Friday, January 28, 2011

General Hospital Friday: Wedding Photo Tweets!

NLG and her GIRLS at SnB's wedding!!  

The boys...groom in the back! 


They are taping the wedding for NINE days! LOL...I hope they have wardrobe cleaning in there!! I will have to try to spot the editing probs... you know they'll have them.

OLTL:  The babies names are: Liam Asa McBaine and Ryder Asa Lovett.

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Take a good look at happy CarJax! It's not lasting long. She'll  find out he went to help Brenda way back when-- there ya go.  Carly even told Jax to call Alexis about Molly. He gives her chocolates and jewelry. Damn. Carly will turn shrew again and then ask for a divorce! SEE SPOILERS!!

Sam and Brenda's convo--interesting reaction from Brenda or what? the baby alive or dead? I guess Guza's rewrites could be spinning madly. I'm just not that into it much.  Liked her talking to Spinelli too. Enough said about "losing babies"!!??

Molly and Michael run into Abby while her stalker looks on. I guess she'll be attacked soon as Michael has his flashback--then tells Jason.  Yep...I guess that's your Friday cliffhanger for you.

Jason has a suds with Dante!! LOL...they are being real pally-pals!!

LINE O'the Day:
Carly to Brenda: Picked out a dress yet? White's out. What color does a bride wear when the groom's already left her once at the altar?


  1. Just catchin up on this weeks eppys. LOVE Terrell already. Wish they cast this guy as the Doc, would have had more chemistry with everyone involved IMO. Hope they keep Terrell around.

    Oh Carly, Carly. Hypocrite Carly. She will end up the most miserable as she deserves.

    So NOW they will have Liz go to great lengths regarding Lucky? ok. whatever. I would like a little L&L2 angst at the very least.

  2. Carly to Brenda: Picked out a dress yet? White's out. What color does a bride where when the groom's already left her once at the altar?


  3. Hahaha Karen yeah that was a great line of the day! Here is another one.

    Alexis: I have two kids in therapy! WOO HOO!

    ROFL! And Michael should really listen to Molly about going to therapy. But Molly with Michael and Abby UGH! Shut up Molly!

  4. CarJax breakup is ridiculous! Wth??! What's going to happen with Carly? S&C reunion? Maybe Jaxis will make a comeback. Stupid Guza.

  5. Karen can you please post a good liason picture please. thanks

  6. What I want to know is, why are the women in PC (New York!) wearing short skirts to/in a wedding in February??? Robin, probably Kristina and Molly by the looks of Robin's dress from behind, Lulu...

  7. Anonymous- is it necessary to correct spelling? Really?

  8. I made it out of New Jersey!! Caught up on GH and see I didn't miss...much.

    Loved Spinelli's line. I'm sure Stone Cold would step up for his progidy....Until the kid gets kidnapped or something. Then he won't claim the kid anymore. I was waiting for Spinelli to say something about Jake, and then Brenda would know, but NOOOOO. Another blown opportunity.

  9. Is Luke back yet?? I need more Spencermaines in my life.

    Looking forward to the rape reveal FINALLY happening. I know Laura Wright will knock it out of the park and have me crying.

    Can we have more Mayan and M&M please?! Get all these 20-somethings to Jake's already.

  10. Brenda nailed Carly today. It was great. It's about time Brenda got the upper hand with that psycho.

  11. Loved Brenda dropping the bomb on Carly, that's the first sign of the Brenda I used to know and love since she came back!

    Anyone else see that Soapnet's Valentine marathon will have the episode where Liz & Lucky say their vows in the church? Thanks, Soapnet/ABC, fire Becky and then show us one of her all time best episodes.

  12. Looks like cleavage is the must have accessory for this wedding :)

  13. I remember Nancy Grahn back in the day I don't rememeber her being so top heavy? I rememeber she did a Barnaby Jones episode. Anyway I am not watching the wedding didn't watch today and won't watch tomorrow. Could careless! I hope Becky goes to YR and become Cane's old love, loathe Lily!

  14. we are getting to the reveal...

    I hate the story of rape But Im looking forward to the performances from it.. I know Chad Steve and Laura will kill it...

  15. Go Brenda!! Pick ya face up, Cujo. LOL!!

  16. I don't loathe Lily, Anonymous, but Cane and Lily are getting to be a bit of a snore. I'd love to see Becky on Y&R. That show is great. Much more of an ensemble cast....and this is due to great writing, of which GH could use a good dose.

  17. Do we know yet is Liz is going to leave with her dignity? Or are they going to continue destroying the character and her connection to all the men in Port Charles? Just curious, I won't watch her exit if they continue the track she is on. I was watching old Liz on youtube. She needs to get her fire back but keep her dignity. Old Liz would never use her children for a man.

  18. Carly is the blame I loathe her I am not watching the rape or anything else on GH!

  19. I MEANT TO SAY I LOVE SHAWN not Terrell!

  20. Quite worthwhile information, lots of thanks for your post.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...