Saturday, April 24, 2021

First Scene Saturday: Tony Geary



LUKE, with the straight, thin hair! 

I admit, when I saw this scene, I was more struck by Jackie than Tony. Not that it wasn't amazing seeing Tony in his first scene, but I truly forgot that Barbara Jean started out as a little vixen. They turned her into a loving mother and grandmother, but there was a time when she went for what she wanted at no cost. Case in point, asking Luke to kill Laura so that she can be with Scotty. 

Still, Tony was a legend, we all know the history. I am sure a lot of people think that Tony is only known for GH. And for many they would be right. But if you look through his IMDB page, he has 54 credits in his background besides GH.  I very much remember his performance on All in the Family. He was groundbreaking in it.

NOTE FROM WUBS:  Luke's first few scenes on GH weren't that note-worthy and really didn't give a clue to the powerhouse he'd become, imo. Add the Disco, an old fashioned "bodice ripper" which was HEAVILY criticized in the coming years and--well, a legend was born. Note to all soap writers: Never paint a character into a corner. You never know when they'll become popular.  U don't think they've learned this yet. 

I was a Luke and Laura lover and although I understood in my head the rape scene was horrible (so was the aftermath) somehow it "worked" to make them a couple. I know now that's terrible and normalizing this was just the way it was done back in the day. Interesting that Scotty ended up being the villain in all this when he was trying to save Laura from the trauma of her rape. Oh boy things have sure changed over the years. Yes, there were a few people that were more progressive than I but as you know, the popularity of L&L lasted for decades. 

Do you have a fave L&L moment? Mine is definitely when Luke saw Laura at the Mayor's mansion. 


  1. Anthony Geary was the sole reason I began watching "GH" way back in 1981, and kept me coming back during periods when I didn't care much for the other storylines. Planned or not, his character was unique on TV back then, a true anti-hero who was neither all good nor all bad. Nowadays, that's become quite the fashion on cable and streaming series.

    I truly think Tony is a dynamic and compelling actor, and doesn't fit the typical daytime mold. His appearance on "All in the Family" was indeed memorable. Trivia: He was offered a role on "Dallas' in the early '80s but turned it down.

  2. I loved that scene at the mayor mansion too. I was hooked on the island scenes that summer when I was a teenager. I spent 16 hours a day in the water but when that came on that summer it got me out of the water to watch for that hour. So, so addictive and good back then.

  3. I personally am a Genie Francis fan and am glad Tony is gone. She is finally getting the billing she deserves. I liked the 2 of them back in tbe day. Then I think IMO that Tony got a big head and didn't respect Genie. This is IMHO.

    1. I am REALLY glad Genie is finally getting her due. I like her married to Kevin, I like expanding her family, and I love her as mayor. It's one of the few bright spots on the show currently.

    2. I'm with you. I would only occasionally watch when Genie was off the show.

    3. I like Genie/ Laura with Kevin. Like her as mayor alot.

    4. I agree about Genie. I followed her to Dool, AMC and young and restless. love her

  4. I was working my way through college during the early 80s. GH came on just as I got off work. I was working at the same factory as my parents - all on the same shift - and Daddy was hooked on Luke and Laura along with me and my mother. The three of us got our GH fix as soon as we got home.

    A couple of scenes that stands out for me from the L&L glory days was the end of the left hand boy storyline when Hutch died and Luke's bullet proof vest saved him. Also, when L&L were in Wyndham's department store when Genie wore that beautiful red dress and they were dancing in the store.

    1. Gary, I loved those scenes too. I really, really liked Hutch and Rose too. That love story was too short.

    2. I was really hoping that Hutch would live and go back to Port Charles. I was bummed when he left.

  5. Unforgettable stories and characters. I miss having Bobbi front and center. But I do love that they are finally giving Genie Francis her due. Laura’s expanding family dynamics are fascinating. She should be the heart and center of the show. That said, as much as everyone thinks it was solely Luke and Laura that drove the show to the top, really there was another can’t miss plot from 1978 to 1979 that really carried the show and that was the machinations of Heather played by Mary O’Brien and her attempts to get her son back from the Taylors.I think the the scenes with her and Cal Jamison on the pier which led to her ultimately losing her second child with Jeff Webber were the first location shoot the show had ever done. Heather wasn’t written as pure evil or a cartoon back then.

    1. I think that, along with the Rick/Monica/Lesley triangle, don't get enough credit.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...