Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday: Fronkeys, Friends and Frons.

Follow @Hollywood_com on Twitter for some great News and Contests! I just won a "Social Network" package from them!! I've won Despicable ME too-- on Facebook by saying my fave cartoon character is FogHorn LegHorn "I say..boy..I say"..I won this one by telling them how I'd spend a Billion Dollars (I said on way more stuff than I would a million!) and  PRETTY Christmas Ornament from "Pretty the Series" YOU just never know what the cyberweb will bring. I swear, I'm winning cash someday and we'll all have a WUBBER/TWUBBER party at my expense!! 

So, who IS Brian Frons? People have asked me because I do refer to him on the blog. Well, he's the president of ABC Daytime Programming. Ergo, a lot of sheeze needs to be run by him before it hits the air. Sometimes  I yell about Guza--when I should be aiming at Jill Farren Phelps (Executive Producer) and Mr. Frons. Just thought I'd clear that up. I often say Guza got rid of the Nurses' Ball, when in reality it came from higher up--and was a budget decision. (stupid, stupid imo--cut the CGI, explosive and bullet budget and you got 3 nurses' balls!!)  Brian Frons also looks a bit like my FATHER, thank you very much. LOL..taller but still, same glasses, same beard, bald head. oy! 

You saw the newbie guy down there who plays Abby's "abusive ex"---which I didn't think we could get much more of on this soap. Sigh..every woman has to be in perilous danger, don't they? While I do like the age twist (Older Girlie, younger Male)--this stripper biz is for the birds. Soon Michael will be GOING  to the Strip Club to check Abby out. heh..Bow chicka BOW WOW!! I found some Strip Club names they could borrow from Rochester: Klassy Kat, Landing Strip (which is by the airport) and Mike's Tally HO! (heh, that's real!!) I asked Twubbers on Twitter to submit their local fun names. I got: "Legs and Eggs", "Booby Trap"...
GH named their's "Vaughn's"..., sooooooooo boring!! I'd name it "Rack O' Rama"!!  Isn't Von's a grocery store chain or drugstore?? 

GENERAL HOSPITAL Today: Jason "They're taking her (Brenda) for a walk'-- Sam  "Jason..she's not a dog".. hahahah. Jason says about Jake "I'm just another person to him"...
He does think he has a good family but he does miss Jake. Sam had on a WHITE sweater.

Brenda wants Jason to help her plan the wedding. When he says no-- lol, she calls Spin and says it's an "Emergency". Doesn't she look schlumpy? I mean...I don't know..always like she tumbled out of bed?

Molly's losing it over homework... I liked it.  She'd do that in a heartbeat,  panic I mean. I can't wait for Sonny's talk with her about bipolar. 

Theo dropped the lawsuit because Robin asked  her to.

Carly is such a hoot-- and I'm with her. If I was her mother I'd be the same. On a soap it's fine and dandy that Abby is a stripper with "A heart of gold" but if his own Mama is ok with it? Something's WRONG! Mama's don't want strippers for their boys..usually that is. (don't write me telling me you're a stripper, please, I totally am game with that..but I think it's a mom's  job). Sam told Carly Michael went to her for help..when he went to JASON for a prostitute!! She overheard... 
Someone on twitter wondered if it had been JASON that had gotten Abby if CARLY would have freaked out. But remember, Jason said no.  LOL  Yes, Carly's still a beeatch. (Offering Money!?)

 Jamey Giddens of Daytime Confidential is rumoring that Megan McTavish might be going to All My Children, a  soap she has written for in the past.

Sebastian Roche will be having a recurring role on Criminal Minds! All the skivvy on SID.

AND...PS. don't believe the rumors about VM leaving in Feb...they don't look true.


  1. The actor who plays Michael is great but if AJ was still around Michael would TOWER over him. I guess he gets his height from Grandpa Alan.

    I do NOT think Ally looks like a man in anyway, shape or form. there are other actresses on the show who look more drag queeny but I won't name names less the actresses read this blog.

    Vaughn's is the name of the strip club? Isn't that the last name of the actor who use to play Lucky? Isname a strip club after the actor an honour?!
    Yes, the character of Brenda always looks like she rolled out of bed. I have said many times before she is the least super model dressed of all the female cast. Maxie, Tracey, Diane, Alexis, Lulu, Carly, etc. all dress better.

  2. Karen when you said Rochester, did you mean Rochester NY? I live there! :) Yes Mamabear Carly is protecting her 18 year old cub LOVE IT!!! :) Lisa and that Terrel guy, DAMN! They got chemistry! Forget Terrel and Robin they have no chemistry. And speaking of Robin, Lisa tell him that Robin is HIV+ since you want him to get her in the SACK! (Sack is her word). :) Spinny and Diane! ROFLMAOPMP! And Jason catches them ROFL! I love Spinny's voice his uses!

  3. LMAO your stripper disclaimer killed me!

  4. Oh and I heard about Mctavish back on AMC as a writer! UGH! I hope it's just a rumor!!

  5. So what's with this Terrell guy? He comes running from wherever - Houston? because Lisa asked him to, because he's so 'into' her, because he wants them back together, and then he agrees to seduce Robin so Lisa can have Patrick?!?! Oh, but she said she might change her mind, and anyway, she'll sleep with him in the meantime. How sick is that! I now officially can't stand this Terrell.

  6. Sonya I am in FAIRPORT! by Eastview! LOL... you know GH was filmed here back in the day so I always make references to Rochester.'s her I watched Nip/Tuck. AND I think it would be a HOWL if Franco was messing with Michael. The girl that plays Abby is gorge..I'm jealous.LOL

  7. Dear Karen... please fess up... we all now know that Fronzi is your daddy. You don't have to hide it any longer, we don't blame you for his stupidity withour soaps ;)

  8. Woah Karen! I live in East Irondequoit!!! Hello Rochester neighbor! :) And GH used to be filmed in Rochester?! I had no idea!!!! Wow! :)

  9. I agree with you Karen that if Carly, as a mom, was not freaked out by this relationship something would be off. I also think Carly is right that letting Michael "hide" from relationships (friendship or more) with people his age is not helping him. He needs to realize not everyone is judging him. Ally really liked him, it's just HE was scared. Michael can't run away all his life.

    And did anyone else notice that while Sonny was totally crazed an "older man" (Ethan and Johnny) was after Kristina, he's got no problem with the age difference here. I realize part of it is Sonny has been in the business, so he
    can't judge her job, but Abby is a good bit older

    Yup Sam definitely gave her version of how Michael met Abby since she was eavesdropping, not asked.

    Although it would be an interesting twist if Abby was a man sent to mess with Michael, wouldn't the customers at the club have noticed? It would be a real jawdropper though if Michael would sneak into the club to see Abby and be shocked to see her act and discover she is a he. More confusion for the poor kid? I just can't see GH going there, but since the show often "borrows" from prime time and films, it's not impossible.

  10. I have to say this week's shows were the first I've actually watched in a couple months. Yep, I was lured by the so-called bus crash and the WHO'S GOING TO DIE? hype only to be naturally disappointed to find it to be an anonymous bus driver and Abby, whom we knew for two minutes. While I don't look forward to an actor losing their job, I think these hyped-up stunts need to deliver some real impact although I am liking a lot of the aftermath scenes at GH particularly the Dante/Olivia stuff and Sonny/Kristina.

    I share Shirleedee's confusion over the Terrell/Lisa connection. Seems contrived but the actor plying the new doc is good.

    And sonya, GH filmed segments featuring Luke and Laura's return to Port Charles in 1993 on location in the Rochester area.


  11. Spin and Diane cracked me them.

    VM is looking a lot better to me then when she first came back...maybe she's put on a few pounds. Her face looks fuller.

  12. Okay, I finally watched Thurs and Fri episodes, so I can comment. First of all, I did not mind the new Doc on Weds- by Thurs I hated him. He is way too...happy is not the right word. Maybe enthusiastic? I don't know. He seems very fake, which we know he is, but at this point, the entire GH staff should be thinking he is fake too! I'm not even going to comment on him being willing to sleep with Robin so crazy Lisa can have Patrick...

    I may be in the minority, but I actually like Michael and Abby. In soapland anyway, in real life, I would not approve. I do think any mother would have a bad reaction, but Carly is of course over the top in her response to it and she would not be Carly otherwise. I am just so sick of seeing that snear on LW's face all the time though.

    As for VM, her hair is always an absolute mess. I have not seen it look good once since her return- including during her "modeling" scene. I have always liked her hair in the past, so I think the hairstylists at GH are doing a really bad job. To me, that is part of why she always looks so sloppy.

    And lastly, I really like the idea of an Olivia/Steve pairing.

  13. like 1993, when Luke and Laura came back they filmed in High Falls...Palmyra (diner) and then Letchworth!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Frank and Karen yeah I know they filmed in Niagara falls! :) That was awesome. But I didn't know they filmed GH here in Rochester! :) Oh wait or did I misunderstand?

  16. Really useful info, lots of thanks for your post.

  17. Very useful piece of writing, much thanks for your post.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...