Friday, January 14, 2011

General Hospital Friday: Warm UP! Wedding Repeats!

I guess it's cold everywhere...except maybe for my Aussie friends (hope not in the flood!). Glad everyone on GH can get around in skimpy clothes!! We are all in Uggs and giant fugly down coats here.

SCOOPS are up! Who do you think will be Brenda's Maid of Honor?? GO check it out on the Wubs Net. Jason will try to talk them out of going down the aisle since he senses "Danger" with his SupahJase nose. You'd think that Sonny might believe him with the dreams he's going to be having. You know SnB wedding will be HUGE for Feb Sweeps. With the Balkan looking to kidnap The Brenda and Franco back it's going to be dramaz. Please remember to hit an ad for me...Thanks! 

Speaking of weddings: FRIDAY Feb 11th is the next Soap Rise, Repeat Day! Check out the Weddings that will Reair on SID.  We get SCRUBBIES. Yea-- Anna and Robert!! eee!!  I loved that wedding. The colors, her dress. Everything. Anna...Robert talking to her before she walked down the aisle...*sigh*

 I want them to mention Julia Barrett!! Remember her? She and Bill Eckert in the fish vat? LOL.. ewww. Just say something like "Julia's in Milan, can't make it"..that's all. 

Here's an interesting thing to think about. When I was watching AMC today, and saw "Brot" I was like, you know, he IS sexy after all. I've gotten used to his wounds--and he fits the part.  Do you think a woman could ever be cast like that? Would we see her in the same way? Somehow I  think not.   If a woman even has a fake scar (Anna) it's gone within awhile. I love the Nu-Old Scott, btw. I didn't care for the other one...but this guy is faboo.

Those babies on #OLTL are HUGE!  I want them to name the kids Chet and Chewie.  LOL.  Just because it would be fun!! Loved seeing Roxy today. "How was labor?  Get any good drugs or somethin'"?? THE ENDING  today was awesome!! eeeeeeeeeeeee!! Poor Roxy. LOL 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Diane was all "That's so twisted, even for you" about Brante baby to Carly! LOL... good scene. Loved  them dishing.

Spinelli and Jason---Jason wants Spin to let him read his book first so he doesn't spill mobular secrets. 

Boy, Dante still loves Brenda, or what?!! SO evident. They didn't sleep together, that's for sure and that baby...alive or not...(I don't think there is one) isn't his. Wonder if they'll get Ron Hale out of storage to be at the wedding. Hmmmm. I wonder.

Brooke Lyn goes over to tattle on Liz. LMAO. In walks NIK! Wow, isn't that special? heh. 

Patrick figured out the whole Lisa thing without really letting us see how...but that's ok.  He goes on to say the situation is a "hairy one" which just cracked me the heck up! 

Siobhan cries really well. 

The Balkan talking to Brenda about the shooting. DB is such a good actor. I so wish he didn't look like the guy in Austin Powers. LOL 

SIDE note: SO, that bus crash was really great huh? Great follow up. Three weeks later...Olivia's MIA-- where's Matt? Maxie? Why didn't they have Taylor/Krissy scenes maybe going to Ally's memorial?? It was such filler. Burns me up. I'm sure they'll show us Steve/Olivia when they need to start that sputtering storyline.


  1. One Life is so fun! Tho I dont know who is the bigger dope, Charley or Vimal

  2. well, i know what i'll be watching at 2 on 2/11. so glad it is going 16 years back, so while there will be people i recognize, it won't be like AMC and GH where I already saw the eps. I just hope that they didn't choose that episode because Roger Howarth is coming back and Trevor St. John is leaving. I kind of remember Howarth's Todd, but I've been watching Trevor St. John in the role for so long it would be weird to see him (kind of like it was seeing JJ playing Lucky again).

  3. well, i know what i'll be watching at 2 on 2/11. so glad it is going 16 years back, so while there will be people i recognize, it won't be like AMC and GH where I already saw the eps. I just hope that they didn't choose that episode because Roger Howarth is coming back and Trevor St. John is leaving. I kind of remember Howarth's Todd, but I've been watching Trevor St. John in the role for so long it would be weird to see him (kind of like it was seeing JJ playing Lucky again).

  4. It will be nice to see a Scrubs happy eppy, but sad to see poeple that could make our show so good (ala Ana)

  5. There was a bus crash?

  6. Does Carly have anything better to do besides meddle in everywhere? Does she ever spend time eith her husband or baby? Does she ever work at her hotel? She's always up in everyone's business!

    Brooklynn needs to mind her own business. Here they go ruining the character of Elizabeth. Liz is not someone who would ever use her child to get to Nik. No cared about or waned the two of them together the first we have to suffer through it again.

    I agree the aftermath of the bus crash was great. But where is everyone from the crash? Matt, Maxie, Cameron, Olivia,etc...

  7. I saw where Ted King aka Alcazar will be on the View Jan 19th he sure is some goodlooking eye candy.So glad he made it to OLTL.....

  8. I have to agree on the baby comment on OLTL...aren't they suppose to be premies??

  9. I just saw the new spoilers! The new spoiler about Carly and Jax, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

  10. glad to hear about carjax and the divorce. they are a carwreck. all they do is hurt each other. I will always believe brenda is the love of jax,s life. now that was always a romantic couple jax and brenda.

  11. Anonymous hahaha carjax is a carwreck! ROFL! Pun intended?:)

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...