Tuesday, January 18, 2011


*** As of 6:28 ABC just confirmed that she is indeed out. 
Yes. ABC confirmed tonight that Rebecca Herbst/Liz is leaving this spring for "storyline-dictated" reasons--Soaps In Depth (on Twitter)
I wonder if it's  FRANCO related? LOL...oh I so hope not.

 Daytime Confidential and Jamey Giddens broke this news earlier  and at first considered it a rumor but she is gone from the show. So sad.  If Becky wanted to leave on her own, I would be sad but this?? Not cool.  She has a huge fanbase. NOT to mention the Liason and L&L2ers out there who are going to really be peeved.

How do YOU feel about this news? I'm a bit shocked. Comment line:  



  1. It didn't say why she got fired?Guza and Frons are cutting their own heads off.GH will go under after that one.

  2. NO..they have said "Storyline dictates that Elizabeth Webber leaves the show"
    Whatever the HELL THAT MEANS!
    I feel so badly for her. 3 little kids, and it's not her choice to go. She has a HUGE fanbase too

  3. That is just so disappointing and sad. Why get rid of a legacy character? Awful. I haven't liked the direction they took Liz in, but that is not a character to toss off the show.

  4. Worst. News. Ever.

    Well, worst soap opera news. Elizabeth Webber is one of the last remaining characters with actual history on the show. Pathetic.

    I once heard that soap operas are a dying breed anyway. Reality TV now gives viewers what they always watched soaps for; drama. And they do it far, far cheaper too. I wouldn't be surprised if GH is cancelled within five years.

  5. They could get rid of at least FIVE characters right now if money is the issue. ;/ GH is too overloaded as it is.

  6. This news is terrible for all the Liasonites and LnL2er's out there. Why bring JJ back if not to put him back with Liz? Is Siobhan really that much of a hit with fans? I don't think so. Why bring her brother on? Why bring on a new hot doctor, if they are just going to fire one of the hottest nurses on the floor?

    I hope when Liz leaves she gives the finger to Jason and Sam for even thinking about having a baby, when it wasn't possible for Jason to be in Jake's life because of the danger. And don't give me any crap about Liz being the one to coerce Jason into it. I re-watched those scenes and Jason was totally on board with it. I hope she tells Nikolas to go to hell and take Brook Lynn with him. I hope she says "thanks for being a father to my kids, but let me take it from here," to Lucky. I hope she leaves with all three of her kids for a high-paying job in California.

    Then I hope Becky Herbst gets hired by Y&R or OLTL, who actually know how to write for characters and even use vets. Or even Days now that Natalia Livingston is going there and a couple of female characters are leaving the show.

    So cheers to Becky for giving us 13 great years as Lizzie Webber. You'll be missed. You'll do great wherever you end up!

  7. I just feel like GH is TRYING to get cancelled. I mean, what the hell are they doing? The writing is atrocious. They botched JJ's comeback; let's face it, if you bring him back, give the people LL2. They completely screwed up VM's returned; this Dante crap was the worst! And now they are getting rid of an actress with one of the largest fanbases on the show, who plays a character with tonnes of ties to the canvas!

    I can't wait for the next headline with RH's name in it: Rebecca Herbst Heads to Soap Opera that Knows What the Heck it's Doing!

  8. I know it's just a soap but I'm in tears.

    Elizabeth was a character who represented a hard-working single mom who always tried to do the right thing. She is a link to the history of the show.

    Becky has a huge fanbase not to mention all the Liason and LL2 fans (as you have already said, Karen).

    That's it for me and GH. Not that they care.

  9. Why did they cut her and they're keeping the awful newbies??? Grrrrrrr....

  10. I have NEVER been more disgusted with GH and Guza and I'm not even a Liz fangirl. But she's friggin Liz Weber! She's been on for 13 years and is connected to EVERYONE on the show! She's a linchpin! She has Jason kid so Q connection, luckys kid Spencer connection, Niks fake kid Cassidine connection - was his friend, had surragocy story with Jax connection, she is friends with Sonny and Robin Corinthos and Scorpio connection. AND she's a Weber!!! GH u r officially dead to me. I won't even watch on days off after this. Becky deserved better.

  11. SHE IS FRIGGIN Liz Webber!! Smokin' on her Gran's porch..lol. sigh. They are such idiots

  12. WOW! That is awful! The only way this could get worse is if Guza "kills" Elizabeth and has Jasam fight Lucky for Jake. I totally wouldn't put it past him!

  13. So sad to hear this. I have to wonder as well if "the new direction" we have heard about is meant to lead to cancelation. Perhaps that's why Soapnet is going away in a year. There won't be enough soaps left on the networks to air. Not only is Liz a legacy character, she is also the only contract "nurse" on the show. And with her also go 3 kids, 2 with on canvas dads. So sad to lose those little cuties too. Added in the huge fanbase, both on her own and as part of two major couples, and this move is even more of a headscratcher. Instead we get more newbies with no long term ties to the canvas. Is there no understanding that the strength of soaps lies in families and the long term connection between viewers and the characters?

    This move also makes me wonder who is next. Do you think Rebecca was let go in anticipation of Tyler leaving soon? He has said this will be his last GHFCW right?

  14. i wish i could say that i was shocked, but i'm not. she hasn't had a single story since coming back from maternity leave last year.

    Liz's character was one of the first ones that i really grew attached to. i started watching because of the Jason/amnesia thing, but the next big s/l that i remember was when Liz was brought on, fell for Lucky, and was raped. I remember when she and Lucky kissed outside the boxcar and how the person who wrote the soaps column for TVGuide back then was squeeing about it.

    I wish Becky and her family the best of luck, and I hope she gets snapped up quickly.

  15. I would have felt better if Becky chose to leave. That would have given them what they deserve. Instead we're losing half of two of the most popular couples in daytime. Liason & L&L2. So I'm guessing we get no Aiden reveal? WTF? I will mourn this one for some time. She is one of the most beautiful actresses on ABC, if not the most beautiful. And we have all witnessed what she is capable of (creating supercouples for one). Not to mention the rape story, the beginning of Liason, teh entire L&L2 lovestory, Emily's death, and so much more.

  16. SO laura Wright gets daily scripts and airtime and one of our best is kicked to the curb completely? Hell she was rolled over on top of that. Will Steven be next? I will be ill if Sam gets to raise Jake. I say just make him Lucky's or that will be the biggest slap in the face that Guza can give us Liason fans.

  17. I have to agree, Laura wright gets so much airtime. She is very talented but Carly is draining. Cut her time by just a 1/4 and give us our Liz back. She works at the hospital you can't fit her in anywhere? This is a huge loss. I always hoped for a Liason reunion but would have settled for Liz & Lucky after the reveal.

  18. I am shocked and FURIOUS! I am done GH!

  19. GH has lost another fan I call their comment Line but they don't care . gh does not care about the fans if they did they would've heard all the liason fans . Once Elizabeth leaves I will no longer watch the show.. you suck fronz and guza

  20. It's a television show, I realize this. I am an intelligent woman. I am also sitting in a heap in my chair with a cup of coffee crying my eyes out. Elizabeth Webber is why I became a GH fan. I fell in love with her character when she blew into town all bad a** kid who wanted someone to pay her a little attention. I watched her grow up into this amazing, albeit somewhat misguided at times, woman. I marveled at her ability to love so many people so intensely. And now, I morn the loss of this character who was so important to GH's canvas and to me . . . and I morn the GH I used to love and let it go. What a sad, sad day.


  21. You know this is a mixed bag for me. I've never heard a single bad word about Rebeca she seems like a real sweetheart. I"ll miss her.

    On the other hand I can't stand Liz, to me Liz is like generic store brand cereal. I can't stand her, and I cheer whenever anyone calls her out on being such a hypocrite. They trashed the character - and not even in a way that makes sense. I've never been a fan of Liz but even i can see she's far from being written in character the few times she's brought out of the storage closet and says something other than 'I'm broke - but I don't need money, I want to raise my kids alone... but I want a man!'

    What really bugs me is I know they simply wont write Liz out (have Sara have a husband we never knew about and have Liz leave to take care of her grieving sister who is now a widow and single mother - or something) nope... Liz will die most likely because of something connected to Franco and Jason. Lucky will get the kids, maybe they'll drag Helena out and have her reveal to a devastated Lucky that she stole his son, a big rift between Lucky and Nik (that will most likely end in Brooke and Nik riding a horse off into the sunset) Jason will feel guilt over Liz dying and that will be when Sam reveals that she's preggo.

    Yup.. I'm calling it now.

  22. Laura Wright tweeted earlier that she just heard the news about RH. Does that mean they don't tell the cast this stuff? I wonder if the cast is wondering who will be next...

  23. RH was let go because her character stands in the way of being able to write Jason and Sam having a family without people calling it all B.S because of Jake. It's politics. Basically, now that they are getting rid of Elizabeth (and she WILL be killed off, never you mind about that one), they can move on with Jason and Sam having a family because they won't have to worry about the Liason repercussions of it all. Sad, but true. JaSam is their meal ticket. GH is gone in a few years anyway. If S&B can't raise your ratings then you're past the point of no return.

    Now, GH is slime for doing this to RH after 13 years, but you know what? Like RH or not, she's talented and her agent will be getting some calls in the morning. She has a HUGE fanbase that another soap will not let go to waste, don't you worry.

  24. If I had not already stopped watching this would have been the end.

  25. This is the final straw for me after 30+ years of watching this show. Just deleted it from my dvr.

  26. I'm actually surprised Becky didn't leave earlier than this and head to a different soap. The writing was on the wall when they ended Liason and had her start the affair with Nikolas. There was no going back at that point with the character. Amazing scenes when Lucky found out and called them on it. It would have been better to have Liz leave with her kids then than to watch this slow massacre of her character since.

  27. I have watched GH for 22 years. I am finished with it now. I am furious. It has already been deleted from my DVR. Bravo GH. Way to sink your ship.

  28. Is it possible this is a publicity stunt similar to Vincent Irizarry (David Hayward) on AMC?

  29. Gh does not treat the actress as well as the actor! if you have a d>>> your safe but if you don't have one your not save.

  30. This is just ridiculous. I'm not the biggest Liz fan, but Becky Herbst has been a loyal soldier for GH for many years. And it's crazy to write Liz out yet keep less popular characters around like Claire, Lisa, Maya, Siobahn, Matt, etc... There are at least 5 other actors I would have let go before letting go Becky.

  31. I just saw this news elsewhere, and I'm stunned. So now we get no Aiden reveal while RH is still airing likely, and no L&L2 reunion? What a joke!

    Funny how storyline always dictates the non-mob characters get shown the door (another good example: Georgie). Never ever can they get rid of a major player on the absurd and disgusting mob mess side of the show they have created.

    Didn't OLTL at one point boot Kathy Brier too, but the fans fought it and got her back? Maybe this can be done again? I don't like Liz very much outside of L&L2, but I love Becky and I was patiently waiting for TPTB to finally put Liz back with JJ's Lucky.

    This is just awful! :(

  32. Yeah I heard about this! THIS SUCKS!!! :( I hate this!!!

  33. Don't worry another great soap will hire her.Either OLTL or Days both shows are kicking butts.If I was Tony Geary he better be very afraid and Nickolas too

  34. Haven't been happy with GH for awhile now, but I've been watching for three decades and was so hoping they would turn the corner. This is the last straw. I won't be watching any longer. So sad.

  35. I wonder if this was the controversy that Steve Burton was speaking of in his upcoming storyline?
    That if they do indeed decide to kill Elizabeth off, have him raise Jake with Sam???
    Or if they simply write her out and have Jason claim Jake prior to her departure, that again, he and Sam raise Jake???
    Like many of you, I too, will not be surprised if this was the only way for JASAM fans to get a child without alienating LIASON fans....well, all I can say to that is....FAIL!!!

    Very sad state of affairs when a character that is a fan favourite is let go for the sole purpose to justify a pairing continuing and that would never have happened to begin with, had the writers stuck to character integrity and history...cough cough JASAM cough cough...

    I feel for Rebecca Herbst and wish her all the best.

    At this point, just at a loss for words...

  36. Twitter is a scary place right now. Even people who hated Liz are disgusted. Rebecca never ditched GH at any point. MB, SB, JJ, VM; all people who left GH for "better" opportunities, and then came back when they failed - yet they recieve better treatment than RH? Baffles the mind.

    Hopefully RH gets snatched up by another soap. Lots of people are trying to get ABC to go back and rehire RH, but I sincerely pray that RH tells them where to stick it if they try.

  37. I hate to be a baby about this, but the day Rebecca is done with GH, I will be as well. I've wanted a reason to do this a long time ago, and to have my favorite character leaving just helps me out. GH can take their Sonny/Brenda/Sam/Jason/Carly/Dante crap and shove it. I'm not digging on the actors, just the characters.

    I would love for her to come to DOOL!!!!

  38. I will never watch GH again. My favorite actress is going. I will never read or comment on GH websites again. Rebecca Herbst best of luck to you. Y&R, if your smart hire her. her fans will follow. goodbye.

  39. One can only hope this is a pubilicity stunt, but I doubt it. Like others have said, even though this is just a show and Liz is a fictional person I feel empty thinking of her not being on. Especially with JJ back and after the scene with jason & Jake it's like it was setting things up. The writers can't honestly expect lucky to just willing give up Jake to Jaslut. I would rather Steven raise him. I was fine with jasam being back together But if they have them raise Liasons love child that is just a stab in the heart.

  40. Such a shame. Such a natural actress especially when she acted with the children. You could tell she is a wonderful mother. The kdis just took to her. You have to wonder how Steve (Jason) feels since they are good friends.. I am at a loss.

  41. WOW! As a long time fan of GH, I am both disappointed and concerned for the future of the show. Liz's rape storyline and the subsequent Lucky & Liz love story was some of my favorite stuff on GH. Nik/Emily/Lucky & Liz as friends was also a favorite of mine.

    Although, post 90's I felt Liz's character got increasingly annoying and I wasn't a Laison fan (JaSam for me), she is a beautiful girl and strong actress.

    Unfortunately, she is one in a long line of mistreated vets and I believe GH is in major danger of sealing it's fate. It would sadden me deeply if it were to get cancelled, but I fear that it's a very real possibility if something drastic doesn't happen soon!

    There are still character's and elements that I enjoy about the show, but it's not anywhere near what it once was. I think Liz could have been turned around with improved writing, but I guess time will tell. If they kill her off, I'll puke. It's just dumb and depressing.

  42. This has me seriously considering not watching GH anymore. Liz is one of the only two characters that I like on this show. I HATE JaSam and was hoping for a Liason reunion. I love for us fans to band together to get her rehired on GH but I am not sure that the network cares anymore about their fans. I'm sad!!!

  43. There are no life time acting jobs, it's the nature of the business - did someone say 11 years - that is an amazing amount of time for an actor to play one character. She's good, she will survive and find another job. In fact, ABC may be doing her a big favor since she's been back burnered for a while.

  44. I'm still in complete and utter shock...i've been watching GH since i was like 5 lol (i'm 26 now) and i've been a fan of Elizabeth Imogene Webber since 97, and i can honestly say she is my favorite female daytime character of all time and the fact that she'll be gone in a few months is just mind boggling...And Becky is just a sweetheart...she's stuck with GH and been nothing for loyal for 13 years has a HUGE fanbase and they just fire her like that?! She definitely deserved better treatment than this...and now i'm afraid to even watch up until she leaves because if they kill off liz, i'm gonna be pissed.... i'm am completely done after this and i hope with all this love and support fans of becky and even non fans of her character are making, maybe they'll rethink their decision and rehire her but i honestly wouldn't blame her if she told them to stuff it lol but with that being said, there's no doubt on my mind that ms.herbst will land on her feet and land another part on another soap ( i'm praying Y&R snatches her up and maybe puts her with joshua morrow! Nick newman needs a new love interest and i think becky would be great!) or a primetime gig...i wish nothing but the best for her, michael, ethan, ella, and emerson! Frons and Guza REALLY screwed the pooch on this one and i hope it bites them hard where the sun don't shine :)

  45. I am officially done with GH....That's it! All these worthless newbies and stupid mob stories. How could they treat Becky Herbst this way? She has stuck with the show through everything... Now they just toss her aside! What utter crap! I can't stand Guza and Frons! Idiots! What is going to happen to the kids....they better not kill off another legacy character! Get rid of that horrible Irish chick! Becky deserves way better. Liz is the only reason I watched the show. I guess that why Siobhan just got a contract. I hope that GH loses all of it's ratings. I have no reason to watch anymore.

  46. Like Dawn, I think of David on amc and Tea on olto. I do think that they have written Liz all wrong. From Maxie pointing out that she acts as she does and has three kids by three different men, to her sleeping with the love of her life's brother, she has not been written correctly. I have watched since day one. This is not the end of the world. I am more upset for RH. I do hope this is another abc PRANK and she comes back as Liz, but totally different. And amen, to those who have mentioned all these others who leave to BECOME stars and come back with their tails between their legs. Shame on abc. Loyality seems to not matter anywhere in this world. Lets kick an ACTRESS to the curb, but lets pay big bucks to have AN A LIST actor "stop by" and give him what should be given to those who have history. SHAME SHAME. Wish I could say that I was done, but I have a long long relationship with all the citizens of Port Charles. I just hope that in a few months, all of us are posting questions as to why ABC did this to David, Tea, and Liz!!!

  47. That Brian Frons really knows how to run a business. What do you do when one of your shows is failing in the ratings and also being critically panned. Why of course you fire an actress and get rid of a character that has barely been on in the last year and therefore cannot be responsible for any of the shows problems. It makes perfect sense.

    Its not like she ever had any popular pairings on the show. Oh wait, what about Liz and Lucky, Liz and Ric, Liz and Zander, Liz and Jason. Never mind, must have been a minor oversight by Frons.

    Its not like she ever had any chemistry with the men on the show. Oh wait, what about Jonathan Jackson, Chad Brannon, Ric Hearst, Greg Vaughn, and Steve Burton to name the more obvious. Never mind, must have been another oversight by Frons.

    Its not like she ever had any nice relationships outside of the romantic ones on the show. Oh wait, what about Liz, Emily, Nikolas, and Lucky and that whole four Musketeers thing. It was only one of the most popular teen/young adult groups ever. There is also her relationships with Laura, Robin, Patrick, Epiphany, big brother Steven, her friendship with Jason, and quite a few more. Never mind, yet another oversight by Frons.

    Its not like she is connected to the canvas or any characters on the show. Oh wait, isn't she a member of one of the founding families on the show, and doesn't she have kids with two of the lead characters on the show who happen to be apart of the lead families on the show. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this show called General Hospital and doesn't Liz work at a hospital which happens to be called General Hospital as a nurse. Hmm, this is starting to become more than an oversight Mr. Frons.

    If it weren't for the fact that ABC Daytime is doing so well in the ratings and this show being critically praised, not to mention how well Soapnet is doing I would have to question Brian Frons' creative and business choices for these shows. Oh wait, ABC daytime ratings are at an all time low and General hospital has been a creative failure for the last 6 months and many other times over the last decade and Soapnet is going to be taken off the air.

    Yeah disregard my first statement, Brain Frons has absolutely no business sense is doing a horrible job with his decision making on all 3 shows when it comes to who should be on our screens and which couples should be the featured couples, and this decision is one of the WORST DECISIONS he has ever made.
    Rebecca Herbst may not be the best actress on ABC and even on the show, but she is still a very good actress who happens to be one of the best at having chemistry with her costars in daytime. She has been a loyal employee for almost 15 years who never seemed to cause any problems on the show. She has been back burnered numerous times because of the fact that she had the audacity to get pregnant and also because of Frons' micro managing and forcing hack head writer Guza to play his favorites and to destroy any character that goes against them. They destroyed her character more than once and completely changed who Liz was at her core for plot driven reasons and to reunite certain couples that will remanin nameless. Inspite the fact that she has never really been given her due, and all the other things that they have done to the Character and actress she has never caused a problem or said a negative things about anyone involved in these decisions and has always been professional and never phoned it in.

    I hope she breaks her silence and lets Guza, Korte, Phelps, and last but not least Brian Frons have it and goes on record.

    WORST DECISION EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. So this FINALLY made me create an account to post.

    I love Rebecca Herbst first and foremost. I think she has been extremely underrated on this show. I stopped watching the show when they took her into another WTD storyline with Nik/Lucky.

    They have trivialized her character like a cheap peice of trash when they could have done so much more.

    They continue to bribe viewers with "big names" and nickle and dime suspense stories that suck.

    I hope she finds work somewhere else where she is appreciated for her acting teeth and her beauty.

    Like I said, I haven't watched since the last time they screwed her character into a hobag box and I am disqusted by the entire show.

    I hope to send her something personally, because I actually feel attached to her as a person, I really hope she knows how many fans she has and that we are very aware of the injustice that has been done to her.

  49. It soo ticks me off, because I come on this site to see if/when they are going to give her a real storyline so I might be able to stomach this show again, and instead I see this. I could just friggin cry.

  50. This is just wrong. That's the best I can say. And I hope they don't give her a knock out story to leave with since that will make us mourn her even more. Keep her on that backburner IMO, otherwise our hearts will break.

  51. We get the irish chick over a Webber? Part of 2 very popular couples? One that has been loyal for 14 years? Frons & Guza are butt holes.

  52. Becky should use the famous Al Pacino line in that bank robber movie. Kiss me! Cop F*&%ed

  53. whoops. meant cop replies hu?
    Al pacino: I liked to be kissed while I'm being F***ed

  54. Wow, is all I can say. I've watched GH for 30+ years and seen many actors come and go, but I'm really feeling the pain for the Liz fans right now. I felt the same way when Genie Francis left the show the first time, as she was the reason I started watching the show. This move just confirms for me that GH is on it's way out. I barely watch it anymore, thouugh I read here daily. It's a sad day.

  55. I don't know why we are all so surprised with this news. For years now Frons and Guza have been trying to clear the boards of ALL non-Corinthos connections.

    If this is preparing the show for next generation viewers I'll eat my shorts. Veteran viewers who remember show history are the backbone of any show. They, veteran viewers, bring in the next generation of viewers. Yet, if there is nothing there for the new viewers they won't stick around for a much-married, aging lothario and lovesick aging ingenue to rekindle a sick love affair. Neither will they stick around for an over-exposed cop son of a mobster who ought to know better. So what will keep new viewers around? Whatever it is GH hasn't found it and doesn't stand much chance of finding it. I am so afraid our beloved show is headed for cancellation. When GH goes I won't have any reason to watch ABC.

    Frons and Guza are destroying the show in such a disgusting and pathetic manner. Why are they still employed by ABC? Guess it just goes to show that even a good solid program can be destroyed and turned to crap by shifting its focus from "good" people with foibles to stupid, asinine criminals and psychos as romantic leads.

  56. Ugh! What a bunch of hooey. Idiotic move by Guza.

  57. I'm so pissed off that they let her go! I just don't understand, she has been a fixture for a decade!! also, why did they wait till she came back from maternity leave!!! If it was her choice I'd be okay with it, but she got the short end of the stick with this!!! Frons should have his head examed!!!

    Well, maybe this will be for the best for her, she can be mommy to her newborn and Ethan and Ella, for awhile, she is very talented and fun to talk to! I know another soap will pick her up or she may decide to do primetime! As always I will keep in touch with her!!!

    Luv ya Becky

  58. I hate this! I've loved her so much...she is the most beautiful on the show and the best actress,too. It may be a blessing. Let her go to Y&R. Would love her there.
    And I can stop watching GH.
    I used to love VM, but her face and acting have been jacked up...and RH is my reigning fav.

  59. Sorry, but her character has not had a good storyline for a while. And it's hard to have sympathy for a character who is so whiny and preachy, yet she herself does whatever she wants.

    I am really not surprised by this. After all, there are 3 little kids, some of who have fathers who are characters on the show, and it's weird to see them with little contact with their dads. I am sure the children will return soon as teenagers, just like Michael, Kristina, and pre-teen Molly, did.

    Also, this Balkan storyline is ridiculous already. Dragged out and boring!

  60. Elizabeth Webber has always been and will always be my favorite character. It's ridiculously sad to even think about her leaving. Never thought I'd cry like a baby over a television character. Becky Herbst is clearly that good. I wish her well and have no doubt she'll find a better job. Becky rocks!

  61. so sad and shock! i'm like crying typing this message! i can't believe that they will take her out of the show! she is an important character!!!!!!! i mean very important she has been with gh for a long time!!!! i knew something was wrong when they gave a contract to the girl that plays shioban and look i was right she will stay with gh. and i also notice that rebecca has not been shown in gh she has like little scenes! i cant believe it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to petition call and write that we want her to stay!!! i thought that they wll have a reunion elizabeth and lucky and the whole aiden paternity thing!!!!!!!!! what the F... is wrong with gh right now!!!!! hopefully she does not get killed in the show! so that when she does come back she will be still alive! look what they did to emily's character! general hospital right now is very different then before! gh before was way better than now. they really ruin elizabeth webber! her character has been ruin!!!!!! i have a feeling that she left the show on her own maybe because she didnt like her character anymore because they ruin it or she left because she has not been like acting like her scenes are so not long and she only comes out once in a while!!!!! i dont think she got fired! but then again she cant leave the show because she has many fans that like her! i dont know but i will not watch gh anymore if she does leave!!!!!!!!! this is bullsh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sad and shocking right now! what are they thinking shioban and lucky as a couple no way!!!!!!!!! from the start it was lucky and elizabeth!!!!!!!!! the writers and everyone behind gh ruin everything for us fans of liz and lucky!!!!!!!!! i'm still hoping praying and wishing that she will not leave the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

  62. FINALLY!! One of the most annoying females on the show will be gone! Super excited on this one!

  63. I would be agreeing with Anonymous if this didn't piss me off so much.

    This just goes to show that Guza/Frons and the rest of the untalented cabal determined to get GH canceled are still proceeding with their master plan.

  64. I feel like GH letting the character of Elizabeth go is an awful decision. She is a well rounded, long-lasting character who has been through so much, I hope before she goes all of her story lines are closed. She has so much invested in the town of Port Charles. How about letting useless characters go, Shioban, Maya, Ethan, Brenda, and Max...they are all great actors but their story lines are stupid.

  65. I couldn't be happier about this as a loyal gh watcher for 20 years. I can't stand elizabeth...shes a who*e who perceives herself as innocent. 3 babies 3 different daddys...cheers to this!!!

    This seems to be around when Franco is back in or leaving Port Charles again, wonder if hell have anything to do with this.

    Plus they don't say shes being killed off, she may just be leaving town, im sure shell be back in a couple of years. Look at Brenda

  66. Gotta love the Anon.'s enjoying the fact that a very loyal employee got the boot for no reason and totally missing the point of why people are really upset. This is woman who has 3 kids to support and she deserved more than this. Also, how could her character even annoy you, she was barely on! Someone did lose their job, have some class, huh?

    I'm not even an Liz fan (except for old LL2).. it just makes me very worried for my faves (NLG & JMB).. and RH has a huge fanbase and they treat her like this - don't kid yourselves, haters, it's huge. I mean, what happens when they write Sam into a corner (and they are very close on that one)? Will she just get the boot? I'm scared cause they've already done it to Alexis, and once Lulu & Dante break up I'm pretty sure she's gonna get the back burner treatment, too!

    For those who can't read: their ratings are tanking - most likely due to Jason & Sam, Sonny and his flavour of the week - this is who should be back burned or fired.

  67. I'm sure we all roll our eyes at all the "back from the dead" storylines but I have to admit, if they do kill her off, I hope she does come back from the dead later. Let's have Helena kidnap her and fake her death like she did with Lucky. Coincidental but more convincing than Brenda's shooting two guys in self defense while they wrestle with Dante in a deserted alley.

  68. Good. Never liked the whining, sad puppy eyes, always doing the wrong thing Liz. Now if we could only get rid of Carly. Really annoying!

  69. Becky Herbst fans do no favors in pleading her case by pointing fingers at other actors and name calling. It's really counterproductive. For the first time in a long time a decision by ABC Daytime could really bring General Hospital fans together in a way that hasn't been experienced in years.

    I hope the more intelligent Elizabeth fans will take this news as an opportunity to rise above the nonsense and advocate for Elizabeth the character based upon reasoned, intelligent debate. Her termination wasn't caused by Ms. Monaco or Mr. Burton.

    Since the inception of soap opera, the fan has never been viewed in a positive light. Most soap fans know that the typical soap viewer is far more intelligent and engaged than the Nielsen families who claim to have the pulse of America. GH fans should take this time to reject the irrational behavior of a minority and approach this with a wee bit of maturity.

  70. I've watched GH since the days of Luke and Laura, circa 1980. I loved Liz from day one. Loved the rebellious Liz, the broken Liz recovering from rape, the maternal Liz, the Liz who faced she had to give up Jason for her kids, the Liz who fell for Nik. Nothing Liz has done, as turned me from her. I can't say that about ANY other character on any other soap. I credit RH and how she portrays Liz.
    GH just lost me as a viewer. After reading speculation on how Liz will be totally and completely trashed before RH is allowed to walk off set, I refuse to watch. I refuse to be a part of the destruction of a great character. Gh can try to sell 'no storyline' but all that says to me is "our writers suck".
    goodbye Gh, I held on way longer than I should have, all due to Rh. With RH gone some am I.

  71. Its a shame really that they have to put her character on block. I really cant see why they would do that to her. Was her contract coming up???

    I like the other storylines and to tell you the truth I really didnt see anything special in RH to warrant me doing other thjings when her scenes came on. She became "filler" in the entire landscape of the show. THIS IS DUE directly the the pre-meditated story line concocted by the GH COCOnuts! SHE should of been one of the rails they used to boom the ratings. Not by adding more and more characters, if you keep throwing logs on the fire the burn will continue. This is the begining of the GH Ship foundering. Watch in the coming months who jumps off this thing.


  72. After many of the core characters were killed off and the history of the many characters and the show changed, I was done. I still read the WUBS and watch a show here or there but it's just not the same. The fans tuned in to watch THEIR favorite characters and when they are not there any longer there is no reason to watch. Since the powers that be have no loyalty to the characters and the shows history this fan has turned it off.

  73. Guza is destroying General Hospital. The show is not what it used to bed. Why don't the vets get any air time? This show is on its way to being canceled. Nice job Guza.

  74. Guza is destroying General Hospital. The show is not what it used to be. Why don't the vets get any air time? This show is on its way to being canceled. Nice job Guza.

  75. Ah, is there any chance Elizabeth Webber is just going to be kidnapped by Helena related to this who's the daddy deal? I read she is going to have a dna test. Maybe when she discovers her baby's true daddy Helena prevents her from revealing the truth.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a plot device.

  76. Yeah, this is bull. Rebecca gets the boot but all these new and uninteresting characters are flooding our screens (Siobon, Claire...etc) Bad form GH, baaad form!!!

  77. I have not watched the show since the broke Jason and Liz up now I am glad that I stopped ... if they make Jake Lucky's I will scream ... I follow GH on website this news mad me so sad ... I think now I am finished anything GH

  78. I have never been a fan of hers. She pretends to be this angelic entity when she too makes mistakes. She's always budding into other peoples business when she should be stepping back to take a look at herself. I will be glad she is gone and have been waiting for this day. I have been watching General Hospital since 1979 and am a big fan.

  79. Still happily watching and will continue to happily watch after Rebecca Herbst is gone. Wasn't wowed by Liz and wasn't wowed by Rebecca's acting either. In my opinion, Liz Webber passed her shelf life years ago. This decision was way past due.

  80. Totally happy she is leaving. Never cared for her character at all. I don't understand why everybody acts as if she is so wonderful, when she is very manipulative and selfish. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

  81. if you really like RH,as i do,dont try to get her back.Let her go to another show where we can actually watch her.GH never appreciated the gem they had in becky.

  82. I'm glad she's going. Anyone else who's slept with that many men and had made so many illegitimate babies would be s total skank. Granted, one is a product of tragedy, but she wasn't sure abt the last two kids' daddies. She used to be angelic, but now she's just a harlet. And now she is going to sabotage Sam's paternity test?!! It would be different if she wasn't so endeared still. She's Claudia Zacarra in scrubs. Move on, missy!

  83. I saw really much useful information above!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...