Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back To Reality Tuesday! Liz Reads the Ceiling Tiles!!

Ugh, read this Huffington Post on The Chew's Ratings. It's not great news. Same numbers as AMC but way way cheaper bottom line. 

OLTL has nine episodes to go. NINE. booooooo.  I don't even want to think about it. Oh well, I'll be starting a new job soon (finally) so one less thing to watch. They didn't deserve it though, especially with the great stories/ratings it's been getting this past year. You've heard me sing that song before!! 

ALL THE BADDIES ARE OUT!! Mitch Lawrence was all Silence of the Lambs and at the guy's face!! eeeeeeee! I wish they would have let us see that.  Here's TROY's BACKSTORY on the show, he was a twin of an evil doctor.
The NuCole was pretty cool. The other guy didnt' last a day on set. He did a good fill in job.Brandon Buddy couldn't last a day to film lol...whatever.
Natalie fights like a lion! WOOT!  
Great fun show! Who knew Destiny's dad/grandpa worked the prison!?

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  I don't like Ewan..and the Lady in White? ugh
Alexis "You're the worst thing that happened to any of them" to Carly..nice line. Loved it. Carly and Sonny's bickering is just going to make me pour acid in my ears. Alexis and Carly's stuff was pretty interesting. Floyd and Diane should have been taping it for YouTube.  LOVED Carly bringing up "Connie and Brenda and Olivia" although she should have thrown Lilly in there too!
Ewan and Liz.. ugh The STAR OBSESSION HAS TO STOP!! Good Gravy... LIZ and Aussie guy are reading THE CEILING TILES. I am serious. I can't even explain it, you have to see it for yourself. 
Sam is going to get a peestick. I think Olivia still has her's in her shirt pocket. 
Tracy and AZ..I liked her outfit. Anyone catch the "Barking Mad" reference that Tracy threw Anthony??!! Nice.. who got it? MAD DOG from his Hill Street Blues days?
The Snow looked so fake. Michael just gets up, walks away. LOL
Save GH: Make Sonny and Jason dress like Women to work at Crimson ala "Make It Work" that new idiot ABC show! LOL

PS: I am obsessed with Sons Of Anarchy now-- Netflix is making my life hell. First we watched Breaking Bad non-stop now it's SOA. Both stop on Netflix at season 3 (you have to buy 4 on Amazon or iTunes). I can take the mob, just write the stories. Sonny can start touting guns. At least we'll KNOW what he's "importing". PCPD can be like Charming's and the whole doctor/biker thing? Perfect.  Oh well. I have to say that there are some great TV shows on now. FX, AMC--HBO--Starz, Cinemax.  woo hoo. 


  1. I actually liked the "star gazing", lol.

    Also, I just watched SOA on Netflix too! I watched all three seasons in less than a week. Then I snapped and bought season four on iTunes (luckily I had a gift card from Christmas!). Now it's going to be a long wait until September. Such a good show! The characters are so developed, even the ones I hate, like Clay.

    Breaking Bad might be next for me....


  2. I watched the maraton of Once Upon a Time and it is really good.

  3. can't spell suppose to be marathon

  4. omg I love sons of anarchy. The only bad thing about it is the log wait between seasons.
    I am going to miss oltl when it is gone. I don't even watch gh anymore

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nine episodes... :( Truly depressing.

    And Mamaspat, that "marathon" was missing one episode - episode 5 "That Still Small Voice", which I hear is about Jiminy Cricket and an important ep (just downloaded it, haven't watched yet).

    Leave it to ABC to screw something up..

  7. Love how Carly is giving it to Sonny, but again, in 6 months she will make her argument FOR Sonny against someone else.
    Not liking Alexis standing up for Sonny, but we all know why right now. And everything she said to Carly was right.
    Really hating Kate right now. She has no business saying anything to Carly or anyone else.

    Liz and Matt. Loving them still! Just wish it wasn't another Liz vs. Maxie thing. I wish that Maxie and Matt had broken up BEFORE Lix and Matt started becoming friends. now I have to listen to Maxie's shrill voice all the time.
    Didn't so much Like Ewan and Liz.
    Jason and Sam...yawn.

  8. I'm actually happy to see Elizabeth paired with a new guy that doesn't have all the past baggage. Short of bringing back Liric, I'm happy to see her moving on and hopefully getting a decent storyline that doesn't make her a doormat for every male in PC. I was open to a Matt-Liz pairing, but I'm already tired of the MaxieBitch-Matt-Liz triangle. I have always secretly hoped for a Liz-Johnny pairing, but that doesn't seem like it's ever going to be in the cards. I think Ewen is kind of sexy, and at least he brings something new to a relationship.

    I am a huge SOA fan (I've watched it since the first show aired) and own the DVDs. I won't delete Season 4 from my DVR until I get the DVD in August! Kurt Sutter and the SOA cast are really amazing. Chibs & Tig are my faves!

  9. Oh and OLTL. They sure are going out with a bang. I wonder what shakeups they are going to have in the last 9 episodes. Surely they won't kill anyone off at the end?

  10. OLTL made history today! Blair said NO to a man. That is a first in OLTL history.
    btw it was 18 degrees here today. Wasn't Blair a little cold to lock lips??
    John McBain, before you go to Pt Chuckles to help out, I suggest you take up some detective courses. Why would you not uncover Mitch's mask to id him??
    Sadly I don't see a good ending with Cole. I wanted him to be freed and leave with Starr & Hope. Doesn't look like that is how it is going to play out.
    SHOCKED to see Destiny's pappy at Statesville today.
    GH-The writers aren't there yet???
    Didn't they start ASAP??
    Tracey looked like Tracey. Well kept and classy. I ADORE her.
    Welcome back Carly, I've missed you!!!!!! Nice ripping on Sonny today! GREAT lines! I haven't smiled in almost a week, she succeeded today at making it happen.
    NuKate. I like you as a rule, but STFU. Do you know how stupid you are looking these days??
    Dante & Lulu. Aren't they a nice looking couple when they are happy?
    Ethan. Lady in white. Stars. WTF??

  11. What do you mean about Brandon Buddy? Did he come back and get fired before filming? Did he quit? Bad behavior? Not show up prepared? I don't follow OLTL gossip, so I really don't know anything, just that there's a new Cole.

  12. Brandi! Breaking bad is awesome...the writing is better than SOA I think (and Boardwalk Empire if you watch that). Season one is a bit uneven but by season 2? it's rolling. You have to buy season 4 on itunes too.
    They got us! LOL

  13. Skebob he showed up on set then "left"...no real reason given but word has it he couldn't even be back that long. Strange. It was one day of taping!

  14. My fave SOA character is Tara followed by the guy with the shaved mohawk. I can't think of his name. He got shanked in jail

  15. OLTL: HOLY CRAP IT'S TROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YAY! :) I didn't know he was going to show up! He was always so HOT! And still is! :)


    Michael and Jason: Oh Michael just gets up from the accident like he was never hit! Even tho he was passed out! *roll eyes*

    Metrocourt: Alexis vs Carly LOVE IT!!! :) Kate sticking up for Sonny! Oh shut up Kate!!!

    Ewen and Liz: Talking about stars. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh Matt shows up thank God!!!! Matt made the scene soooo much better!!!

    Tracy and Papa Z: He wants to marry her hahahaha! Love their scenes. :)

    Oh and Karen, I'm looking forward to the new show work it! :) I loved Bosum (sp)buddies!!

  16. Oh forgot one thing. Karen I always known that Destiny's father works at Statesville prison. :)

  17. Karen- I will definitely check out Breaking Bad. I am prepared to be sucked in and have to pony up the cash to get season 4 from iTunes ;)

    Tara is also my favorite character, but I also love Gemma even though she has ticked me off a lot. Katy Sagal is just awesome in that role. And I have a love/hate relationship with Tig. Clay, I HATE.

    I watched a few episodes of Boardwalk Empire , but then we got rid of HBO :( What I saw was also very good. Cable is definitely where it's at for good shows.

    Sorry for the OT ramble, but the hubs hasn't watched SOA yet, so I have no one to chat with about it's amazingness with!


  18. Skeebob and Karen, I read something from Brandon Buddy that he got to the set and started filming for the first episode but then he had a family emergency and had to leave immediately. His press release seemed really sincere and that he was upset not to be able to film those final scenes.

  19. today was the first time in about 30 years that I wasnt taping a soap....I have one vcr left and was hoping it would last. it did, but I am so happy with my 'happy endings' on OLTL I decided to stop watching after the wedding! and Clint and Viki!
    I dont really care about the video story, or as much as i love Blair, cant watch her again, mooning over a loser, such as Tomas, who puts me to sleep, dont care bout natalie, love Bo and Nora but the baby story just isnt doing it for me...so leaving happy....which is a big deal for a soap fan....
    so keep me posted everyone..cause this is my only soap contact now....

  20. @Sonya, that happened to me. My brother and I were hit by a car when i was 9. Apparently, I flew through the air and passed out (i don't remember it), but i got right up like nothing had happened. My mom didn't even know that anything had happened to me until the ambulance had shown up for my brother, whose leg was broken because the car stopped on him.

    I absolutely loved OLTL. Did not expect Troy at all--I was really hoping Lindsey had shown up at Bo and Nora's place.

  21. TheGirlWithTheStarTattooJanuary 3, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    Love Ewan/Liz/Matt looking at the stars! :D

  22. Reading Ceiling tiles or not, becky is so beautiful. What other gal can pull off ugly green scrubs and look that fab? Hope she isn't selling her house cause she knows something.

    Damn, wish jason would have permently damaged michael. I hate to be cruel but the writers made him so dull and whiney

  23. Happy 2012 :-)

    GH is as interesting as watching the ceiling tiles these days...should have changed my resolution for 2012 to "I resolve not to biotch about GH...until the new staff arrives!"

    Ewan and Liz's banter about the ceiling tiles and colors reminded me of Jasam talking about seashellls and heaven knows what else while they were in Hawaii! Sounded like the same person wrote the dialog!

    Wow...magical healing GH powers again. I really thought Jason and Michael were going to be messed up big time! Barely an "owie!" I guess that happens. I was at least hoping Michael would have gotten smacked up side the head and had some sense pounded into him, but alas, nah. He was probably on the phone to Johnny...he'll be on a quest to be a mini-mobbie now.

    The lady in white scenes were out of left field...did she speak yet or did I miss it?

    There's that famous preggie test again! Did Sam borrow it from Olivia? Now, how long will it be for Sam to keep the test results to herself?

    Carly turning a New Year's party into a shouting match with all of Sonny's gals...UGH! Glad it's over.

    I don't expect anything to change until the guard changes at GH, so it is a matter of hanging in there at this point.

    It might be a race to see which has lower ratings...The Chew or The Revolution when it starts! The Powers That Be will never admit they made a major mistake with the changes regardless!

  24. Karen, congrats on your new job!! Sonny & Jason as "Bosom Buddies" at Crimson--LOL!!!!

  25. Elizabeth said...@Sonya, that happened to me. My brother and I were hit by a car when i was 9. Apparently, I flew through the air and passed out (i don't remember it), but i got right up like nothing had happened. My mom didn't even know that anything had happened to me until the ambulance had shown up for my brother, whose leg was broken because the car stopped on him.
    I know it happens, but what was the point of it happening on GH? :) I'm glad you were alright! That is scary!! So you were checked out and you were okay?!

  26. @Sonya, it would have been nice if there was a point to Michael being alright, but GH rarely has a point lmao.

    I was fine; my parents had to force me into the ambulance because I knew that I didn't need any tests. lol Funny thing was that as I was laying on my gurney waiting for my x-rays to be done, I counted the ceiling tiles. No joke. I got to about 50 before I got distracted by the dot images on the tiles. (I remember seeing a little dog in the dots.)

  27. WTF?? I LOVED Ewen and Elizabeth "star gazing" they are the best thing that happened on GH in a long time.

  28. I actually hated the new Cole- thought he was awful, but other than that, love the show! I also always knew that Destiny's dad/grandfather worked at Statesville. When the character was first introduced, wasn't it at Statesville? I can't remember why or the exact storyline at the time...

  29. Dante is the troll under the bridge

  30. LIW is the lamest storyline EVER.

    I hope Ewen's guard for her kills Ethan.

    He deserves it because he is being a douche.

  31. LIW is a cross-eyed mute.

  32. I agree - Becky is so gorgeous. Her makeup and hair looked beauiful. Liked her with Matt better than Ewan, who seems a bit dull to me. Dante and Lulu are wonderful together now that Lulu is happy. Carly needs to keep her yap shut - loved Alexis giving it back to her. Sony looked pretty stupid. Anyone notice that there were about 19 cast members on yesterday - like that.

  33. Yes - Becky looked gorgeous yesterday! What's up with those ugly scrubs -- they look like prison garb!

    It was nice seeing more than just the chosen four on screen yesterday.

  34. I'm so over Carly -- I understand she was protecting Jax but she is ridiculous. Where's her bodyguard? Is he out with the tranny at Jake's again? HATE SHAWN.

  35. Elizabeth said...@Sonya, it would have been nice if there was a point to Michael being alright, but GH rarely has a point lmao.
    Hahahaha GH used to have a point!! Not anymore!

    Funny thing was that as I was laying on my gurney waiting for my x-rays to be done, I counted the ceiling tiles. No joke. I got to about 50 before I got distracted by the dot images on the tiles. (I remember seeing a little dog in the dots.)
    Hahahaha that's what happens when you stare at something for a long time! You start seeing doggies in dots! ROFL!

  36. Who is cross eyed LIW?

    Why do some get away with bashing, and if you bash one of their fav's, they cry about it?
    Just wondering.

  37. I don't think LIW is anyone's fave. She hasn't spoken a word yet.

    I don't mind if anyone bashes my faves...oh wait, all mine are gone.

    Thanks GH!

  38. WHO IS LIW??????? Ohhh the lady in white? The Mute??

    I agree, most of my fav's are gone as well. I just try to make the best of what we have left.

  39. Maybe Kristina should have never spoken to Ethan. He apparently is intrigued by women who don't speak and wear white (can you say faux pas!) after Labor Day.

    Ethan is a DOUCHEBAG.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Maybe Kristina should have never spoken to Ethan. He apparently is intrigued by women who don't speak and wear white (can you say faux pas!) after Labor Day.

    Ethan is a DOUCHEBAG.

    January 4, 2012 11:31 AM

    Now that is FUNNY! LMAO!!!

  41. I'm getting worried about OLTL only in that I've really been hoping that it would be revealed that Todd had not shot Victor after all. Hard to be happy for Todd and Blair to ride off into the sunset together with that still out there.

  42. The new regime cannot get here soon enough.

  43. Mazel Tov! GH tanked BIG time comin in LAST in the important categories!

  44. Yes Mazel Tov indeed GH!

    You deserve all of the poor ratings you are getting.

    Instead of Calgon....Cartini, take me away!!!

  45. Okay - some stupid ass on the ABC GH Message Board just put that they hope the LIW and Ethan get a good storyline. Can I just say that I hope that person dies in their sleep? The mute chick hasn't spoken a word and now they have a fanclub. Give me a freakin' break.

  46. WAIT. I thought Ethan was done taping and off the show??? I am ffing thru this crap because I was led to believe they shelved the storyline and Ethan was done.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...