Monday, April 19, 2021

Trials and Tribulations


WELL..NO GH today due to the trial. This was a bummer to me because I won't be here on Tues or Thursdays live anymore. 

So, let's use this for Tuesday's show as well. I saw the new promo for GH and people--GET READY. Why? WE ARE SEEING THE FIREHOUSE DANCE!! (insert Wubsy LAUGHING HER ASS OFF). OMG. 

OH MY GOD. Sonny is wearing a cowboy hat. Alert: Cowboy hat. Now, see I get the whole "what if Sonny was a different guy" but... but.. pffffffffffft. COME ON. Pennsylvania Line Dancin'!! 

GH can be so damn good and so damn frustrating!! I'll catch ya'll Wed. --


  1. WHY WHY WHY can't the firehouse dance be one of those things that happens off screen? I mean - they do enough of those - and it's usually frustrating - but this would be WORTH IT

  2. I think Sean Donnelly is going to die on the show and that we will get a memorial episode

    1. I think they JUST taped that last week it will be awhile

  3. Not a country music/dance fan. Right now not a fan of too much on GH.

  4. I'm with you zazu. This part of the storyline is beyond hokey.

    1. Sonny the famous mobster and Noone knows who he is. Won't even Google himself because he is so happen at the TanO. Who wrote this lame storyline?

    2. Meant HAPPY at the Tan-O. :)

  5. So Anna and Valentin really did kidnap Hiney AGAIN...just to let him go AGAIN. WTH is going on at GH. Today's show was as blah as every show since the amazing Alexis episode. There is no story telling here...just the same things over and over. Disappointed.

  6. Well if it stinks I won't watch. I am working on a certification so will do that.

  7. I have 3 words: PLEASE KILL CARLY

    1. I agree and kill jr too(joss)

    2. Carly is even more annoying because she is in our faces more often. There is just no excuse for keeping Heinrick alive any longer.

  8. Carson home:

    Joss and Trina: Trina feels so bad for how she treated Jordan when her father died. Well geez Trina! Go see Jordan and apologize!!! :)

    Joss and Cam: Cam STILL thinks that Jason killed BobTodd!!!! Is Joss and Cam's friendship over? I hope not. :(

    Jordan's home:

    Taggart and Trina: REAL ANDREWS IS BACK!!!! YAY! Awwwwwwwwwww great scene!!! :) So sweet. Trina also asked if he and Jordan are a couple! Hahaha! Taggart says they are just friends.. Well yeah sure! FOR NOW! :)

    Taggart and Jordan: Taggart had to talk about how he knew that Portia and Curtis had a fling. Well now that Jordan and Curtis are OVER, time for you two to get together. :)


    Nava, Laura, and Carly: That guy Jackson that Nik was talking to on the phone, sounded like Brick. Well Nik won. Carly gave up Flo!!! :) Laura is NOT happy with Nik. Carly is not very happy either! Ava is sticking up for Nik. And poor Jackson must have been so confused. :)

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Cyrus and Marty: Marty needs to go, but Cyrus is waiting on a phone call and wants Marty to hear the good news! Wait for it.............. Wait for it...... Wait for it............ BOOM! Flo is free. :)

    Cyrus and Curtis: Cyrus just digging and digging, and Curtis dug right back. :) Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: I decided to do the Christian thing, and walk a mile in your shoes.

    ROFL! Oh Jordan go away you are ruining the moment between them!

    Jordan and Curtis: Jordan wants Curtis to ignore Cyrus the next time! Shut up Jordan!!! Leave Curtis alone and let him be!

    Jail waiting area:

    Anna and 415690: Anna worried about him. Anna isn't really happy working with Carly! ROFL!

    Carly and 415690: I thought he was going to break the phone the way he was squeezing it!!

    Phone: OUCH OUCH! You are hurting me!!!!!!

    Carly: We can't wait any longer. We have to move now.

    Out of the mouth of a mob woman! :)

    Jail courtyard: Wow! Big Bertha about to beat the crap out of Alexis, when the other woman stopped her. Oh so she stopped big Birtha, because she is working with Cyrus who promised Nik he will protect Alexis! Aaaaand That milked the cow with the crumpled horn That tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt That lay in the house that Jack built.

    Sidenote: Oh I forgot to mention, that last Thursday, on Gray's anatomy, Coby Ryan McLaughlin who played Shiloh on here, was on Gray's! :) He played a man who didn't believe that he had Carona virus and he didn't believe he had blood clots. He thought the virus was a hoax! He left the hospital on his own and died.

    1. You are too funny Sonya. The House that Jack Built. Love it!

    2. Now I want to read that book.

    3. "lindie says, You are too funny Sonya. The House that Jack Built. Love it!"

      Hahaha. Thanks. :)

      "Now I want to read that book."


  9. Joss is a hypocrite like her mother. jason and sonny can kill who they want and that is ok with her. her treatment of cameron is ridiculous. jasonny have been killing people since the beginning of time.

    1. I love Cam but he has to realize or get over this Jason killed Peter...I mean ffs even Liz knows Peter did it now....

    2. And he has to stop over-enunciating. You don't need your mouh wide open to pronounce hate. It's turning me off the character and I love the teens.

    3. Cam and Joss have had the same conversation at least 3 times. Almost exact same words. This is not the only story that is repetitive. Wish the writers would watch the show.

    4. I agree Di - not very attractive when he talks like that. But, he has every reason to believe it was Jason - just needs to see some proof otherwise. And not just by Joss proclaiming his innocence.

    5. How about show some compassion to cam Joss?

      I do agree with how he talks sometimes though

  10. I must have taken a contrary pill yesterday, because I sided with all the men yesterday, and was very much against the supposedly strong women.

    Mouth of the South's spawn needed to shut up and leave Cam alone. WTH is he supposed to think? Liz hasn't told him anything different and EVERYONE knows that anger boy is a hitman.

    Speaking of Mouth of South, I was so glad Nik won that little battle, and she was just nasty. It's ok for her to protect her family, but not Nik? She sure as crap didn't kidnap Flo to keep the children of PC safe from drugs. And really I love Laura, but the mayor of Port Chuck should not be siding with the local mob family and she should do what Nik said and let the keystone cops do their jobs. I was furious with her. Ava came through, though. She gave a nice little supportive speech to Nik.

    I would have paid big money to see Curtis punch Pony Tail in the face, and constipated Jordan ruined a wonderful scene. Curtis was on fire!

    Really AnnaBot? You "might" have to eliminate Pooter? For the love of all that's holy, do it NOW! Chase has to be a death's door by now.

    I was so frustrated yesterday!!



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...