Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Memo To All Staff

Dear Staff Members:
It has come to my attention that many of you are engaging as what is being known as "Gurney-Gazing". Much like the "planking" fad, I have now seen YouTube videos taken by patients of our staff laying on gurneys staring at the ceiling. While I understand this is a controversial psychological treatment first tested in Sydney, it is also not a proven therapy. This conduct will not be tolerated any longer and I'm putting head nurse Epiphany on Gurney-Patrol from this point on. Please adhere to these guidelines. Thank You.
Monica Quartermaine, acting Chief of Staff, General Hospital  

Now that that's out of the way...on to the blog...

So... what do you say about GH This week? I was so busy loving the second to the last week of OLTL, it was hard to take it seriously.  Michael got on my very last nerve.  The only part I truly loved was the Alexis melt-downs. I also liked the Ex-Mayor, and think Preston could be a good character with the involvement of  the newspaper. Cartini loves those newspapers stories (Banner and The Sun) so we'll see if it gets better use!! 

Other things I liked on GH this week: AZ  and Maxie. Not sure why but they just tickle me. Jen Lilley is doing a great job with her fill-in. Don't worry, KS is coming back soon-- but I do have to say Jen did good with what she had to work with.  (Motor Mouth LOL). The Wedding of AZ and Tracy could be a really interesting, fun story. I'm all for weddings!! 
The Johnny and Carly relationship could also prove very interesting. Hmmmm, jury is out on that one. Shawn bores me to tears right now. This TJ kid is coming on-- who will also be a "friend" for Molly, maybe that will make me like Shawn better. 
Thank you for having Robin and Liz have a chat. They are both vets that hardly interact and it was nice to see them talk. Thank you too for the Molly/Sam scene. Very well done.

Things that drive me nuts: Lady in White. ugh..boring, boring, boring. Now Spin is following her around like an idiot. Ewan--while he's great eye-candy, not sure I like that he's been shirtless so much without ANY character development. Ok, he can be shirtless. Heh. Sonny..zzzzz Kate zzzzz Michael is being a dick and JaSam are buzz kills. The Franco thing is OLD. This should have ended long ago. The bag lunch and coffee notes? ahahhaa.  Please. Helena better show up soon. REAL soon. 
Scrubs is also a sore point with me. I still say it's so out of Robin's nature to consider leaving that it's been very hard to swallow. Then again, we got to see Emma more so that's a good thing. We'll see how this plays out.

In yet another bungled 'comeback' Jax skulked forever. First at the airport, now around Port Chuck. Please. I swear soaps are the WORST at using cameos. Just plain boring as all hell. Joss pointing to him with her sucker and saying "Ingo" was cute. I bet he taped for a day and they'll use it for 3 weeks. Just ONCE I'd love for someone to walk back in first day they are back and have a ton of interactions with everyone in town and a heck of a lot of dialog. Just once.

SCENE of the WEEK: Alexis melts down in the PCPD. NLG is pure gold in her scenes no matter what she has to do. Looking at the 3 guys staring at her like WTH was priceless.

NOT the Scene of the WEEK: You know I'm picking Gurney-Gazing. Liz/Ewan doing it was laughter inducing, but when it spilled over to Maggie and Steven? Guffaw!!  Just really silly writing.

STUPID PROP: Coffee cup ...with the note from the Lady in White to Ethan on it. Ugh.  I hate that whole story. Close second: Bag Lunch with another note.

NEXT WEEK: The View will have a "OLTL" send off. Erika Slezak will be a cohost and Judith Light will also be guesting. It's interesting that the hooplah that went on with AMC going off the air isn't really at the same pitch for OLTL. Yes, they are the 'stepsister' of that Nixon soap but I'm telling you what, OLTL surpassed their ratings in the past few years. It's gained a younger following as well. Guess Erica Kane's Q quotient is more 'up there' than others.
The last  FIVE shows will air.  Sad, sad sad. Especially when they were going on online before that was squashed. I start my new gig next week but I'm going to try like hell to be here for the end of it all. Ironic that his happens now. OLTL leaving and we get Cartini writing for GH. Only in my world would those two things collide. 

PS: finished Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy. We now have to buy both Breaking Bad and SOA from Amazon to watch. They aren't on DVD yet.  Next up Downton Abbey season one. That will feel like a picnic. LOL. Have to say I love Netflix--you can catch up on series and watch as many as you want with no commercials.  I think Dexter/Weeds will be in the line soon.


  1. I missed Jossie saying 'Ingo'.
    I don't suppose anyone knows or cares which day that was on??

    As far as the rest...JUNK.
    Nothing less.

  2. Karen, did Joss really say "ingo,' or were you kidding? (I assumed you made that up).

    Also, did anyone catch Blue Bloods this past Friday? I don't like the show, think that the writing is awful, but I certainly watched it Friday, as my nephew (who is an actor) was a guest star! He played the mob kid Billy Reese. Anyone see?

  3. No, she really said it..a lot of people caught it on twitter. It was on Thurs I think?? They were on the bench --Joss had a sucker. She loves Ingo. LOL. I thought she always said "I GO" but it's really clear that day.

    Didn't see Blue Bloods, sorry!!

  4. You are always spot on. I don't know if you saw that Ingo tweeted that he does a lot of lurking and has some dialogue, then also said he thinks it is the last time we will see Jax. Not really sure why they brought him back but love seeing him back on TV. It is truly a shame what they are doing to this show. Someone tweeted also last night to Haley (Molly) that they heard a rumor that GH was done in March. Haley said she had not heard that. With what appears to be handwriting on the wall, why don't they just come clean and allow the fans to enjoy what is left of GH instead of destroying it thinking no one will care? Boo ABC. Very bad. I was at the last Super Soap Weekend and found it odd how they did not make a big deal about it being the last one and barely talked about it. Two years later, it is all crystal clear; ending AMC, OLTL, and GH was already in the works long before anyone realized. :-(

    Been watching sine 1976. -Issatori

  5. I catch Blue Bloods all the time. I love it. Funny about your nephew being on that show @AntJoan because my nephew is on Unforgettable this week. Karen-You're right about it all except Ewan just doesn't do it for me at all. I have to undelete Thursday's show and go back and catch that with Joss. She's such a cutie. Hey Karen since you'll be working during GH starting Monday, how about you live tweet at 8:00 which is when I watch it when my hubby goes to bed and I have peace and quiet. LOL


    ff to around 2:50 and you can hear Joss say Ingo and point to him!

  7. Next week I will sit in my office, lean back in my desk chair, stair at the ceiling tiles, and think of Wubs ;) (and Fronkies, and Lobsters)

  8. I am mid-season 3 on Sons of Anarchy right now. I am waiting for Netflix to post the newer Breaking Bad season. Dexter and Weeds are great too. Especially Dexter. You will like them =)

    I wish Netflix would have ALL soap (past and present) episodes available. That would keep me busy for YEARS!

  9. Mindy..try tv.blinkx

    I watched all seasons housewifes for free.

  10. GH has hit new lows for second straight week! They are last in 18-49 women category. They have lost more than 600 000 viewers compared to last year! It's disgusting that they are willing to stick with these storylines until cancellation. At least, they could attempt to make fans happy but instead they stubbornly destroy or get rid of beloved characters and couples.
    Issatori, I agree with you. I think this show is ending regardless of the new writers coming on board. It is upsetting to see a show you have watched and loved for years close its doors with such terrible storylines.

  11. People will not tune in for this nonsense: Sonny/kate, jasam baby daddy/franco nonsense, lady in white waste of airtime.

  12. The new writers have their work cut out for them. 5th place is deserved. Keep it up GH.

  13. Thanks Cents! I will check that out.

  14. TheGirlWithTheStarTattooJanuary 8, 2012 at 7:08 PM

    I bet Monica would like to do some Gurney-Gazing with Dr.Abs...

  15. You know, it makes sense to me that each time they change writers, it is to cut the budget because obviously they are not getting quality writers. Also, it is my opinion that once GH is gone the way of the rest of the Soaps, ABC is counting on the fact that we have short memory spans and we will be back for their other offerings. I don't care if ABC offers the SuperBowl or any other desirable product, this girl will never watch another ABC product. Done, done, done! I've watched GH since 1968. When GH is assassinated by ABC, I will no longer prop up their Neilson ratings.

  16. I start Tues, but should be back in time to blog (I think). I get my schedule then and I'll see if I get time for some GH during the week.

  17. Just read Carole Weber's GH News & Gossip, on Soapzone, and she really nails one of the main problems with GH, the overindulgence of certain actors/characters. Of course she means Carly, Sonny and Jason, who have virtually killed this show. She mentioned as did I, that Michael never really had a relationship with Jax, yet he has gone overboard in his resentment of Carly and Jason for withholding the fact that Jax is alive. Jax and Carly never had a chance with Sonny and Jason always first and foremost with her. These characters need to be on less and the actors indulged less or things will never change. And if Ric is ever re-cast with Michael Easton as rumoured on Loose Lips I will never watch again.

  18. Linda V..lots of rumors..however if ME came back as Rick, I would stop watching as well.

    I have to disagree with you on the main characters. Besides revisiting Sonny's past (AGAIN) and anything JASON, where has Carly had a storyline?? She really hasn't had one. Her chasing Shawn is a storyline? Nah.
    That is the problem. There are NO storylines!

  19. My2Cents2,
    I agree about Carly - she is only there to constantly spout off, which I find unwatchable. She should have had a really beautiful relationship with Jax, and had some interaction with her mother and Uncle Luke more. You are right - she doesn't have a storyline and the relationship with Shawn should be romantic instead of cat and mouse.

  20. The writers obviously do not know what to do with any of the characters. That is why the show is failing. jmo

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