happy that oltl actors & writing are there to save you (for a while, at least!) It doesn't feel good at all to have a daily joy of many years ripped away for corporate greed. Please, bring oltl back, after it helps gh!



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