Monday, January 9, 2012

Look Alikes...Wubbly Twins

Ok doesn't Melanie Lynskey from Two and A Half Men look JUST LIKE Michelle Dockery From Downton Abbey?


  1. She does! She is my least favorite actress on DA. That show is fabulous. Recorded last nite since I was too tired to stay up.

  2. Not really. Different shape face; different shape eyes.

  3. I have to see her more on DA... I haven't watched it yet but when I saw promos I was sure it was "Rose from 2 1/2 men"-- had to look her up.
    I figured "Rose" would be too old

  4. Uh, not not at all Karen. Maybe ny eyes are fooling me

  5. This has nothing to do with soaps, but I wish that TPTB would bring Charlie back to 2 and a half men.They could so have Rose holding Charlie hostage.It would be so Rose.Not a big fan of Ashton

  6. They don't look anything alike. The bottom pic kind of resembles Anna Paquin.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...