Monday, January 3, 2011

New Scoops and a GIANT New Rumor

If it's true, it will be a good one..who might be Jax's sister? Can you guess? Heh...

No, it's not Brender.

Check out The Wubs Net for some new scoops (who's arrested?), a new photo of the new doc and a rumor to have you think that GH isn't lost forever. I personally think they should have skipped this bus crash to actually FURTHER THE STORIES but who am I??


  1. Is it Carly?! That would be hilarious. They're both blondes

  2. Abby is the most likely, but age wise it would seem she'd be more a niece. Half sister maybe? The possible storylines of Jax's sister with Carly's son are very soapy.

    The only other possibilty is Lisa, but since he already has a crazy brother I hope it isn't her!

  3. Maybe Abby? I know she's a lot younger, but it could happen. There are limited characters where we don't know their family history.

  4. Although it would be nice for Jax to have a family member in town (he's the only long term character I can think of who has only "drop-in" family), I am tired of previously unknown family showing up on this show. Is there anyone who hasn't had this "surprise", apart from Robin? Jax should be expecting this, given how often it happens in PC. And it's usually to fill in the gaps left from killing off legacy characters, which is even more frustrating.

  5. Oh how I'd love for the sister to be Carley, just makes my little soapy heart giggle at the possibilities...however, we've covered her birth and it would be a disservice to Joss. Soooo the only tall blondes left are Abby or Lisa...I'll take Abby, please, she seems to hold her own with Carley. And Carley needs someone who doesn't crumple to her machinations. However.....if we think of it...SAM doesn't have a father storyline, heh... Alexis might fall for a smooth talking Aussie perhaps? Of course, Sam doesn't look like Jax, but then she really doesn't look like Alexis either...hmmmmmm Ok, I'll go with Abby, she's available, she's older than she is playing, and it would solve her money issues quickly, lol....bring it on!

  6. What about Siobahn? I could buy that one of Jax's parents had an Irish fling. I like her, and I hope she gets an interesting story. Could also tie in to her dealings with Jerry.

  7. RUMOR PATROL: Guess who's really Jax's sister?
    Uh Karen what do you mean guess who's really Jax's sister? That's a very strange wording cus he doesn't have a sister. :) I mean he never had a sister so saying guess who's REALLY his sister, is really confusing. :) Oh and what are these things **? Those things are up on the rumor section of your blog. :) So putting it in the main section is confusing.

  8. I hope it's not Sam, because Sam and Jax had a romantic relationship before she got pregnant with Sonny's baby a while back. It has to be someone Jax hasn't slept with.

    Lisa and Abby are the obvious possibilities. If it's one of them I'm leaning toward Abby since she's getting so close to Michael and has such a sad back story.

    It could also be someone who has yet to waltz into town. The other thing is it could really be anyone any age from the time John Jax died since, you know, he wouldn't have birthed the kid.

  9. I hope it's not Lisa, since Jax already has a crazy sibling, and I'm not a fan of "redeeming" Lisa.

    I like Abby, it would be interesting to see if TBTB would give Jax and Sonny both a blonde little sister that worked in a strip club?

  10. I like Abby, so if Jax has a sister I hope it's her.

  11. SONYA..sorry, this was a big rumor I got today so I put it on the main page...because people DON'T look at the RUMOR page.

    And sorry about the wording. I like it. It's someone already on canvas so I said "really"


  12. Sheesh, people! New year, new beginnings...if we aren't to criticize each other's grammar mistakes, or spelling errors, or punctuation booboos...I say we give Karen a break as well. This is her blog, and without it we'd have nothing to chat over at all. So she should never have to apologize for anything she prints unless it is an uwitting falsehood.We all get excited, forget to proofread or whatever, and that is just that...Karen you wording was just fine, no need to say you are sorry...all is well in wubsville! Here's to new beginnings and a kinder gentler wubs family...GOOOOOOOOOOO GH! MAY 2011 BRING US ALL JOY!

  13. AND THESE 'THINGS' are ** to show NEW SPOILERS WHEN I put them up. When I put new ones up I take the ** off so you know they are older.

  14. Leesy said...

    Sheesh, people! New year, new beginnings...if we aren't to criticize each other's grammar mistakes, or spelling errors, or punctuation booboos...I say we give Karen a break as well.
    I did no such thing! I was just confused of what she was saying. Karen your blog is awesome! Keep it up! :)

  15. It has to be Siobahn....Didn't Jax fly Brenda to Ireland for dinner or something once or twice? Me thinks there may be Irish connections in the Jax Clan! Also, they keep telling us that Siobahn isn't who we think she is....could be a hint. I hope it's Abby though...doubt it but hope so. I hope Lulu befriends Abby for Michael's sake and then they can bond over mutual Carly-hate. Also, side note here....Jerry Jax was playing a not so very nice Archangel on Supernatural last episode I caught...he's been on a few times.

  16. Please, please, please let Olivia be Jax's sister. A woman with some protective chutzpah to be his sister! Plus, he hasn't slept with her!

  17. This is such a tired soap ploy--designating someone to be another long-time character's sis or bro or whatever. That is how Ric was ruined. They brought him on and he was mysterious and a good leading man...but there can only be one leading man on this show, apparently, so they made him a crazy brother. After that, I could barely tolerate the ruined character and Rick Herst was such a good actor. For awhile, new relatives and kids of Sonny were coming out of the woodwork.
    Someone mentioned Alexis. I'd HATE it if it was Alexis--for one thing, she and Jax were married once and it was one of the funnest couplings they did. I've always hoped we could go back there. Naw, that would mean am actual storyline for darling Alexis--they aren't going to do that if they can help it.
    Have to admit I think it is Abby, if true, because I read they signed the actress. I'd prefer they just allowed Lady Jane to be 'permanent' in town. That actress is good and the character fiesty. She only accepts Carly because she doesn't yet KNOW Carly!
    (Boy, watching soaps, at least this soap, can make you cynical!)

  18. Please let it be Epiphany!

  19. Why make Lady Jane permanent, when Bobbi and Monica aren't?

  20. Goodness, there is really much useful material here!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...