Wednesday, January 5, 2011
RUMOR has it that Tracy ends up calling Laura regarding Luke's where-a-bouts and it kicks off Genie's return in March?? Still no official word, so hang on to your collective hats for that one.
It's snowing here like gangbusters. ugh... I was going to go out for a bit but forget it... no way. I don't have to work so why bother? I'll just do more house stuff.
OLTL is great, David even had a sharpie in his cell!! LOL And he called Dorian! Of course, I missed a lot of OLTL due to the NEW CONGRESS @@. Whatever.
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Thank Goodness they all made it to the hospital today. Jax was there.
Sonny HONESTLY SAID he knew Abby was a hooker by HER SHOES! ahahaha. Howling!! Why were they at a different spot than everyone else?!
Alexis and Molly hug...Molly tells everyone Michael is a hero.
Cam is the CUTEST kid, isn't he?? Siobhan telling a wee Oyrish faerie tale! At least she didn't sing Danny Boy.
Patrick in surgery with Olivia.
Dante talking about his Mama...I love Dom Z's acting. He really looked sick to his stomach. He did such a great job. I know people are sick of Dante but it's not DZ's fault he's on every second.
Terrell comes out of the woodwork to operate on Morgan, who is surprisingly HAPPY for a kid with a broken leg. Why wouldn't they have just called 'Dr. Jackson in pediatrics"? Why have him "scheduled for an interview tomorrow"?? He COULDN'T operate if he's not on staff!! This little stuff aggravates the hell out of me. He could have already been at the hospital but we just never saw him. ugh. booooooooo.
Bye to Ally-- you had a short run.
Maurice and Lexi did a fabu job... nice scene.
Davis Girls in the same room!! I love's just not done enough. Good casting for all of them. I wish Sam lived with them and they were on way more. I also wish one of them wore contact lenses. I am on a quest to have at least ONE soap character have contacts and glasses. LOL. I would have loved for Kristina to have said "Mom, my contacts are nasty!! Bring my glasses!!"
Jake looks so much like JASON!! The hair cracked me up. When Liz brought him for Jason to 'watch'...I loved how SB played it like Jason couldn't even talk. sniff
Maxie and Matt banter-- cute. Everyone trying to cheer the kids up. Awww. Nice montage at the end. Loved Carly seeing Abby and Michael! She was dagger eyeballs.
EVERY Actor was awesome today-- wow, great stuff. Even the ones not on the front burner did great work. GREAT SHOW TODAY! (and you know I don't say that lightly! LOL)
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I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...

Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As yo...
Jax is the last to know about everything LMAO I loved him running in going "Carly JUST told me.." hahaha
ReplyDeleteand ITA- great acting all around today! And Jake looks sooooo much like Jason its unbelievable!
I think I may be one of the few people who don't like Abby very much..the character is good but I dont really like the person playing her. LOVED Carly shooting daggers at them at the end!
Oh and I loved they used the same song at the beginning of the crash, and today again at the end it was really nicely done!
the new doc didn't actually perform surgery...he just set Morgan's leg and put it in a cast....GREAT EPPY!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethere is no way the rumors can be true about Lucky being Jake's father instead of Jason. They have Jake looking too much like Jason for that to happen. I tihnk it is just some wishful thinking Jason/Sam fans starting those rumors.
ReplyDeleteRUMOR has it that Tracy ends up calling Laura regarding Luke's where-a-bouts
Yeah I heard about that Karen.. Tracy Calling Laura! ROFL! She is so stupid to do that! ROFL!
OLTL is great, David even had a sharpie in his cell!! LOL And he called Dorian!
I always watch OLTL. :) It is great!! A sharpie! ROFL! No David don't call Dorian!!! You only have one phone call! Call your paw or Step Nora!! (he called her that today ROFL!) Don't call Dorian she is angry at you and might hang up!!!
Of course, I missed a lot of OLTL due to the NEW CONGRESS @@. Whatever.
Oh Karen that's not a big deal! You can watch OLTL on youtube or go on this site.
Sonny HONESTLY SAID he knew Abby was a hooker by HER SHOES!
No a stripper! ROFL! By her shoes and fish net stockings. ROFL!
Cam is the CUTEST kid, isn't he?? Siobhan telling a wee Oyrish faerie tale! At least she didn't sing Danny Boy.
ROFL! Cam wanted Lucky to sing but we didn't get to see it! :(
Patrick in surgery with Olivia.
Why was the surgery room so dark?!
Dante talking about his Mama...
He made me cry!! :(
Davis Girls in the same room!!
LOVED IT! Love how they all did the finger kiss!!! :)
I would have loved for Kristina to have said "Mom, my contacts are nasty!! Bring my glasses!!"
That would have been so REAL!! :)
Jake looks so much like JASON!!
HE DOES!!! Why did you have to let Jason and Sam watch him?!? Why Liz why?!!?! I want Jason to claim little Jakey as his son but it's to late! Lucky fell in love with the little guy!! :(
The hair cracked me up.
Why did the hair crack you up? :)
Yo Sonya is there anyway to not report what karen posts just to answer it? It just takes up so much space and is hard to read.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Oh Andrea I hope you're right. FINALLY a scene that has something to do with liason. As a die hard Liason fan I am happy for Jason & Jake to have had the 2 minute scene. I am now however, a L&L2 fan and just want them together and stupid riish lad out of the picture. She's lovely but can't come between these two.
ReplyDeleteWOW it gets a thumbs up! Now I have to go on youtube and watch this.
ReplyDeleteOh sorry Anonymous I won't do it. :)
ReplyDeleteARI..they should have skipped the 2 days on the mountain and had them go right to the hospital!!
ReplyDeleteI agree it was amazing episode!!!
ReplyDeleteeveryone did great job!!!!
Sad that GH is only fantastic during holidays episode&Big events!!!
the parts that moved me where Aly death Sonny comforting Krisi Lexi&Mo did fantastic job!!
And JaSam&Jake!! I loved how Steve played that, how Jason was sacred be near his son.. and later when he was he just relaxed and had fun..
I don't think Jason should take Jake from Lucky, But they should more interact!! have Jason co parenting Jake...
Regarding Sonny and Abby - Sonny probably just assumes all women are hookers unless proven otherwise.
ReplyDeleteAfter weeks of was a little jewel in the life of GH. The acting was realistic and brought me to tears a couple of times.A splash of humor with Maxie and Matt, and even the new pedi doc...if they don't ruin him, I think he'll do just fine. Could he be related to Epiphany??? hmmmm... Dante is just fabulous, and Jason and Jake just tore my heart out....shows what can be done with concise writing, and reasonable attention to the plotline...I must give this show an A+ for today...well done!
ReplyDeleteSam wears glasses on OLTL!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Goose
Sonny knows Abby is a stripper by her shoes but Abby doesn't know the most famous mob boss in town? A man who has been arrested dozens of times & had his face plastered all over the news/newspaper? Awesome! I think it would be nice if he offered her a job in the coffee business, at the restaurant, or even call in a favor with Luke to get her a job at the Haunted Star doing nothing like Ethan :D
ReplyDeleteSomeone explain why Brenda is allowed to wander around the hospital without a wrangler but she can't go pee at home without Jason's permission? lol
All I could do was giggle knowing that LLC tweeted how they told her to raise her head lying in bed so she didn't have a double chin. She's so darling! Dom Z is doing a bang up job!!
Outstanding... I hope they submit this show to the Emmy people.
Yeah inbal! Co-parenting!!! Good idea! :)
ReplyDeleteI liked Jason with Jake too, but I didn't feel sorry for him at all. He is the one that decided to not claim his kid. Then to have him in tears when he saw Jake? That boy isn't even an afterthought unless jason see's him in person. Maybe if the writers had him bring Jake up more often instead, all of a sudden, allowing Liz to let Jason (AND SAM) watch him. When was the last time Jake saw Jason? When he was rescued years ago? Watch this just be a one time thing too. Probably just to kick off Sam wanting Jason's kid that he will claim...
ReplyDeleteSorry, sore subject there.
I have yearned for Jason to shed a tear for Jake for months, even more than a year now. But nothing, not even one word, just everything Carly & Sonny's kids. Hell even Alexis's kids. Now Guza expects us to start caring and hoping for a ababy for this killer and his sidekick lap dog? Not on my screen.
ReplyDeletei don't get how Liz could have put Jake in Sam's arms. Did the writers forget her role in his kidnapping? I did like that Jason and Jake were together, but I agree with the person that said it was just a way to get Sam to want to have Jason's child. It also struck me as odd since they never mention Jake's parentage, not to mention the scoops about Sam being on the nest. This is why I don't watch this show unless i am at home with my mom. more than likely i won't be watching after Friday when i go back to Beantown.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of Genie got me excited that I was about to read about her official return.
ReplyDeleteI wish her possible return was on a more permanent basis and they can give her the same kind of vacations and block taping schedule they give Geary and others.
OMG... I totally get it about Jason, believe me!! BELIEVE me!! I think the writers dropped the ball big time with the whole story. It's what is also going to happen with Aiden. They aren't showing Nikolas bond with the kid at all so who cares about the reveal?? Honestly!!
ReplyDeleteI just have a few comments...OK, Morgan would not be so happy if his leg is broke. I've been there and it's not fun. The actor gets on my nerves, he did do a good job at the crash site pretending that he had a broken leg though. The new doctor guy didn't operate on him, he did say he was going to admit him though. I don't think he would have that right since he doesn't actually work there yet.
ReplyDeleteWhat really gripes me is that they didn't show Patrick telling Dante about Olivia's surgery. They went to a commercial with Patrick coming off the elevator looking at Dante and when they came back from commercial, Patrick was talking to Robin about how it was going to be touch and go with Olivia and Dante was all of a sudden in her room boo-hooing. I love Dante, but I did not think his "crying" was great. And, just a gripe, but I don't like his necklaces!
And, why do they make so many of these characters that I usually like be so stupid sometimes. Kristina was really getting on my nerves! She freaks out and says it's all her fault that Allie passed out...whatever! Get a grip Kristina. I'm just thankful that we don't have Keiffer around calling her "K" anymore. That really bugged me!
OMG, the show was SO AMAZING!! Just yesterday, I said how this S & B'er had NOT given up watching, and see, the Goddess rewarded me! Besides S & B, this is one reason why I'll always watch GH--NOTHING can move me like this show when it's good! And I don't even have the time to count the ways it was good yesterday, and ITA with what others said, but I want to say that Jake and Jason together were so beautiful, Jason had expressions on his face that I haven't seen since his accident. And that kid--with hair styled just like Jason, and he is a little bruiser, so much testosterone already, no way he's Lucky's. And the kid also was a great actor--better than Cam, who's cloyingly sweet.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking as I watched the show, in a few months all the kids probably will be SORA'd, and we'll see teenage Jake getting into trouble while Cam goes to college.
Karen, it seems that the show directly spoke to your previous day's post--how Jax showed up, and Sonny knowing that Abby was a stripper!
I LOVE Alexis and her girls--they all are amazing, but Kristina's face after what happened to Ally, and her crying--please submit for an Emmy!
I choked up so many times during the show, and the ending was great.
I totally agree that the show was Fanstastic! Excellent acting by everyone. My big issue was the assumption that Abby was a stripper because of her shoes & pantyhose....patterned & fishnet pantyhose are actually quite fashionable and I have been known to wear both to work in my office, but have never once stepped on the stipper stage. I even....wait for it.....wear high heels too! Gasp!! Should I go home tonight and sew the big letter "A" on all of my frocks?? I'll be checking the parking lot when I leave work tonight to be sure that Sonny Corinthos won't be waiting outside to wisk me away to perform at the closest stip joint, since I'm so appropriately dressed wearing a skirt & high boots. LOL. Carly & Olivia on a daily basis dress more provocatively than Abby. Talk about a stereotype!! Other than that little issue....a great episode! Loved Carly seeing Michael & Abby at the end.
ReplyDeleteFinally a glimpse of what GH was about. The Hospital!!! Family! Tragedy! Grief! Bonding! And, most importantly, story being told through the characters, not mere plot points. I shall say BRAVO!!
ReplyDeleteMy only qualms was the shear stupidity of Sunny's comment about Abby being a hooker because of her shoes, and her not knowing who Port Charles notorious mob boss is??
Secondly, I would have preferred Jason to have spent time with Jake on his own. And, have Sam walk around the corner and see Jason and Jake together bonding. Then pan back to Sam's face depicting her longing for a child of her own. That would have been more poignant and soapier than her just standing there next to them watching. I felt she was just encroaching on their moment as father and son.
I would have loved Brenda and Robin to have walked in on that moment. Just for the look on Brenda's face to realize that Jake is Jason's. Only because they won't have Monica walk in and see them together.
Now that would have been soapy.
Scene could have gone like this:
Sam watching from afar, Monica comes from the other direction. Notices Jason and Jake. Sees the resemblance. Elizabeth comes from the other direction. All 3 women watch Jason and Jake. The panic on Elizabeth's face as she realizes that Monica has figured out she has a grandson. Monica's shock and curiosity that she may have another grandson. Sam's longing for a child and contemplation that she may now lose Jason because of this new revelation. All 3 women share a glance with one another. All the while unbeknownst to Jason of the approaching audience, who at this moment has no care in the world but to spend time with his son.
End Scene. End Show.
Can you say cliff hanger??!!
Secondly, I would have preferred Jason to have spent time with Jake on his own. And, have Sam walk around the corner and see Jason and Jake together bonding. Then pan back to Sam's face depicting her longing for a child of her own. That would have been more poignant and soapier than her just standing there next to them watching. I felt she was just encroaching on their moment as father and son.
ReplyDeleteI would have loved Brenda and Robin to have walked in on that moment. Just for the look on Brenda's face to realize that Jake is Jason's. Only because they won't have Monica walk in and see them together.
Now that would have been soapy.
Scene could have gone like this:
Sam watching from afar, Monica comes from the other direction. Notices Jason and Jake. Sees the resemblance. Elizabeth comes from the other direction. All 3 women watch Jason and Jake. The panic on Elizabeth's face as she realizes that Monica has figured out she has a grandson. Monica's shock and curiosity that she may have another grandson. Sam's longing for a child and contemplation that she may now lose Jason because of this new revelation. All 3 women share a glance with one another. All the while unbeknownst to Jason of the approaching audience, who at this moment has no care in the world but to spend time with his son.
End Scene. End Show.
Can you say cliff hanger??!!
Watchintele, I would of love to see that!!!