Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sweaty Palm Hand

Michael and Dante at the Gate house, having a brewski. I forgot all about Dante. Michael says he loves Willow so much he can't see straight. 

Willow an Chase at GH. Finn gets the lab result doesn't look happy ...they can't figure out what's happened to him. Then Finn leaves. Willow is going to tell Chase and his hands and feet go numb. Finn tries to get him to respond. Nothing. 

Carly dreams she sees Sonny. Then Joss interrupts her. Joss says she got into PCU. Carly is thrilled. I think Joss wants to go to Coastal. Then Jax comes over. Jax hears about PCU and outs the fact that Joss is waitlisted to Coastal. 

At the Tan-O with Nina talking to Jax. Elijah and Sonny. Nina is pressured by Jax to see him and Phyllis gets on the phone and tells him to leave Nina alone. She feels guilty. She wants Nina to stay in Nixon Falls. 

Sonny calls Elijah's old employer. Finds out he embezzled money. Arrested but not convicted. 

Nina is going to tour Nixon Falls with Elijah. They sit on a bench, drink about her article. He says someone is bound to recognize MikeSon.  It's just dumb. 

Brando and Sasha. She figures out Cyrus is blackmailing him over Dev. Boring Boring BORING. He tells her the whole Dev backstory. Sasha and Brando kiss. They have sex in the truck. 

NOTE It's unforgivable that Anna isn't telling Finn about the poison. Chase is suffering needlessly. They could be TESTING FOR A TOXIN. 


  1. Replies
    1. I think yesterday? He wasn't on today and I haven't seen yesterdays' yet

  2. Was that a good scene with Sasha and Brando? He doesn't seem her type.

  3. I'm literally disgusted with how they have been writing Anna - and not telling Finn is ridiculous. She is supposed to be a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER - she is acting WEAK.

    1. They are ruining Anna and others to keep WR on the show. It is WRONG

  4. Brando's garage:

    Brasha: Love their scene! Especially when they Carona kiss and had Carona sex in his truck!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :) Wait. Rose and Jack are you in there? Maybe it's really them in there. :)

    The gatehouse:

    Michael and Dante:

    Michael: I love her so much I can't see straight.

    *Starts gagging*

    Carson home:

    Carly and Jax: Man! Carly is so worked up! ROFL! Calm down Carly and have some carona worked up zex! :)

    Carly, Jax, and Joss: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: I'm sorry. I will tone it down.

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. You can't tone anything down Carly! :)

    Carly and Joss: Awwwww love the mother and daughter heart to heart scene. :)

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Greg:

    Greg: How's our boy?

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Chase's room:

    Chase, Finchy, Greg, and Willow:

    Oh no!!! Chase can't feel anything and he feels a burning sensation! MY POOR CHASE!!!! My poor baby!!!! FIX HIM!!!!! :(

    Finchy: Where do you think you're going? Where do you think you're going?

    Awwww acting just like a father. :) What are you really worried about Willow? Chase? Or not being home with Michael?

    "Karen says, NOTE It's unforgivable that Anna isn't telling Finn about the poison. Chase is suffering needlessly".

    Why is this a surprise? Anna has kept things from Finchy and lied to him the whole time they have been a couple. She isn't going to change and all of a sudden tell him what is going on!!!

    "They could be TESTING FOR A TOXIN."

    I know!!!!!! Anna bot is back!

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANo Mountain bar:

    Nina, Phyllis, Sonny and Elijah: Wow Sonny is jelly and does not like Elijah! Oh come on Nina! Block Jax!!! Phyllis was great with Jax! :) I'm glad Sonny called about Elijah!

    Nixon Falls:

    Elijah and Nina: Hmmm I really really REALLY don't trust this guy.

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Sonny and Elijah: Great scene! I don't trust him either Sonny!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1996* Stefan Cassidine's first appearance!!

    1. Loved Gregory's line about "how's our boy". I did a big old awwwwww, too! :)

      Totally agree about AnnaBot. What the ever loving heck is going on with GH, Frank and the writers? This is all just a mess. Calling this a dumpster fire is an insult to dumpster fires everywhere!

    2. "Julie H says, Loved Gregory's line about "how's our boy". I did a big old awwwwww, too! :)"

      It was so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "Totally agree about AnnaBot. What the ever loving heck is going on with GH, Frank and the writers? This is all just a mess. Calling this a dumpster fire is an insult to dumpster fires everywhere!"

      I don't know what is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHH! Get rid of Hiney!!!! Get rid of AnnaBot and give her brain back!

  5. I’ve read this blog for a long time - even when not watching GH I would read the blog to stay in the loop - but I e never commented. The Wes Ramsey situation has compelled me to do so - lol - he must go.

    I don’t know if Laura Wright has made demands to keep him, but the powers that be need to take control here. If she wants to walk because they let him go, the let her walk. I enjoy her as Carly and would hate to see her leave, but enough is enough. You can’t ruin the show and staple characters like Anna to accommodate one actress or couple. If he goes and she follows him, bring back Sarah Brown. I can also think of handful of actresses who, if not already committed elsewhere, would be a great get for the role.

    I’m hoping this story is leading to a murder mystery, but please get on with it.

    1. KC. So glad that you commented. I think 100% of us on here agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!! (well, I can't speak for everyone, but everyone who has posted here I think)

    2. P.S. KC, I hope that you keep commenting. Nice to hear from others.

    3. thanks for commenting! and YES I hope to heck he goes too!

    4. Hi KC!!! Glad you started to comment!!! :) Hope you join us more! Yes I agree with you about Hiney! He needs to go!!!

    5. Hi KC and yes, I agree PLP needs to go and we need a murder mystery. It's beyond ridiculous now. And I'm glad you commented, too! :)

  6. With May sweeps coming, hoping that is when Peter is killed off.
    No matter what the threat, YES TELL FINN!

    Ugh Carly was back.

  7. So we are supposed to believe nobody can stop PLP? Not Robert, not Valentin, not Jason, not ANNA?? Come on. Why in the world is Exec Producer FRANK making these writers go out of their way to make the Vets look like complete idiots to prop this useless character and terrible actor?? IF the "actor" really did go to Julliard, they
    need to disavow him. So embarrassing.

    1. It is insulting to viewers at this point. Destroying big time WSB characters over some stupid BOY.
      Yesterday on Patreon Steve B said they were 4 weeks ahead in filming which would be May sweeps. For the love of all that is good and kind Peter better be dying this May!!!!

  8. I haven't been watching because Peter is on so much. Between the incompetence of the PCPD, there must have been some fingerprints of Peter's at Franco's murder and Anna letting him burn the evidence, it is like law enforcement is brain dead.

  9. -This may of already been covered, but why did they pick the name Elijah CROW for an African American character?! It doesn't help he is the villain in the story! They clearly weren't thinking.

    -If the Peter's story doesn't end with a whodunit, then it will be a giant wasted opportunity. Heck, I wouldn't even care if it ends up with Heather being the murderer.

    -Michael+Willow = Stale unsweetened tapioca pudding. I'm getting flashbacks to Emily & Sonny. Speaking of which...

    -Did Maurice Bernard tell GH writers to write this amnesia storyline for different material? The pacing has been very poor.

    Best Current Storyline: Alexis
    Worst Current Storyline:Tanno Time with "Mike" & Nina!(I feel like this storyline isn't even GH)
    Titanic Knock off: Brando & Sasha
    Random idea of the day: Pair Lucy with Gregory

    1. Good points, and I agree! Don't care for the Mike story at all, it's like a different show and one that I'm not interested in at all. :(

    2. What's wrong with the name Elijah Crowe? And I think Dan White is doing a great job portraying him.

    3. It's reminiscent of "Jim Crow," which has a horrible legacy for African-Americans.

  10. Is it just me or are the scenes with Sonny and Carly particularly annoying right now?

    1. Carly won't shut up and Sonny/Mike's cockiness is annoying. He was humble at first but quite the know it all now.

  11. After reading the blog and comments I want to click on 'like' for everything you all said.

    1. I wish we did have a like button! :)

    2. Me too. 👍 Feel free to copy and paste.

    3. Yeah I wish we had the like button too!!!

      "Di says, Me too. 👍 Feel free to copy and paste."




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