Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Have a Nice Day


Karen can't make it today so she sent Ziggy in her place 
to wish all of you a great day. Feel free to comment below
on today's episode and anything else you want to share.


  1. Today's show interrupted half way through.
    Clearly Hiney is in control in every situation. It won't be long before he is the mayor of PC with Cyrus as deputy mayor. dog's name is Ziggy.

  2. As Peter gets more and more evil, there HAS to be a murder coming up! and it's stupid to think that Peter just "happen" to have poison in his apartment and just "happen" to know that waiter needed help from his parole officer and he just "happen" to have an antidote somewhere....
    I am screaming at this stupidity BUT if it gets us a murder, it's okay.
    and Elijah - Mike - ridiculous...……………..

    1. Everytime I see that attempt at a sinister face by Peter I hear a voice in the back of my head saying....Look mommy. Look at me. I can make an evil face.

      He is taking up way too much time on our screens. Val should have taken him over to the island and dropped him out, half way, with a concrete weiner attached to his feet.

      Yes...I've been cooped up too long and I need relief! (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

    2. Well, it's at the point now where we ALL are wondering why Frank and the writers are letting PETER win and have made scaredy-cats of Alexis and Valentine.

    3. Can someone just happen to kill him before I bitch slap him??? Where was that tape to cover his mouth and then they let him go!! How stupid are they???

    4. Aww Michelle L, they aren't going to kill him. So I'll hold him you slap him. :)

  3. You think Laura Wright might have something to do with Peter still being on the canvas?? I sure do. They want to keep her...Could careless about her boyfriend.

    1. Yup. TPTB don't care if other characters are ruined they just want LW happy.

    2. Maybe it's time to recast Carly.

    3. Only in my dreams would Sarah Brown come back! Really grateful though for limited Sonny time, and boy is he starting to look old.

  4. I just read that John Reilly's (Sean Donnelly) RL daughter is going to be on the special episode they are having for him. Wonder when that will be and how they are going to do it? Hope it's good like Alexis episode.

    1. She's playing Sean and Tif's daughter Annie. Yay!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I read that, too! I loved Sean back in the day, and am excited for this episode. It could be a Carly-less day! :)

  5. I can’t stand to even look at Peter anymore. I see bigmouth Carly is back tomw. Wiley is so cute and I wonder why Robert isn’t being utilized to help get rid of Peter.

  6. Chase's home:

    Chillow: Chase is getting worse!!!!! He passes out!!!! His fever is high!!! :( Chase wins the line of the day.

    Chase: Willow? Am I dreaming?

    ROFL! No Chase you are not having another fever dream!

    Q gatehouse:

    Michael and Wiley: Michael isn't taking Wiley to bed, even though it's late because he is waiting for Willow to come home, so that he could hear Willow say she loves both of them! UGH!

    Q home:

    Ned, Brooky, and Dante: Ned wants to shower Olivia with balloons and propose to her with a ring!!! UGH NO NED NO!!!!! Brooky and Dante don't think it's a good idea either!!!

    Ned and Dante: You cheated Ned!!!! No balloons and no engagement rings!!!! You have to do the damn work!!!!!

    Robert and Olivia: Awwwwwwwwwwww! Friendship. :) He is a good friend asking hard hitting questions! I can hear Robert say this,

    Robert, Olivia, and Brooky: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh Brooky is all judgy when she sees them holding hands!! Olivia blew up at Brooky! Rightly so!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna, V.C. and Hiney: Holy cow!!! This just a very very very bad play. Hiney brings up Sean Donnely! Oy! The parallels with Chase being poisoned and Sean being poisoned.. Come on you two just kill him!!! UGH!

    The hospital:

    Anna and Finchy: And of course, she isn't telling him the truth about how Hiney poisoned Chase. Nothing will change! UGH!

    Finchy: I thought I had a brother. Turns out I really wanted a son.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :( Great line!

    Chase's room:

    Chillow: Chase has got a really really high fever of 104!! Now what Willow? What are your plans now?!!?!!

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Sonny and Nina: Sonny really really wants to dance with Nina and really wants to go to that dance. He is still all flirty with her! :) Nina brings up dancing with the stars, and Sonny has no idea what that is hahahaha.

    Sonny, Nina, and Elijah: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Sonny is jelly of Elijah! Elijah wants to take Nina out sight seeing! Sonny don't trust him!

  7. I was rather grateful for the episode interruption. Didn't have to look or listen to Pooter for that 20 minutes.

  8. In non-Peter news... Chase and Willow have SO much more chemistry than Michael and Willow.

    1. Agreed! Michael barely has chemistry with Wiley.

    2. "LSV422 says, Michael barely has chemistry with Wiley."

      ROFL! Good one. :)

    3. He's great with the blocks too. lol

    4. When he told her he couldn't wait to be with her she said me too, but her face looked like she was being walked to the guillotine. It looks perpetually stuck in scared or disgusted mode. Did the wind change mid scene one day or something?

  9. Check out all the tweets to FV about Peter hatred. They don't mince any words, even about LW's influence on this horrid casting mistake of an actor. And WR is copied on them. I would feel bad for him if he had been cast without connections to the show. He could be the nicest guy in the world but he needs to go.



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