Thursday, January 19, 2012

Out With Mr. Potato Head Today!

SO, Thursdays are my day NOT to watch GH -- so it's up to you, Wubbers to fill me in! Should I watch my DVR--spend time on the show? Have a great one, and what do you think about them Spoilers?

I bought a Mr. Potato Head for therapy...he's a Pirate and adorable. heh


  1. so Ronnie is the stripper killer?

  2. Looks like JacK Wagner (ex Frisco) had some kind of physical altercation with Heather Locklear. Hope he gets his junk together - women can drive you crazy sometimes but there is no excuse for a laying a hand on them unless they are coming at you with a baseball bat or something!

  3. What career should Lulu attempt next? Back to Crimson or the Haunted Star? Run Kelly's? Work for Tracey at ELQ or Carly at the Metrocourt? Become secretary for Jackal and McCall? Open the Brownstone as a brothel? Reopen Lucky's worm farm?

    I have long wanted GH to do an alzheimers storyline given its social relevance and connection to the hospital. Perhaps Lulu can become a home support worker for the Alzheimers patient. Liz asks Lulu to care for Audrey or Tracey asks Lulu to care for Edward OR Lulu ends up caring for her own grandmother Leslie.

  4. And they can get away with that by not having Audrey or Leslie on-screen!! :)

  5. Where did you read that Old Schoolfan? I know she just got out of the hospital.

    She isn't too stable.

  6. It was on SOD about Heather/Jack. Something happened at Christmas time. Not sure who did what.

    Frisco...he was supposed to be who knows now

  7. Ahhhhhh I didn't realize Jack was the reason for her 'slipping up'.

    I just wish she would go to rehab. So talented.

  8. CasSUCKra must go! She is ruining the character of Ethan.

  9. RUMOR floating around that Ewen is a SORASED Spencer Cassidine.A little far fetched if you ask me but then again this is a soap.

  10. Anon 4:15

    Interesting theory on Ewan but i agree, that would be too SORAed.

    I was actually wondering if Cassandra was not fully human but a lab "creation" of Helena's. Perhaps someone she fashioned after Laura or even a younger Laura clone. Seems like something Helena would do to torture the Spencers.

  11. Yesterday's GH was same old same old. With fast-forwarding, you could get thru it in about 5 minutes. Lante for a little bit, Lulu job searching all afternoon while drinking wine, clearly she's an alkie! LOL! Lots of LIW/Ethan/Ewen garbage, no Helena w/lines, TJ being a smart ass kid, Sonny/Jason rehashed lines about Franco, Johnny, blah, blah, blah. Luke knows about Claudia being Johnny's mama tries to tell Carly but her phone is off while she's getting busy w/Johnny (HOT). Michael & the stripper talked...Zzzz. And Mac was on for a hot second...I think. That's about it in a nutshell ;)

  12. When Ethan and CasSUCKra came running through Wyndamere giggling I threw up in my mouth.

  13. jaybeezer said...
    When Ethan and CasSUCKra came running through Wyndamere giggling I threw up in my mouth
    LMAO! I almost did to and I had it on FF!

  14. LOL! What happened to the "oh-so-worldly" and "mature" Ethan? Now he's tip-toeing through the tulips with the nut-in-a-nightgown! EPIC FAIL GH!!!

  15. Seriously. And wasn't the LIW supposed to be all ethereal and mysterious? She looks like she should be hanging out at make-up counter in Macy's. Opposite of mysterious. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, but sheesh! Hopefully the new guys are bringing their own casting director with them.

  16. I'm sorry, but I have never been a fan of Gigi (OLTL) I LMAO when Rex married her on the show, she has been wishing for that (publically) for quite some time.
    Anyway, I guess she has lots of time to twitter these days.......

    Per: FF
    'According to former OLTL star and Dirty Soap participant, Farah Fath, the cast and everyone else should be finding out the news soon when the actress was questioned on Twitter. Farah responded by tweeting, “We find out in 3 weeks if it’s picked up again.”

  17. The Loon In White needs to go. Period. End of story. And don't let her take Ethan with her.



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