Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Beecher's Corners (Tuesday)


For a long time now, I have thought about doing a Vlog about Beecher's Corners. But right now I am just way too busy. (and so is Karen since she took today off) How about mentioning your favorite memory of the scenic wonderland when you comment on today's show.

Oh, and most importantly, remember to mention the black wig!


  1. OMG I have been suspended on Twitter for a comment I made about Peter!!!! I replied to one of Frank's tweet with "Just kill him already!" and now I'm suspended! HAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. wow. no freedom of speech even in fantasy land

    2. Exactly. Not even talking about a real person.

    3. Oh my, lol! Hope it's just temporary. Good thing the Twitter Police don't patrol this website, or we would all be in the pokey!

    4. Julie H you are right. We'd all be banned for horrible thoughts

    5. "Julie H says, Oh my, lol! Hope it's just temporary. Good thing the Twitter Police don't patrol this website, or we would all be in the pokey!"

      Hahahaha. No kidding!!

    6. Did he report you? We've all said that and worse but not on his site.

  2. my favorite was the left handed boy

  3. I loved all of it! The Sally reveal that 'she' was really a 'he' was kind of ground-breaking for a soap back then. Lone live Lloyd and Lucy Johnson!

    1. That was a good one! Brings back memories.

  4. Really a bad black wig but young Genie managed to rock it! Definitely a golden era for GH... left handed boy... the divided bed... the department store dance scene. From the moment Luke sprang out of the water and grabbed Laura's ankle and they were on the run... Fabulous. And it all worked because of their chemistry.

  5. Anyone watch the show today? Any good?

    1. It will be on abc site tonight after 8:00pm OMG I got about half of it recorded, Sam is wearing WHITE!!! 😱
      8p ET

    2. It will be on abc site tonight after 8:00pm OMG I got about half of it recorded, Sam is wearing WHITE!!! 😱
      8p ET

    3. Lots of Hiney/Anna dance. Aside from that...hopefully this different kind of baby switch scheme turns out interesting.
      And of course, a bit of 'the other side of the river'. Mike getting too close to Jax.

  6. I did. Parts were good. And there was some movement.

  7. Oh yes! Beechers corners!!! :) Everytime I hear that from someone on the show, my ears perk up! I love the left handed boy, I love Laura's wig! I love how Luke and Laura worked at that restaurant. I love their fake names. I love that Laura said no to sex with him at first. I love Hutch! I loved the whole damn storyline! :)

    Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river hospital:

    Nina and Jax:

    Nina: Jax what did you have to tell me when you called?

    Jax: We can get to that in a bit.

    SERIOUSLY JAX?! SERIOUSLY!?!?! I mean you came over there to talk to her about Wiley!!! Stop talking about Sonny! GAH!!!! So later on he finally tells her about Wiley! UGH!

    Nina and Mike: The look on Mike's face when he sees her!!! :) I love it!!! :) He is really interested in her! :)

    Mike and Phyllis:

    Phyllis: I have a feeling that Jax is in Nina's past. Who knows what, or who's in her future.

    OH WOW!!!! :) Really? Is this a hint from the writers that Nina and Sonny will be together when he gets his memory back? :)
    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Chase's room: Oh no oh no! CHASE!!!! :( Glad Anna gave Finchy the antidote! Liz looks at Finchy suspiciously! Chase is okay!!!! YAY!!!! When his eyes was moving, I was so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Willow is still there.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Dante and Sam: Sam is there for Dante. She even touched his hand. Oh I like Sam's outfit today. Oh she got a text from V.C. that Alexis wants to see her!

    Jail waiting area:

    V.C. and Alexis: Great scene! Alexis didn't want anybody to see her until she is situated in jail. V.C. gave her good advice!!!! :)

    Q home:

    Brooky and Olivia: Olivia tells Brooky about Maxie's plan! Olivia overheard Maxie telling Nathan all about it!!! You can see Brooky's mind working overtime!

    Maxie's home:

    Anna and Hiney: Hiney wagging his finger at her! Hahaha. Hiney gives her the antidote and off she runs like the wind!!!

    Maxie and Hiney: Hiney wants to help Maxie! He wants to hire someone to help Maxie!!!

    Maxie and Brooky: Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Did aliens take over your body when no one was looking?!


    1. My line of the day was Maxie and her crap detector! HAHAHAHAHAH!

      Feel free to kick me off the comment sections....I want PLP DEAD!!!! He was just so awful crouching down in front of AnnaBot then his smugness with Valentin.....I was heading to the kitchen for the butcher knife. Give me strength!!

      Someone really needs to tell Liz about PLP, it's getting ridiculous.
      Dante is so patient with his nosy mama....Olivia was cracking me up!

    2. "Julie H says, My line of the day was Maxie and her crap detector! HAHAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahaha that was good too. :)

      "Feel free to kick me off the comment sections....I want PLP DEAD!!!! He was just so awful crouching down in front of AnnaBot then his smugness with Valentin.....I was heading to the kitchen for the butcher knife. Give me strength!!"

      Hahahahaha. I want him dead too!!!! He needs to go now!!!!!

      "Someone really needs to tell Liz about PLP,"

      Didn't someone already tell her? I thought she was told. Hmmmm.

      "Dante is so patient with his nosy mama....Olivia was cracking me up!"

      Hahahaha. Remember when Dante and Lulu were trying to have a baby, and Dante was at the hospital giving his sample? Olivia walked right in! HAHAHAHAHA! Dante has patience of a saint! :)

    3. Totally forgot about Dante and his sample! That was hilarious!!

  8. I HATE what the writers have reverted Anna to. This is just so, so terrible. I don't want to get kicked off the internet like Lori, but I just want Peter so, so GONE; and not in jail either.

    1. Same here - he is so repulsive. And "Mike" is starting to get on my nerves, too - in everybody's business. He and Nina have absolutely nothing in common. Jax is a jerk but he is much better suited for her.

  9. I hope that they are dragging the Peter story out because they have an amazing May Sweeps ending to it.

    1. Wouldn't that make our year Jenny60. This whole blog would have a virtual party



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