Sam is in active labor at the bottom of the ravine. Sam says something's wrong with the baby, she can tell. The ambulance is taking an age. Jason has to deliver the baby--head is out. She's yelling, he's low talking (seriously had no clue what he was saying). She pushes. Baby is out, baby's not breathing. Jason gives her mouth to mouth. Baby is breathing. Sam passes out.
Carly's all upset in Nell's apartment. Sonny comes in just as she's leaving. She says "Let's talk" She says stuff then "you are screwing Nell".
Bobbie and Nell.. Bobbie knows she's from Florida. And Bobbie tells her she knows she had an affair with Sonny. Bobbie just yelled at her-- and Nell cried. Nell leaves and goes to find Michael at GH
Boardroom stuff, Tracy's trying to stall with paperwork stuff. Hammy Finn sold his drug patent to get the money for the hospital. He saved the hospital!
Julian is still handcuffed to the radiator-- yawn..Olivia is yapping away. She finds out that the hospital didn't sell. Will she kill Julian? YAWN.