Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Flesh Wounds


I See Dead People....

It's going to be an interesting blog again. Quite a bit  actually happened on the show to a lot of different characters. Whether you liked it or not is another matter. I'm on my first week of being out Tues/Thursdays. Watching Hulu is great because there are a hell of a lot of commercials during regular time!! 

Let's give it a go. I'm watching hubs Rugby so I guess I'll have a Guinness. Don't judge me. 

What can I say? No intro this week because I'm not going to be all negative from the gate-jump. I'm passionate about GH you know that.  I do love sitting and watching with you all. BUT, sometimes, I do need to vent. Let's start off easy, shall we? 

COME BACK OF THE WEEK:  Oh, Shawn I didn't know how much I missed you until I saw your handsome face. Here's hoping you can stay a bit. I know you've gotten many good acting gigs since GH but it's COVID times and we are beggin'. 

FLESH WOUND ONE OF THE WEEK: He's down!  Our St. Jaysus is down! Shanked by none other than Shawn Butler, the guy who went to jail for shooting Hayden (although it was proven it was someone else). Why you ask? CARLY'S PLAN!! CARLY!! 

SHOW KILLER OF THE WEEK: Usually I save his distain for Peter. But Boy oh BOY-- Mouthy Moutherson just took the cake. She barges into Wyndemere to screetch at Ava and Nikolas. She about blows out the phone in Pentonville.   Then, she had the HUGEST reaction to Britt and Jason's display of hand holding: 

THEN  Carly about crawled out of her skin screaming at Jason to not leave, not go to the island, not to leave her... and.. whatever else her vocal cords could belt out. By Friday, I was ready to have her lit on fire and thrown down the stairs. As I've said before, Carly is becoming insufferable. Not sure the direction given to LW but holy hell.  Her character is supposed to be all strong and 'making decisions' and then she acts like a toddler around Jason. Even Jason looked baffled. Every character Carly interacts with except Joss is just a yell fest. 

SAVIOR OF THE WEEK:  Thank GOD Britt was around to give it right back to Carly. She's good at it too. Not many can hold their own but she was brilliant.  Everyone on the GH timeline is hoping for a Britt-Jason pairing if only to piss Carly off even more. BTW, take a gander at Kelly's face up there. This is when Jason touches her shaking hand. THAT'S ACTING, folks. One look and BAM! 

FLESH WOUND NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK:  Oh, Jax. Only you could get shot in the shoulder and go down like a sack of potatoes. Julian at least held out for days with his giant wound going. Countless others have. I just find it hilarious that Jax was down and on Oxygen. Should I get into the whole Hoedown Dance?? Should I? Should I talk about wardrobe being all over Dress Barn's denim fashions and turquois jewelry? Or ... the tit-for-tat with the dudes vying for a dance with Miss Nina? My biggest bitch about all this? Nina forgave Jax and will tell him he imagined Sonny and...??? How MUCH LONGER ARE WE IN NIXON FALLS? HOW MUCH? Are we there until Evil Elijah is found out? Why isn't Sonny having even ONE inkling of a memory press back? WHY WHY WHYYYY

VILE OF THE WEEK: Yes, I'm talking about Peter...not the poison. LOL. This guy is still alive people. Chase is having minimal symptoms for being poisoned...well, he's having neuropathy but he's sure laughing it up with visitors. Where's Jackie btw? She hasn't been there since he's been in but..I digress. Thank GOODNESS Anna finally told Finn about the poison. Thank goodness she scooped up the glass so he can find the cure. He was pretty pissed at her. As he should be. Anyone else feel like they are going for Finn and Liz? 

DEAL OF THE WEEK:  Brook and Valentin finally shake on the whole ELQ shares-baby being born thing. The only problem? Where in the hell does Brook Lynn think she's going to find a baby? Well, we all know the answer to that one, don't we? I'm all team Valentin and Martin. Love those two. 

OVERHEARING OF THE WEEK: Olivia hears Maxie tell Dead Nathan about pretending her baby is dead. Which, is a good use  of history because didn't Olivia hide Leo from Julian back in the day? Sure did!! I still say Spinelli needs to be around more. We are getting new characters and Brando is still walking around but Spinelli is no where to be found? Um, okay. I do see his name in spoilers next week so there's hope. 

TIMELY STORY OF THE WEEK:  THANK YOU for having Molly and TJ on more. We find out when Jordan visits Shawn that TJ will graduate Medical school soon. Molly's on her way to taking the bar exam and finally!! FINALLY we might have them on more!! Molly tells TJ she is getting a Junior position at the DA's office with Robert Scorpio (yeah!). TJ is happy but then recoils when she says she wants to maybe BE a DA. What? What about justice? What about the poor? Then they launch into a talk about White privilege her mother got and Shawn did not. 

LINE OF THE WEEK: "Let me know if you need a sedative. You'll need one after being with her" --Britt to Jason. 


Thanks to Nik, Alexis is protected thanks to one of Cy's lady-goons, Steffy. 

A robbery is thwarted but Jax is shot; thinks he sees Sonny

Anna gives the broken poison vile to Finn

Willow and Michael won't tell Chase they are in wub yet

Olivia overhears Maxie say she's going to pretend baby Louise is dead

Molly will work as a Jr. DA for Robert

Shawn knife's Jason to get him out of jail and into GH. (Carly's plan)

Britt's shaking is getting worse; Jason notices

Cyrus catches Britt checking up on him

Nikolas gets Florence for Cyrus 

Josslyn and Cam have another fight about whether Jason murdered Franco

Liz is worried about Cam; Scotty gives him a mini-life-lecture

Taggert and Trina meet and talk about her future

NEWS AND NOTES: It was revealed that Kristin Wagner decided to not tape GH due to the COVID situation.  Her father was also very ill and passed away. So that's that mystery solved. 

SPOILERS:  Well, supposedly the deal to switch babies is reached next week between Maxie and Brook Lynn. Nina has to convince Jax he never saw Sonny and Mac tries to talk Dante back to the PCPD. Get all the SCOOPS on Diagnosis Daytime. 

NOTE FROM WUBSY: Yep, I'm off all week. I have to go to my parents and switch my schedule around so I won't be able to do GH in a timely manner. Dave will be around to help and I should be able to get something up each day for people to comment under. Sonya will hopefully do her recaps as well. I don't think I'm missing a giant week story-wise other than Maxie/Brook Lynn talking about the baby thing. 

Hope you are all well. Have a great week! Cheers! 

Photos thx to @twynk 


  1. Thank you for a great Sunday Surgery. There is a lot going on! I only have one comment, the bandana's over the robber's faces. Seems like an old western movie. Don't they have ski masks in Pa?

    1. Yup, the bandanas were funny. Protect against COVID too. lol. Not really

  2. Great SS today! Yeah, this dance/robbery was worse than HeeHaw-so embarrassingly bad. These writers are out of touch with the real world. No wonder some people lookdown on soaps as second rate-in this case they are correct.

  3. "Her character is supposed to be all strong and 'making decisions' and then she acts like a toddler around Jason."

    Hahaha. And then she acts so skeered when she is with Cyrus!!! Especially when he leaves!!! Come on Carly!!! You are not like this. You are a mob boss lady now. ACT LIKE IT.

    "This is when Jason touches her shaking hand. THAT'S ACTING, folks. One look and BAM!"

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I want my Jitt!!! They are still called Jitt right?

    "Oh, Jax. Only you could get shot in the shoulder and go down like a sack of potatoes."


    "I just find it hilarious that Jax was down and on Oxygen."

    ROFL! It was hilarious and ridiculous!!! Especially when he pointed at Sonny! HAHAHAHAHHA. Was that part of the script or did Ingo adlib? ROFL!

    "LINE OF THE WEEK: "Let me know if you need a sedative. You'll need one after being with her" --Britt to Jason."

    Hahaha I love it! Britch can hold her own with Carly and I love how Jason didn't defend Carly to Britch! :)

    "NEWS AND NOTES: It was revealed that Kristin Wagner decided to not tape GH due to the COVID situation."

    Oh I didn't know that!!!

    "Her father was also very ill and passed away. So that's that mystery solved."

    Yeah I knew about that. :(

    "Sonya will hopefully do her recaps as well."

    You hope I will? Of course I will!!!!!!!! :)

    1. Jax was on oxygen but not Chase. Too funny

    2. "lindie says, Jax was on oxygen but not Chase. Too funny:"

      You're right! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  4. More Britt Please! With anyone as she shines in every scene. I do see the chemistry with Jason and look forward to a "couple" pairing. Other scene stealers for me are Valentine, Brooklyn, Ava, Scott, Violet, Martin, and Laura.

    Found it hard to believe they didn't have Sam go see Jason in prison. Not that I missed Jasam scenes, but I think that wasn't true to their characters. Carly could have sworn her off.

    I am fine with Sonny away from PC. I forward through most of the scenes any way. I do like the owners of the bar characters.

  5. still need to get rid of half the cast. starting to dislike carly as much as heiny. molly and tj are useless, too isolated. love britt with jason. like sonny with nina. jason's puppy will go visit him(sam). character has always been his lap dog.

  6. I read where Spinelli is on again soon, so you're getting your wish. LOL

    I wonder if the writers are making Carly extra obnoxious intentionally? The only way the current mess of a story with Sonny and Carly becomes even semi-tolerable, for me, is if when Sonny gets his memory back, he decides to leave the mob and stay with Nina. A pissed off Carly takes over the mob and becomes the "godmother" of PC. I am not sure if the writers could pull it off well, but otherwise their storylines currently are a complete waste.

  7. It is so so funny. Molly is in law school for all of 5 minutes and now she is Jr DA. Wow; she moves fast. TJ is in medical school all of 5 minutes and now he is graduating medical school after that said 5 minutes. OMG. Wish I went to their college. lol

  8. I am glad to hear the explanation about Kristina Wagner. Was wondering why the heck TPTB wouldn't invite her on the show. Glad she is cautious and that is very sad about her father.

  9. Britt has really grown on me. Never been a fan of character or actress. I like her this "go around".

  10. I also used to like Carly, but now I think she is just a screechy witch.

    1. Me too - see my comment below - it's so obnoxious that now I feel there is a reason...

  11. I have forgotten - WHY did Alexis and Shawn break up??
    I read that in May Sweeps Peter gets his comeuppance.....but I want him dead.....not just jail----------there is NO redeeming his character and we have suffered long enough.
    I am wondering if they are making Carly unbearable so that Sonny DOES come back normal, she will not want to give up power over the business...…
    weekly LOL question - did ANYONE tell Heather that Franco is dead?
    just Valentin, Martin, Laura, Curtis and Britt could be shown daily as far as I am concerned...…………...

  12. Thanks for another great SS!
    It was a busy week. Not heavy on the Hiney appearances. He and Carly should connect and walk off into the darkness.
    This baby switch story could be a hoot, or a total disaster. Anything Amanda Setton does is fine with me.
    Yes to Britt and Jason.
    I too hope the other side of the river spin off ends soon.
    Have a great Sunday!

  13. "Zazu says, I too hope the other side of the river spin off ends soon."

    ROFL! I wonder how many seasons they will have, or if it will be cancelled! :) If it's cancelled, then Phyllis and Lenny should come join Port Chuckles!! :)

    1. I like Phyllis and Lenny too. Liking them better than Sonny. Oh I mean "Mike"

  14. "lindie says, I like Phyllis and Lenny too."

    I hope we can keep them.

    "Liking them better than Sonny. Oh I mean "Mike"


  15. Carly used to be one of my favorites, but she yells all the time and gets on my nerves!!
    I fast forward through Sonny, I can't watch him try to be a cowboy.

  16. Carly used to be one of my favorites, but she yells all the time and gets on my nerves!!
    I fast forward through Sonny, I can't watch him try to be a cowboy.



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