Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Hope Is a Good Thing


This will be a difficult week to write about as a lot of things happening are just boring me to tears. I've had a good run but I think I'm a different breed when it comes to my soaps. The nice, quiet relationships are just not drama enough.  Combine that with the apparent Hallmark story going on over at the Tan-O and well... Wubsy just wanted to nap. 

Pull up a chair and get some coffee because I'm not sure how this will go. 

After last week's tribute to Alexis, I guess I was expecting a bit 'more'. More angst, more great dialog, more Davis girls.  ONE GREAT THING? Carly-Free for THREE DAYS!! Yes, that deserves it's own mention. Sorry Carly fans but she's on my last nerve. 

This blog will jump around a bit because the show was VERY jumbled. Usually there's a flow from story to story but not these past 5 days. I felt like it was hastily thrown together. There were people on twitter that love this! Like the couples and the more 'gentle' way of doing things-- I get it. Just not for muah. 

POISON PLAN OF THE WEEK:  Just when I think Anna and Valentin are going to chop off Peter's fingers one by one until he gives up the antidote, they...they... go visit Carly and then go to breakfast! Um, HELLO, SOMEONE IS DYING???  Knock knock. At least tell Finn so he can work on a plan to GET the antidote himself? Right now he's not even sure if it's a toxin or some virus. You could tell him without Peter knowing when he was TIED UP IN YOUR CELLAR. Or, get this, have Maxie threaten him to never see his child or she again.  I'm not sure the angle on this but it's not exciting or even remotely coherent. Thank goodness WDV and FH are acting up a storm. Not saying anything about the other one. :side-eye: By the way, NO....he is NOT like Faison. 

EYEWASH OF THE WEEK:  Hey, Millow fans....look away. Scroll down. Save yourselves. Millow is the most boring couple I've seen since Mary and Jeff on AMC when I was a kid. Even then I hated the bland and boring. And boy, are they bland. I get ZERO spark with either of them. I think the only person I saw Chad come to life with was Kristen Alderson when she was Starr and Kiki. There I said it. The fact they were having a torrid affair IRL after he got married probably helped. Willow and Michael make wub on a new mattress that just arrived at the Gatehouse. They both declare their wub to each other and Michael decides to move in with Wills.  Another note: I never EVER saw Michael or Willow "burn" for each other in these past months. They looked like two mopey Eeyors that couldn't decide on anything. 

SWEAT OF THE WEEK: Since we are talking about couples, let's look at SashO shall we? I have to admit, Brando is not my type. I don't find his character anything but dull. Ergo, his scenes leave me with nothing but blinking. Sasha finds him working on a vehicle and they finally give in to temptation and do it inside the cab. The sweat scene from The Titanic is referenced and that's that. Meh. She was more interesting when she was on coke and with Cyrus. See, I told you something is wrong with me. I like the gritty angst. Not the "here's your coffee; giggle; swoon" stuff. 

SWEAT OF THE WEEK PART 2:  So, just when Willow is going to tell Chase she's in love with Michael...he falls prey to Peter's poison.  I'm going to reference AMC again. When I was a kid, it was Phil, Tara and Chuck caught up like this. Predictable. I know he's not going to die. Question is how damn long will it take to free him of Wills so we can get on with our lives?  

CAKE OF THE WEEK: You all know it; HUMMINGBIRD!! Wow! Did you see how fast Nikolas found ol' Florence? Big, bad Cy didn't think of that? He's a huge mean mogul with ties all over the country and...?? Anyway, Nikolas found the bakery, found Bobbie and is poised to grab poor Flo for himself. After some good zex, Ava agrees to stand by her man. I'm still waiting for Spencer to show up and create havoc. That's the story I want. James Spader in Pretty in Pink. Yep. 

MOUTH OF THE SOUTH OF THE WEEK: Yes, we got 3 glorious days without Carly but man, when she was on she made up for it. She even thought she could boss Val and Anna around!! Like She's some  BIG-PANTS for taking Cyrus' mother. That stupid plan has caused SO much trouble. Didn't keep Jason safe, did it? Jason-- lordy. Jason. That's all she cares about and I'm ready to just have her get a life size zex doll of him and call it a day. 

Plus: WTF is Robert in all of this? 

BREAKUP OF THE WEEK:  Even Curtis and Jordan's break up was... boring. They talked it out, had a sad dance and that was that. Setting things up with he and Portia. She's living with Taggert so I'm assuming??? And yes, that was NuTaggert on again. I guess Real tested positive for COVID. And so it goes. 

WHOLE OTHER SHOW OF THE WEEK:  You know how I feel about this but I'm trying to think of it from another angle. What if Sonny never got into the mob? Would he be a bar-washer his whole life? Happy with Firehouse dances, Phyllis' pie and country music? Well, now that I've thought about that for a hot minute: OMG WHERE IS THIS GOING????? Brutally honest: I don't care about Nixon Falls. Maybe if it had dead bodies walking around or crack houses it would be interesting. Now? Nina goes there and gets shown around by "bad" Elijah who wants to take it over. Sonny's going to "save" her I'm sure and then...? See, Nina should have stormed in there, got some knee-jerk revenge and NOT given us a morality tale. The next question is trickier: Will Sonny remember who he is on his own or find out via someone else? Will he be shocked at "who he was" or...itching to get back?? Will he and Nina have "fallen in wub"?? You know she's going to see him for his 'softer side". Problem is she's literally keeping him from his KIDS. And Donna is small. Not that we see her but you know what I mean. I can only hope the Firehouse dance isn't shown because I don't think I could take it. 

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK OF THE WEEK: Here we go with another whole show. Alexis is in prison helping her cellmate and walking 'the yard'.  Some Karen comes up to her and is all mean-like.  (My name is Karen so I can call her a Karen if I want to). Will we have months of getting to know the inmates of Pentonville? Will St. Jaysus swoop down and help out Alexis when they both get laundry detail?? Maybe she'll find out the warden is stealing money and put up a poster and dig her way out. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. 

FIST BUMP OF THE WEEK:  Yes, I do like Maxie and Britt. Lesil adds fun to the story too. The plan? Um... not the best but the baby switch with Brook will be good for awhile. Let's get GOING though!! Maxie's been PG since last freaking April or May I think. Feels like an eternity. The other story I'm waiting for? Britt's Huntington Disease progression. She dropped her bag this week. Unfortunately, Kelly is out for a false-positive COVID-test and her scenes are on hold for a bit. Figures. 

FORGOT ABOUT HIM OF THE WEEK: Dante's return has been... less than stellar. He didn't even complete his stupid mission we heard about forever. Nope. Now he seems like a bearded shell of a man searching for something to do. Spinelli, he and Sam should go into business together. 

GLORIOUS SCENE OF THE WEEK: I wish I could put a gif up because Peter getting Tased by Anna was perfection. 

GIFT OF THE WEEK:  Defibrillator from Finn to Curtis' new bar called "The Savoy". I like Club Curt better but... I'll take it. 

Montage thx to: KKellyLive22


Jax convinces Michael to let Nina see Wiley but can't tell Nina because she hates him

Sonny is jealous of Elijah who is taking Nina to the spring dance. 

Chase falls victim to Peter's poison, loses feelings in his limbs

Anna and Val decide to solve the Peter-problem themselves and fail 

Cyrus blusters at Laura and Marty

Hummingbird Cake is tracked down and Nik might be getting Florence soon

Willow and Michael make the love

Sasha and Brando make the love

Nik and Ava make the love

Willow can't leave sick Chase's side

Josslyn gets into PCU but wants to get into Coastal for the volleyball

Robert wonders why Olivia is still living at the Q Mansion

Curtis gets ready to open his club...tells Jordan he wants a divorce

Alexis realizes the harshness of the clink

Britt's disease is progressing

PHOTOS thx to: @Petty_GH  @Twynk 

NEWS:  Caitlin O'Reilly will play Sean and Tiffany's daughter on the O'Reilly tribute later next month. She's a Tik Tok star who is absolutely hysterical (yes, I follow her). I think Kim Mc (Robin) is back as well.  In COVID news, Kelly Thiebaud (Britt) tested false positive for the virus and still had to stay off set. Real Andrews (Taggart) was also out and we saw NuTaggart take over again this week. 

SCOOPS:   Maxie 'talks' to Nathan; Brook Lynn might be in on the plan,  Finn loses his cool, Molly is graduated --now what? Get all the spoilers on Daytime Diagnosis.  

WUBSY THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK:  I'm not one that likes her dramas slow and easy. Sometimes that's ok but I want my soaps edgy and unpredictable. That hasn't been the case with GH lately. I'm trying like hell to get excited and... nope. I was so hopeful for the Nina/Sonny thing and now it's just a slow moving river. (like the Llantanno!) Cyrus has lost his bite; couples are so 'goodie' I'm drowning in sugar. Even Chase's poisoning fell like a pancake with no urgency and Valentin and Anna running around like chickens. I want Spencer back and get the teen angst turned up. TJ, Molly, Kristina. Dante should be way more troubled OR he should be reformed and on the PCPD. Robert is a side note that goes to comfort Olivia or Jackie, depending on the day. I do thank GH for having the cast move around the canvas. Even though I don't dig what they are doing, they are at least interacting with other people. I'm thrilled that we will have a Sean-Centric episode. I just really wish this Peter stuff was over and also Sonny would get home. Even if it's to work at Kelly's. Let him figure out who he is in an environment that we can get into. 

OK! You are released!! Did you catch the title's reference? One of my fave movies, that is! My nose is healing nicely even though it looks like crap. LOL. I am starting with a new student on Tuesday and will be out Tues/Thursdays until the end of June! (I know, sad...but it's the real life again). Maybe I can catch GH when I get home and blog later but I'm usually beat. 4 Year old do that to you! 



  1. Thanks, Karen, as always, for this week's SS. I didn't get a chance to watch this week and now I know I don't need to, lol.

  2. Question. Is Bobbie retired? Why is she watching Florence Gray? I can't remember, did she get fired along with Monica? I don't always watch so sometimes miss stuff

    1. She was one of the first lot to get fired.

  3. Thanks so much Karen. I really appreciate this one constant in my life right now. And I also want to see some action. Dare we hope that the defibrillator is there for a reason and may actually need to be used soon?

  4. karen I totally agree with you about GH. I find myself forcing myself to watch.

  5. So May sweeps is in two weeks-thoughts?
    Peter's death? PLEASE! and then a huge murder mystery?
    Sonny comes home without memory but still home? PLEASE!
    Phyllis and Lenny buy Kelly's? PLEASE!
    Spencer comes home? PLEASE!
    I actually want Anna and Valentin to stay just friends - it works so much better....
    Hate to repeat myself, but did Heather ever find out about Franco?

  6. Great SS! Watching Anna and Val is good, watching them be stupid is not. Sonny’s side story is boring and he and Nina have no chemistry. My ears appreciated three no Carly days. I hope Finn never speaks to Anna again after her concealing Chase’s poisoning. Hope this week is better than last.

  7. Thanks for another terrific SS! So much better than this past week on GH.
    Faison was one of the best soap villains ever. Hiney is certainly not like him at all.
    You can enjoy days without Carly. I enjoy the days without Hiney.
    Have a great Sunday!

  8. I think political correctness has affected storylines. Imagine the reaction if GH had storylines similar to the 80's and 90's! It'd be cancelled.



    Hahahahahahahahahaha! Karen you just kill me. :)


    Yes! The Pennsylvania side of the LanTANO mountain bar IS a spin off! I shall call it that from now on!! Thank you!!! :)


    Yes it was! SO DELICIOUS!

    "NEWS: Caitlin O'Reilly will play Sean and Tiffany's daughter on the O'Reilly tribute"

    Yeah I heard about that. So glad about that.

    "later next month."

    OH! It will be next month?!!?! I didn't know! I was wondering when! Thank you!

  10. I missed the taser scene. Doesn't the WSB use torture. I would have liked him losing a fingernail or tooth or something. Lol. But, doesn't Disney own the show now. Bummer

  11. Karen - you had more than 1 Shawshank reference in today's SS and I'm here for it! My favorite movie :)

  12. The show is terrible. It's been that way for months--maybe a year.
    They need to fire the head writers--and maybe Frank too for producing this mess.

    I HATE when they've done to Anna Devane.
    Liz's husband just died. Could she get some screen time?
    SOOOO much Carly. TOOOO much Carly.
    MB is terrible in either one of his incarnations.
    Not sure why I should stay watching. (Honestly I hardly do)

    1. I hate what they've done to Anna Devane too. So out of character. I love Anna forever because she is so strong and kick butt. They have destroyed her.

  13. Can summone shoot Heinrick in the face? Multiple times? Or can the have a "Murder on the Orient Express" style killing where he gets drugged and everyone takes a turn stabbing him?

    1. That is what I want to happen. Can't come up with the killer, because they all took a stab at him - so to speak. Peter gets off our screen and nobody gets in trouble for it.

  14. Peter is like a ridiculous cartoon character now. Did anyone notice “Mike” started dying his hair black again? I really like Phyllis and her hubby-wish they would buy Charley’s where at least they would have customers.

  15. Also, the one GOOD thing about stupid Peter is explaining the background of Sean and Tiffany-----so getting ready for the episode tribute to him!!!!
    now, Peter wouldn't have known that story, but still...

  16. Wow, it has been literal years since I have left a comment here. I usually just read along, but I have an idea about where the Nixon Falls story SHOULD go. A story as boring and off the wall as this HAS to have a serious payoff, so I am here to pitch it.

    We know Elijah is working for someone. We also know that Phyllis had a former patient who was bipolar and amnesiac. We also know (exceptionally well) that Nelle was "found on the Pennsylvania side of the river" yet we never saw a body... here we go. Elijah is working for an upstart crime organization that is led by nuFace Morgan Corinthos. He eventually learned who his father was, was all angsty about the fact that they never came looking for him, and decided he wants to build an empire to eventually oppose his father. When he finally shows up, we will learn that Elijah is his enforcer (side note, making Elijah a Ward or a resurrected Stan Johnson could be even better). Furthermore, when everything comes out, Nelle will show up pregnant with Morgan's child and they will be married. This will lead to an all-out fiasco that will cause serious upheaval across every storyline on the show.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...