Saturday, January 8, 2011

Terry Morrow gets some Juicy DISH on the Future of GH!!

While on his great press junket, Terry Morrow of Knoxville got a chance to talk with Kelly Monaco. Take a gander at what she says is going on over at Port Charles!! Knoxville Tinseltown Blog!

"They know the show is not very good right now. With falling ratings and an erosion of its most coveted female demographic, ABC's highest-rated and longest-running soap "General Hospital" is going to be making some changes."


  1. I'm not getting excited. Knowing the GH braintrust , they'll get rid of the wrong people and ramp up the mob stories even more. It will take the end of Sonny and the mob to get me back.

    Oh, and I knew VMG's return would be a bust.

  2. if they think giving jaspam a baby will bring up ratings, it won't. I would rather watch vanessa over kelly monaco any day. at least i can understand vanessa. kelly with all that mumbling she does i miss out on most of what she is saying.


  4. If the shift is from the mob to more families, more romance and more vets, then it will work. However if this supposed shift is to more mobsters coming in, which has been their strategy recently, it will be a major fail. All these newbies filling the screen is not a fix. New blood is needed, but too many at once is overkill. Bring back the core of the show...Spencers, Cassidines,Quartermaines and the hospital. And how about a halt to previously unknown relatives popping up? We've got enough talent on the canvas to have a great show, use them, don't push them aside. So many times the stories would have benefited from a small change. For example, after the bus crash, where were the grandparents? Instead characters who were only perphially involved show up. While it was nice Abby worried about Michael, where were Bobbie, Mike, Monica and Edward?

  5. I dont understand why they work so hard to get 'Brenda' back and write such a horrible story for her, they did the same the last time she came back, in the boat, under water, being jax's miracle cure, that was the worst I thought but now they have surpased themselves with bad .... I loved Brenda, too bad they ruined it.
    and let me say an amen to anomoyous, I AM SO SICK OF DANTE, I CANT WATCH HIM ANY MORE..

  6. I love Brenda and I think it's the writing that's too blame. Change her story, give her an actual love story with Sonny where they, you know, spend time together, and have her be the career woman she was, with female friends, and it will be alot better.

    And yeah, I would rather watch Brenda over a Jason/Sam baby any day.

  7. I Hope this means breaking up Lante FOR GOOD because i know there are alot of JMB fans who do not like this pairing and want her to be front & center with her own s/l WITHOUT Dante/D.Z. & some of us are hoping & praying for a Jolu reunion sometime in the future. Also i hope this means TIIC are going to Back Burner Dante for good.

  8. The best days in my opinion were around the time of L&B Records. Great, unique characters who were allowed to be funny. The show was uplifting not depressing. People socialized, there were families spending time together. Maybe the writes and powers that be should sit down and watch some of the old shows.

  9. GH does need romance but couples like jason,sam sonny,brenda and jax,carly have no CHEMISTRY. these pairings have done nothing but hurt each other. it is too hard to forget what they have done. now jax and brenda is romance or jason and liz.

  10. I agree that the days of L&B records were the best. sonny and jason were back burner characters then.

  11. if General hospital wants better rating they need to stop the mob stuff and go back to the way it was in the 90's with the Cassadine and Spencer and Quartermaine the real Quartermaine like Edward and Monica and Tracy and bring back Alan and AJ and Skye! make her a Quartermaine and bring back Ned and Dillon and bring back Stefan and Helena and bring Alexis into that family and bring back Laura! and bring back Scotty and Lucy and Kevin! bring back the nurse ball and bring bobbie back to the show and Lucas write a gay storyline for him! Have Michael bone with AJ! kill off Carly and Sonny and Jason! bring back Ric to!

  12. I cannot get too excited by this--Guza's idea or ramping up the ratings is hiring some 'star', interrupting current stories to showcase that 'star' and being upset enough when it doesn't work, to go back to having Sonny on every day with more shootings, more mob crap. It never occurs to him we might enjoy seeing some older favorites get good stories--characters like Alexis or Mac or what's left of the Quartermaines. I'd love to see Genie Francis again, but not while Guza is writing the show because he loves destroying iconic figures such as Luke & Laura. He has NO respect for such characters or the audience's love of them and their history. To have Luke cheat on Laura just so he could bring on a lame character like Ethan was simply criminal. To make Luke into a pathetic, useless drunk, also criminal.
    I'd assign Guza to watch OLTL for a month to get him to understand the concept of balance, veteran usage, family, amd romance. OLTL doesn't have all of it right yet, but it is far better than most soaps these days on these matters.
    If I really wanted to improve the show, I'd fire Guza (he's run his rope out) and hire back the Labines. Maybe add a younger writer to keep it all current.

  13. I honestly don't see a lot changing (REALLY) until there's a shift in the higher-ups. Plus the fact GH is just too character heavy right now. Stuff just gets inserted all over the place.

  14. I agree, Karen. The emphasis on mob and more mob came with Fron's blessing, soon after he arrived as new head honcho. I remember him bragging about GH being his little Sopranos. I also remember him playing God in a comic episode on SB (Mason almost dies) at NBC when he was head of afternoon over there! (Did the role go to his head?)
    I think Jill Phelps is good at music and 'event' production, but her story sense is as bad as Fron's. She seems to think in terms of single episodes or a group of episodes, and not too much how they may impact the total show.
    All that said, who in today's soap world is there to take over with experience and savy? Not that those people don't exist, but are they too old to get hired today? The Dobsons, for instance are a pair of geniuses, but difficult and getting on in age. Maybe Claire Labine is past it, too, though she could certainly put together a great family show.
    In fact, Guza used to write a great deal better in the old days before they made it the Sonny Show and Frons encouraged all the mob stuff. Guza has never written with much heart though, nor much respect for history.
    Where are the new soap writers to come from? After a couple decades of network run soaps and their obvious decline, one has to wonder.

  15. I'm not too excited. Kelly probably just meant that she will now have a storyline. But Jasam always has airtime. So no major shift there.

  16. They need to get rid of the newbies and write better for the people they already have on canvas. I personally don't care about the newbies. And I'm tired of the WTH couples with no chem. I want love in the afternoon, and I'm getting nothing but crickets. Limit Dante to one or two days a week. He is eating the show.

  17. I know this isnot popular on this board but the only storyline I like is Ethan and Maya!

  18. I read really much worthwhile data in this post!

  19. The writer is totally right, and there is no skepticism.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...