Friday, January 7, 2011

Ross Thomas Playing Abby's

                                 nasty EX-boyfriend on GH! More SCOOPS UP on WUBS NET!!  


  1. He will be killed off within a week. Cause it is a male bashing storyline . You wait and see.

  2. You know, it would be interesting to do some research and see how many actors/actresses (characters) GH has fired, dropped, or just plain forgot about vs. the number of new ones they all of a sudden have all this room for with all these "great" story ideas!
    What? They can hire a New doctor to do Lisa's dirty work; but they can't give Bobbie 5 mins of screen time to see
    Her grandsons in the hospital??!!! a GH headache already this morning!!!

  3. I totally messed up, thought it said "Siobhan's" ex! SORRYyyyyyyyyyyy

  4. someone new for Michael to beat up and Jason/Sonny to threaten ;)

  5. Why is it always the men, that are abusive, abusive boyfriends, abusives dads. Just more male bashing storylines to kill men off. One life to live just killed 3 men off within a few months. Enough already stop bashing men and killing them off. Gh kills thugs almost every month. No wonder why the ratings fall.

  6. Wow the guy is cute nice eyes. :) Michael to save the day? :)

  7. Male bashing?? And I've seen this show as treating women like brainless sex objects. If a woman does have brains, she suddenly loses them the moment she sees (gasp! dimples!) Sonny. And then there's the females who come on as something nasty, such as Carly, Claudia, Faith, and Lisa, or they are nuerotic or they are sexually too free, such as Alexis, Maxie, and Liz have become. I really would like to see a female who is smart, has a career AND a heart and who is capable of romance without the slut factor. I guess Robin and Olivia are the only ones who qualifies. Soaps used to spotlight such females!

  8. Looks like logan to me.

  9. Yes male bashing it's always the men that get killed off.


    Jerry Jax to Criminal Minds! Another talented actor that GH can't utilize properly.

  11.'s Jacks, not Jax. ;) "Jax" is Jasper Jacks' nickname.

  12. This won't really have success, I feel like this.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...