Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bus Crash Puzzlements: OR....WTH were they thinking?!

General Hospital's EPIC Bus Crash. SO many holes...so many laughable moments. I have to pause a bit to ponder some MAJOR storyline holes. Here we go:

When Lucky finds out about Cam, his reaction is so underwhelming, his Irish Girlie has to tell him it's ok to "go" because children come first. Uh..how about WHY the hell didn't he know Cam was on a bus for an overnight trip? Liz is forever saying how Lucky's their father and such. She was blabbing all over the hospital about his first skiing trip--yada yada. She didn't even bother to call Lucky yesterday.
I think they stuck that Luke stuff in there--Tony hasn't taped most of December. He's off until February sweeps. I'm sure Luke  "scenes" might be inserted in now and again. 
Today Lucky and Liz finally talked, although he was still sitting his butt at the PCPD.  I'd be in a squad car!!! OR a helicopter! Or...a range rover!!! Mac Daddy was there at the PCPD too. Oh the agony.

Speaking of calling, in this day of cell phones,everyone and their brothers would have been texting, calling--doing whatever. Alexis and Sonny rush to GH--but don't call Ric or Sam  or anyone else for that matter.  We know Alexis is obsessive. Don't tell me she wouldn't have been trying every 2 seconds. That phone would have been glued to her hand.  If she's dating Mac, wouldn't she have called him yelling to find them? She also would have driven right over like Jason did.

Speaking of driving, Carly runs out in her sleeveless dress, grabs a coat and is teetering on heels. Er....... ok. She makes it DOWN THE MOUNTAIN in heels..and her pantyhose are perfect.

I'm still mad no one called Sam. LOL She was finally at the hospital so Alexis could tell her in person. You'd think Jason would have let her know about Kristina/Molly.

The bus crash itself. 
Makes no sense. Those kids weren't hurt enough to be hurled down a dang mountain and thrown from a vehicle. I know this is a soap-- I know I know. Defy and put aside reality but COME ON!! If you don't have it in the budget to at  least  TRY---then have the bus hit a tree, or skid off the road.  Plunging down a mountain and not having many people hurt is stupid. Not having a smoldering bus there ?? They didn't even blue-screen it. 

Love the kids standing around trying to build a fire.  LOL..I don't know, just made me giggle a bit. Speaking of kids...throw them in there after we haven't seen most of them in ages. Can't get them together for a Christmas Story but they can be on a death-bus. hahahahaa!! 

Liked Scrubs today

They totally cut out something between Alexis and Sonny being in the office together...where did that come from? Dante and Brenda were kinda thrown into the hospital too. Taking her to the mountain was just stupid. 

Michael's on super-double parole and he gets special dispensation to go on a SKI trip?! Nice judge! And, note his jacket switches from black to yellow from yesterday to today. heh. 

Brante in the car..making S&Ber and Lante fans pissed. Why did Brenda have to go? He's guarding her so he takes her to the mountain in the snowstorm? WTF?!

Michael gets directly dispatched to Lucky at the PCPD??!! It's a miracle!! 
How the hell did Abby hear about the bus crash? Stripper Twitter?! 

Why oh WHY has all TV evolved from the cheesefest of the '70's in the area of disasters BUT soaps?? It's just so...so...tiresome.

Lisa LoCicero's tweet about yesterday's show: 
and how much did I enjoy @teenystweeting response to Olivia being rescued yesterday! Such unbridled joy from such a foxy little whippet! 
Teenystweeting is Kirsten Storms (Maxie)

BTW, January 19th...GH is reairing a 1996 show  with Sonny, Carly and Lily and Brenda. Carly and Jason are going to hit the sheet. SARAH BROWN'S CARLY!! "hot hot like a parka"!! I'd rather see ALL of 1996 than GH now for the most part. :/

WHO SAW OLTL??  David Vickers!! woooo hoooo!!! ahahhhaaa. David drew Dorian in his cell  with chalk and a guard erased it by throwing water on it. HEH.  AND I HAVE NO CLUE if Marty is really dead?!! IS SHE DEAD?!! Don't tell me, I'm spoiler free.  WOW. I LOVE OLTL.  I have to find some sources over there and just switch my whole life over to that show. LOL


  1. Where is the bus?! ROFL ROFL! And Molly thinks Morgan is a hero cus he was in pain! ROFL! Molly go look up what a hero REALLY is! ROFL! And have you heard of Sully Sullenburger? :) HE is a hero! :)

    Tony hasn't taped most of December. He's off until February sweeps.
    Really Karen? Damn! :( I had no idea.

    The bus

    Makes no sense. Those kids weren't hurt enough to be hurled down a dang mountain and thrown from a vehicle. I know this is a soap-- I know I know. Defy and put aside reality but COME ON!!
    I KNOW!!! They all didn't have broken bones except Morgan! ROFL!

    Michael gets directly dispatched to Lucky at the PCPD??!! It's a miracle!!
    I give that to them. :) The phone worked and he called 911. :) It's all good. :)

    How the hell did Abby hear about the bus crash? Stripper Twitter?!

  2. Oh and I did watch OLTL! I LOVE DAVID VICKERS!!! :)

  3. the writing for this show is just getting worse. I was all set for a great Monday, and it wasn't all that great.
    To not bring up Sam, Ric,Mac(Liz saying anything about Lucky needing to know), but then having Brenda randomly at the hospital?
    Really GH. Quit shoving her down our throats. Sonny and Brenda were the reason I first started watching GH back in the day, and I am not digging them this time around. NO more!
    Lucky not acting like Jason and trying to find his son, is a travesty. I understand that Carly, Jason, Sonny...and now Dante and Brenda seem to be the "heart" of th show, but I am sick of it!

  4. I was puzzled about connecting him to the PCPD because usually the operator makes you stay on the phone with them. I was also saying that dang, they must have been using AT&T not verizon!! LOL

  5. Hahaha..you crack me up...but you were dead on in everything you wrote...I especially liked Stripper Twitter lmao.

  6. Hahaha..you crack me up...but you were dead on in everything you wrote...I especially liked Stripper Twitter lmao.

  7. I was puzzled about connecting him to the PCPD because usually the operator makes you stay on the phone with them.
    Yeah I know Karen. :) I was waiting for the operator to tell him to stay on the line. :) Oh well! :)

  8. Sonya, that was being picky though (about the phone call) given Dante and Jason found them on a mountain, not in the spot they were supposed to be--in the middle of the night!! LOL

  9. Amazing that Brenda has super cell service up there on the mountain when nobody else does. And there goes our beloved Carly down the mountain in her stilettos and her dress... God love her lmao!

    All and all I am ok suspending my belief and enjoying the whole bus thing. Like I said yesterday, it's a nice change from the mob stuff.

  10. THis soap looks like it is being written by a 3 year old !! It gets crazier by the day. I totally agree with everything you said.The part that bothers me most is Lucky being so calm, UNBELIEVABLE!!!

  11. Weren't we supposed to get some nifty special computer graphics for this crash??? Maybe I missed something, but all I saw was the bus driver say OMG or something to that effect, and turn the wheel...next was bodies lying in the snow. Now the bus is gone, we have a broken leg, a broken arm, and olivia's injuries...and lots of head "doinks" with blood...and no graphics that I can tell. Silly people, lol...However, I'm enjoying the change of pace, and hopefully life will move on from here. I'm finding it fairly entertaining for the most part.

  12. 1996 - Guza's first year, Guza's best year. I'm looking forward to a rerun, which is just sad.

  13. kdmask said...

    Sonya, that was being picky though (about the phone call) given Dante and Jason found them on a mountain, not in the spot they were supposed to be--in the middle of the night!! LOL
    Hahaha yeah forget calling 911 Michael! Jason and Dante know exactly where you are! :) They have ESP!! :)

  14. Sometimes in certain remote areas or even not so remote, cell phones are 'out of range' as in the rockies or even in some smaller mountains. Or if the mountains blocked signals...I don't really know about this stuff, but have been with people who couldn't use their cell phones in certain areas.

    Also, Michael's coat color changed because he gave his black jacket to Morgan, and then got to the bus to pull out a black and yellow--or else someone loaned it. Anyway, he wrapped his black coat around his brother.

    I like that Sonny sat next to Abby. He knows a stripper when he sees one, so this should be a little surprise for him, meeting Michael's 'friend'.

  15. Sometimes in certain remote areas or even not so remote, cell phones are 'out of range' as in the rockies or even in some smaller mountains. Or if the mountains blocked signals...I don't really know about this stuff, but have been with people who couldn't use their cell phones in certain areas.

    Also, Michael's coat color changed because he gave his black jacket to Morgan, and then got to the bus to pull out a black and yellow--or else someone loaned it. Anyway, he wrapped his black coat around his brother.

    I like that Sonny sat next to Abby. He knows a stripper when he sees one, so this should be a little surprise for him, meeting Michael's 'friend'.

  16. I am not nearly as bothered by a lot of these things as others seem to be.

    Alexis was in shock/panic... calling Ric or Sam was no doubt the last thing on her mind. Robin asking about Maxie but not asking about Matt did bother me however.

    I think Molly calling Morgan a hero was her trying to be supportive. While slightly dillusional she was the most responsible one out there.

    One thing that did bother me was why did Maxie and Matt stay with the other adults instead of moving over with the kids and the warm fire? That said, Maxie was quite entertaining, including her comment about needing a flask like Luke. She also seemed really good with Cam as they were leaving...I hope someone tells Liz how kind Maxie was to Cam.

    I totally get Carly running down the hill in heels. If it were your child would you run home to grab sneakers and yoga pants or would you move all holy hell to get to them no matter what you happened to be wearing at the time? I also like Carly stopping for half a second to check on Molly. The actress always seems so genuine...awesome job.

    I ignored all things Brenda, as I will ignore the whole storyline now moving to Dante and probably Lulu.

    Alexis staying at the hospital seemed totally in character to me. She was panicy but rational enough to realize she would be useless out on the hill. Having Lucky at the PCPD also seemed realistic to me. He was running "control central" as is his job. The one who seemed out of character to me was Sonny...he was just sitting patiently in the waiting room? Sonny would have been barking orders at Mac, Max, Spinelli, etc. to do what ever it took to rescue his gaggle of children.

    My biggest pet peeve was WHERE'S JAX? The dude owns a helicopter and has attempted daring rescues before (hotel fire). He needed to be out there in his copter.

    Why wasn't Jason, Carly, Brenda or Dante wearing seatbelts?

  17. You know what, I don't care that there were holes in the story and it was unbelievable. All soaps are unbelievable. (Take the AMC tornado for one). Hell on Days wasn't marlena possessed? lol Anyhowza, characters interacting is what we want, and that's what we got so can we just enjoy it and quit the barking?

  18. Frisco-- I just get so mad when they write things so hurried and obviously so blocked. Luke's time in the PCPD was taped before he left the 3rd. Jammed in there. ugh, drives me insane.
    I feel like this crash is just filler--
    AND YES, I'm a mom but I live in a totally snowy area and I would have grabbed boots! LOL..then again, I'm not wearing cocktail attire to work in. :)
    I have boots in the back of my car, actually!!
    Jax missing is totally weird.

  19. Rhonda...barking is my JOB!! LOL. ;) I thought the AMC tornado was done a lot better than this. I also loved the GH carnival.

  20. Frisco said...

    While slightly dillusional she was the most responsible one out there.
    Hahaha slightly dillusional! ROFL! Good one. :)

    kdmask said...

    I have boots in the back of my car, actually!!
    OH! Karen that is very smart!!! Very smart! :)

  21. I was also a little puzzled why Robin had Sonny ask about Maxie, but not Matt, or even Cameron, knowing Elizabeth was in a little pain.
    Also, How did Patrick already know about Matt when Robin had just got off the phone about finding out Maxie was ok? Did he get a separate call from the PCPD, letting him know about Matt and we just didn't see it.
    I honestly didn't think anyone was as terrified as they should have been. Carly and Alexis were the only ones that seemed distraught, but everyone else was like, ho hum. They'll get out of the bus just fine. It only went off a cliff, split in two, and disappeared. Who can't live through that!!

    Loved how Maxie took care of Cam too, but I too thought her and Matt should be by the fire. Was Matt staying by Steven in case he needed help from him with Olivia?

    Jason and Dante finding the site like they did...just stupid and I still don't understand why Brenda was there. And it would have been nice for Jason to be there for Cameron.

  22. Karen
    I live in Newfoundland. I have boots, a blanket, a shovel, granola bars, bottled water and a flare gun in my car at all times! One never knows what they might encounter!

  23. I agree with Frisco and Anonymous in that I could accept most of this bus crash. Alexis's behavior was perfectly normal for her and Mac probably got a call at home to come to the station. Lucky should have stayed at the station for further developments. Brenda belonged with Dante because they were together when they heard the news. Carly in heels makes sense as a mom frantic about her kid. Two things really grated on me though. Unless I missed something Jax did not know and he is Morgan's adoptive father. And
    the real weird thing was that all the characters were saying three hurt, one seriously, and no mention was made of the bus driver who died. They completely left that out of the conversation every time. And a bus hurling down a mountain? Better it should have crashed into a tree.
    No way all those passengers would have been thrown clear. But all in all, some good scenes and more coming up.

  24. The point of this was to shake things up a bit and it was interesting. Glad they kept Taylor around, was worried the new guy would be gone. He is a good addition

  25. In my opinion everyone must look at it.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...