Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!!

Happy New  Year!! Wubber Alfred suggested I post this FUN You Tube video of Monica and Bobbie's Food Fight over Alan.'s a fun clip-- great  to ring in the new year. 

I did a non-scientific Twitter survey yesterday, asking people to pick their ONE fave character of 2010.  Spinelli won, Sonny was 2nd and Jax was third. Scrubs would have won if two people could...the Scrubbies had to split their votes. LOL... So I guess that makes them the top couple. My ONE fave character to make fun of? You know tis "Siobhan" Der Oyrish Lassie. Heh.  One of my tweets mocking her even made it into SID this week  (page 67)~!! All I need her to do is cook up some stew and clog dance at Jake's!!

Last night was weird here as it RAINED... we went from 15 degree weather to 50 in about 2 days. What the hey!! I watched BRAVO's bizarre yet hilarious show, the ABC ball drop, MTV Snooki sheeze and a little bit of CNN. Kathy Griffin, god love her... but her schtick is getting old with Anderson Cooper. I was flipping all over. NeNe told the Beverly Hills Housewives they were dull and not interesting.  Heh. Ellen Barkin was pretty loaded up. Over on ABC I cringed when Ke$ha was performing,  I loathe that girl...her songs are fine but looking at her? BLUE lipstick? See,  I like The Gaga but not her. Go figure. Dick Clark has dysarthria, meaning his speech is labored but he has no word finding problems--it's hard to watch but he's not hiding somewhere.  Brave Guy. CNN's thing was interesting. Oil Spill, Miners-- Meat Dress,  crazy politics. I guess the "00's" are gone..on to the "Teens". Weird huh? Wait until we hit the "20's" we'll think of flappers. LOL

Hope you had a great New Years, had a little bubbly and kissed someone fun. See you tomorrow for Sunday Surgery!



  1. Happy New Year Karen! Congratulations on the mention :)

  2. That was a funny clip Karen makes me miss Alan soooo much he such a great actor.

  3. I cannot believe spinelli is number one. shocking.

  4. I remember that scene with Monica and Bobbie, because it was a wonderful scene, honoring the close friendship of 2 amazing women. And, so sad, those 2 actresses still are supposed to be on the show, and have such rich histories and connections to other characters, and first their friendship faded into the woodwork, then they both disappeared. So sad, tragic really. I met both of the actresses when I was on the set, and they were so warm and kind, putting me at ease, 2 great ladies.

    Thanks for the memories, Karen. Happy New Year to all.

  5. Funny scene! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Apparently both Bobbi and Monica are TOO old to be given a storyline. Helena also suffers from the malady as she is seen only a couple of times a year for brief airtime which can then be circular filed in favor of Sonny and his brood or, even worse, Psycho Franco.

    Since the death of Lila Quartermaine GH has been without a matriarch. Of course, Guza undoubtedly wants us to think of the much-married, malicious and malevolent Carly as a matriarch. I'm not willing to do that. If it weren't for the popularity of Luke we wouldn't be seeing anything of the Quartermaines either.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...