Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Soap Life" Documentary

There's a new doc ready to roll "Soap Life" You can help launch the DVD by pledging money for it's release! Be invited to the film's premiere or receive a DVD for your support. 
Check the preview:

"Soap Life" is a new documentary about the changes taking place in the world of daytime drama. As more and more classic soap operas are cancelled or forced to move to exclusively new media distribution, the landscape of American television is going through unprecedented changes. We've spoken with executives, fans and a number of current and former daytime stars to get their perspective on what it all means and what lies ahead.

 Starring: Lisa LoCicero, Rick Hearst, Kristen Renton, Jill Larson, Bradford Anderson, Carolyn Hennesy, Ronnie Marmo, Cady McClain, Derk Cheetwood, Jordi Vilasuso, Crystal Hunt, Bobbie Eakes, Gary Tomlin, Sean Ringgold, Francesca James, Julia Barr, Eileen Fulton, and many more.

PS, I donated for the Wubs Net! 


  1. So DO TELL! What is this documentary a one time shot? Is it interviews with these actors? Or will there be more to it??
    When is this documentary going to be released and where??


  2. Karen, you should be interviewed for this.

  3. There are many many more actors - we have over 70 interviews! Been filming for 6 months and have a couple more to go. We can't wait to release it!

  4. I would love to be interviewed for it!! THE SOAP-WEB: THE EARLY YEARS.

    NYPS let us know more I'll keep tweeting it!!



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...