Oh, today's so was so bad, I dare not write too much or people will be mad at me more than they already are. What idiotic writing.
First off...Brenda spills to The Balkan about Alesander-- just like that..and he reacts like he does and she's not in the LEAST bit suspicious? WTF. Not to mention the fact I'm so over all of it. The wedding is Feb 18th..a lifetime away.
Siobhan trying to Leave Lucky fer de good of de Lookie....was just..so done 44 million times before. Thank God JJ can act.
Sam and Kelly talk again in the hallway about her "problem" doesn't she have an office?
Abby and Carly. This is certainly going to last forever. "You're a hooker"?? Anyone else think of the movie "Arthur"?? You're a HOOKAH!!?? abhahahhaa.One of my fave scenes ever.
Carly: Get away from Michael!! Abby: but..but... he's good he's pure, I'm really good and pure...
Abby will leave Michael for his own good just like Siobhan is leaving Lucky for HIS own good!
Last but not least, CLAIRE arrived at Sonny's today...announcing she's working at Alexis and Diane's. PLEASE tell me why WHY WHY...with all the dropped characters and all the dropped stories CLAIRE is all of a sudden back in the picture????? She and crazy Lisa should at least have been sisters or something.
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I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...

Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As yo...
Oh man today's show was so boring! Same damn conversation over and over and over BAH! There were a couple of scenes that got my attention! :)
ReplyDeleteSivon (damn I can never spell her name right ROFL!)and the balkin:
OH! Her sister called her! Her sister screamed for help!!! The Balkin has got her just like he wants her!!! :)
Abby and Michael: OH! She lies and says she is a hooker!!!! :)
Other than that, zzzzzzzzzz.
Claire is probably one of the most pointless characters ever. To say she's pathetic is putting it mildly.
ReplyDeleteBut of course, they'll put her in between Sonny and Brenda after all their talk about them being soulmates and all the promotion they give them.
Because, you know, a dayplayer he was with for two weeks is competition for the love of his life. Incredibly bad writing.
Wanna bet Claire is pregnant??? hummmm?
ReplyDeleteI love Kristina, she's beautiful, I enjoy watching her and I can totally see her and Ethan involved eventually, they have super chem, they've developed a great back story and foundation for them, but I wish they would grow her ass up and stop making her such a whiny brat and constantly berating Michael about Abby and Allie, etc. It's one step forward and five steps back with her. She was so lovely and calm with Molly the other day, I thought I saw a glimmer of maturity with her. Today blew that all to hell. I need to be able to root for her. Right now she's frustrating me. Why aren't the writers writing her better? I could come up with several story lines they could put her in, none of which would require her to be whiny and bratty all the time. They need to mature her already. She's 18, for heaven's sake!
ReplyDeleteEthan better stay away from kristina,she will have you shot and killed, by the sperminator.
ReplyDeleteSO mature! LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, anon, I'm sure they'll start writing Kristina better over this year. She has to "grow up" sometime, and I'm still starting to see it with her. Right now she's going back and forth. And Ethan and Kristina are friends now and they do have a great foundation. I can see them being much more later. The abuse story, accusations against Ethan, his forgiveness, their reconciliation and the building friendship were all great. It provided a great umbrella story for the whole canvas. THAT was a great storyline. I do enjoy their nice long scenes and hope we have more soon. They are love. <3
Molly reminds me of a young Amy Vining. Always in everyone's face non-stop talking and chatting away with advice that wasnt requested.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that advice is worth as much as it cost?
We should have a tally of all the hypocritical things that Carly does. Today there was 2. 1) Calling Abby out for being a hooker when she forgave and is ok with the fact that he mother was one. and 2) Trying to stop Sonny's marriage. What wouldhappen if Sonny said he forbid Carly from being romantically involved with Jax? Gee, I dont know Ms. Hypocritical Carly... perhaps say "you cant tell me who I can and cannot be involved with"?
I agree Claire is a do-nothing wasted character.
I read in Karen's spoilers that Matt might not be able to operate again. Considering that he is only on for 1 episode per year, is this really going to matter much in the grand scheme of things?
Another bad show...
I think you should start watching another show. It seems that you get more aggrevation than pleasure from watching GH. But I like your spoilers....
ReplyDeleteSince when did your comment section become a support group for Ethina fans?? Hahaha. Sorry kids, I think your pairing is going to take a few years.
ReplyDeleteToday was epically boring. How is NO ONE suspecting Theo!? Ridiculous. Also, can he kill someone already? Like... CLAIRE.
OLTL is such an awesome soap. The scene with John and Marty after the nurse took the baby away was beautiful. I am not an Inez fan, but am glad she blurted out that she did not sleep with Bo. Wait until the rest comes out about Clint - woo hoo!!
ReplyDeleteGH - the Balkan reminds me of the Trolls I used to collect as a child. That Irish accent is horrible. I like Claire, I know I am one of the few. I really do, but she is really a "nothing" on this show - not related to anyone, kind of floundering, like they are trying to figure out what to do with her. And I know I am definitely in the minority here....but I don't like Brenda, never have.
Last Anon: Hehehe . . . Yes, how on Earth did the Balkan get to pose as a lawyer working in a law firm? In this Internet age, how could he pull this off?
ReplyDeleteI can't agree with you more Karen. I watched that trainwreck yesterday and OMG! The Brenda thing was ridiculous!!! I can't even form words. Sioban is annoying and a joke. And I hated nothing more than that Claire thing!!! It's all so wrong and stupid.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your thoughts on yesterday's show I am so glad that I watched "The Tudors" marathon on BBC-America. Now that's a soap opera.
ReplyDeleteif sam has a medical procedure to get pregnant, my guess is FRANCO switches jason,s sperm for his own. it will be rosemary's baby part 2.
ReplyDeleteI am SOOOOOO Happy to hear all the Ethina fans out there! Thought I was one of the only ones. They have the power to be the next Luke & Laura Given their history.
ReplyDeleteSam & A baby makes me throw up a little in my mouth. And all over my computer.
Wonder if Sam will be raped by franco?
ReplyDeleteOh no Anonymous!! A Franco baby!!! Now THAT would be an interesting twist!!! :) I rather have THAT than a Sam and Jason baby!!! I love Sam and Jason together but I don't want them to have a baby together! Not since there is Jake!!!
ReplyDeleteOops the anonymous I am talking to is the one who said Franco switches Jason's sperm to his. :)
ReplyDeleteIt makes me craxy that they aren't utilizing becky herbst more than they have since her return. No one wants to see her with nik, and quite honestly no one cares about Nik & brooklyn either. Nik needs someone new, or give him an alternative storyline. Put him with Luke, Lucky, Alexis, Sam anyone he has a history with(or should i.e. Sam) except Liz. This didn't work with the fans before, why would we fight for them now? And signing on the irish lad to a contract is a slap in the face to L&L2 fans. Like many have said before, why bring JJ back at all?
ReplyDeleteI agree about becky! reunite her with Lucky so finally the boys will have a real family and the fans can have ONE HAPPY FAMILY ON the whole f'ing show!
ReplyDeleteAbby says she's not a hooker, yet Sam hired her to do just that with Michael initially, correct?