Sunday, January 16, 2011

Groovy Golden Globes

LOVED Olivia Wilde's shoes!! I could never ever wear them but they are a joy to look at!! Loved her dress as well.  This year there weren't to many that really grabbed me.

Ricky Gervas was a pill!! LOL...he just killed it. Snarky and sassy!! Wowza!! Love those Brits.

Annette Benning and AL  Pacino had the same hairstyle. 
Jane Lynch's speech was hysterical. "I am nothing but falsely humble"

 OH, SO...SO...SAD. Christina, what were you thinking??! Not only is the dress bad but the hair? EESHhhhhhhhhh. Not a great look, imo. Just heard she is indeed pregnant--I thought so when she was on DWTS.

Robert Downey Jr's little speech before the best actress noms was very fun!! He's so cool, isn't he? *sigh*

Halle Berry looked awesome in her tight black dress!! 

I hated that Glee won over Modern Family-- Glee just takes my 70's and 80's song memories and crushes them. 

The Kids are Alright was an "alright' movie.  Anyone else see it? I was disappointed with the story and thought it just dragged. The acting was amazing, yes, but it didn't do anything else for me. 

Yeah for "The Kings Speech" Colin Firth...go Speech Pathologists! BOO that our Franco lost. He was up in a year of standout performances.

Dear Sandy, lose the NOT a good look for you. You look mad. The dress was ok but man I can't get past those bangs to enjoy it! LOL. I wish she would have shown up with Ryan Reynolds!! Especially since ScarJO was there too!  

The Social Network won and I really did love the was done so well, and I thought that I wouldn't find it interesting. WRONG!!  See it!! 





  1. I loved when the song Cher sang for the movie Burlesque won and the writer picked it up and I did not hear her even thank Cher for singing it.And I liked Natale Portman winning for black swan but she has a horrible laugh....

  2. I liked Natalie's dress. It was so refreshing. I wonder if Ricky Gervas is alive today! LOL

  3. Loved, loved Ricky Gervais. And, the Steve Carell/Ricky Gervais moment? Although obviously planned/rehearsed, was hysterical b/c both played it straight. Too bad some in Hollywood can't laugh at themselves, except Robert DeNiro, Alec Baldwin and Johnny Depp.

  4. I have seen The Kids are Alright. While it started out being about the kids, they were kind of brushed off towards the end of the movie.
    I thought the acting was brilliant by all involved, but the movie just felt off track and slipping throughout.

    I love Ricky Gervais too. Everything he said was true, and maybe just a little too over-the-top, but that is why I loved it!
    Him and Steve Carell do the same routine all the time though,but still funny....
    I would like to see Carell and Tina Fey host the Emmy's or Golden Globes.

  5. i didn't watch the whole thing, but i loved Ricky Gervais's monologue. apparently, he is getting flack for some of the things he said, which doesn't make any sense. my mom thought it might have been the Scientology thing, but Tom Cruise should have grown a thicker skin by this point.

  6. I am so glad Katey Sagal won. I have been watching Sons of Anarchy since the beginning and she deserves every accolade that she receives for her performance.

    I loved Ricky Gervais. I dont understand why some critics are saying he was bad. Hasnt Don Rickles been pretty much doing the same act for over 60 yrs and everyone is ok with it and a good sport with him?

  7. It cannot succeed in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.

  8. I found a great deal of helpful info here!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...