Monday, January 31, 2011

James Franco wants Mario Lopez for GH!!

When Mario Lopez talked to James Franco on the SAG red carpet for Extra, he got a little surprise. Seems ol' James wants Mr. L to join him on GH! Hit the link for a video of our very own crazy-art-house character chatting about the soap and maybe playing Gotti Jr. in a picture.


  1. Ooh baby lol. I'm a guy btw. But how can GH afford him, if they can't afford Liz.

  2. Good question......Me personally I cannot stand Frnco or his character and I don't like his acting to me it hurls.

  3. it scares me how much Mario Lopez actually seemed to like that idea.

    i don't particularly like the Franco character, but James Franco seems like such a nice guy. I like that he went from doing an interview with the Today Show to class at Yale like it wasn't a big day for him.

  4. Franco pays his own bill...honestly. It's his production team's dime

  5. Does this mean that someone doesn't kill that piece of garbage Franco this go around? Surely all of his scenes were in the can (maybe I should say crapper) before the Red Carpet jive started? Aren't they, production team, done months in advance?

  6. Pretty helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for your post.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...